Naked rambler Nigel Keer put off his stride by woman dog-walker’s distress

Jaya Narain

Last updated at 10:38 AM on 16th February 2012

As an avowed naturist Nigel Keer likes nothing better than to stroll naked through the countryside or take a skinny dip in a remote reservoir.

But today the naked rambler found himself hauled before the courts after he stumbling over a shocked policeman.

The off-duty officer had been alerted after a woman dog walker wandered past him with a ‘disgusted’ look on her face.

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Naked rambler Nigel Keer was charged with a public order offence after a fellow walker complained about his state of undress

Naked rambler Nigel Keer was charged with a public order offence after a fellow walker complained about his state of undress

And when he continued his jog across the rural beauty spot he spotted the object of her revulsion – a portly, middle-aged man wearing only a pair of walking boots and a rucksack.

PC Mark Buxton said: ‘I saw a middle aged male with short, dark hair, who was slightly overweight.

‘He was wearing nothing but a pair of walking boots and a back pack and I could clearly see his p***s and genitals. I couldn’t believe what I had seen. I was shocked and surprised.’

PC Buxton told Leeds Magistrates’ Court he felt ‘shock and horror’ at the naked man in front of him but decided he was ‘duty bound’ to arrest Keer.

He ordered him to take out some clothes from the rucksack he was carrying and put them on.

Keer, 41, initially refused to believe PC Buxton was a police officer as he was dressed in jogging gear, but eventually he agreed to put his clothes on and accompany him to a nearby car park where fellow officers arrived.

Fully clothed: Mr Keer is a keen rambler who says he will continue to 'go naturist' even after being hauled before the courts

Fully clothed: Mr Keer is a keen rambler who says he will continue to ‘go naturist’ even after being hauled before the courts

Yesterday, Keer was fined £150 and ordered to pay £150 costs after he was found guilty of causing alarm or distress.

The court heard the incident happened on October 2 last year at Otley Chevin, a beauty spot in Yorkshire.

Off-duty PC Buxton was jogging in a popular beauty spot when he spotted the woman dogwalker.

PC Buxton, who has had 16 years’ experience with West Yorkshire Police, told the jury: ‘She kept looking behind her to her left and I could see from the disgusted frown on her face and body posture that she was upset about something.’

He continued jogging through the grassland when he noted the object of her concern, the court heard.

During police interview Keer, who retains his job with a local coach firm, said he had walked the Yorkshire Three Peaks – Pen-y-Ghent, Whernside and Ingle borough – naked for charity and had been a member of the Naturist Association since 2004.

Keer told the court most negative reactions to his naturist hikes amounted to ‘tutting’ but most people were positive.

On the day in question he had walked past 15 people and not had a single negative comment and claimed he had not seen the lady with a dog.

He claimed PC Buxton had approached him and told him ‘Get a life you sad git’, to which he replied: ‘I’ve got a life, I’m a naturist.’

Keer said he had not seen the woman in distress or her dog, and told the court: ‘I don’t believe she even exists.’

He added: ‘I wasn’t flashing because I was already naked. If someone was flashing on the moor I would have been the first one to say that was wrong.’

Beauty spot: Otley Chevin, near Leeds, west Yorkshire, is a popular place for ramblers and dog walkers

Beauty spot: Otley Chevin, near Leeds, west Yorkshire, is a popular place for ramblers and dog walkers

Catherine Dowson, prosecuting, claimed Keer had walked on Otley Chevin to ‘get a reaction’ and that is why he had kept a scorecard, an allegation Keer denied.

Under cross examination from Keer’s solicitor Peter Byrne, PC Buxton admitted the lone female dog walker had not been traced.

After the hearing, Keer said: ‘I will continue to “go naturist” outdoors and in the countryside, but I will have to be more careful in the future.’

Stephen Gough, 52, earned the title Naked Rambler by walking unclothed from Land’s End to John O’Groats after quitting his job as a lorry driver.

He has been repeatedly arrested walking naked through the streets and was last year jailed for 657 days for his latest breach.

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Why do these eternal show offs think that they are somehow special? They obviously didn’t get enough attention as a child.

This man clearly gets a kick out of walking around like this. He has no shame and clearly does not care that women and children might be distressed by him. No decent man would do this.

On the DM home page, this article is introduced as “Prolific naked rambler who terrified woman dog walker at remote spot gets caught after bumping into off-duty policeman”. Prolific? Do you mean he has a large family? And, having read the article, that should read “who ALLEGEDLY terrified woman dog walker”.

Knowing the police I dont think there was a woman dog walker, they are full of excuses to get themselves an arrest and another tick in there brownie point box.
And also just for the none believers, the police do tell lies in court, they are not as saintly as you think, there just as bent as the next person they arrest.

Funny old thing culture, people around the world go around without clothes all their lives without giving it a second thought yet others go into shock at the thought of a naked geezer out jogging. The policeman probably should have known if he had done elementary biology at school that the p**** is part of the male genitalia not an addition.

I am in no way a prude and done my fair share of public nudity( covertly that is), however what this chap does and continues to do under the guise of freedom and life choice is perverse in 21st century Britain in most peoples eyes, it’s just plain wrong and why he can’t wear a small thong to hide his bits so children and the easily offended don’t have to be exposed to his winkie!!!! Naturism has it’s place in a controlled and consenting environment, but what this guy does smacks at thrill seeking, otherwise he would follow the doctrine of the many thousands of his ilk and cover up when his urges lead to offense. Plus it must be bloody cold on them there moors?

If a policeman is “shocked and surprised” at seeing a nudist, I would suggest he is in the wrong job. Either that or he is buttering it up for the judge!

Why is there never any naked women ramblers?

I’m surprised that the police could pin anything on him.

What a wally! I think he got away with a very lenient fine. The policeman is to be commended for arresting the idiot, I can understand the dog walkers disgust. Common decency should have told Keer that such behaviour is unacceptable, even in this enlightened age. If he does try to appeal his fine it should be doubled!

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