Naked carjacker injures 7 in rampage: Man shuts down town after flipping Porsche and breaking pregnant woman’s legs

A rampaging naked car-jacker wearing only his socks ran amok in Scottsdale, Arizona today, causing two terrific car collisions that injured seven people and shut down most of the city’s roads during rush hour.

Witness photos of the destruction caused by the man show him standing triumphantly on top a SUV while debris from the smash litters the roadside.

The first car crash was reported to the police at 1.30 p.m. after which the man is said to have left his vehicle, stripped naked and car-jacked a Toyota Prius, pulling the female passenger from the car.

Minutes later, the man had motored to Shea Boulevard, near to 90th St in Scottsdale where he collided with four other vehicles, causing one of the drivers to suffer a serious injury.

By now, the man was causing panic as he exited the now totaled Toyota Prius and attempted to carjack another two vehicles before police officers arrived and arrested him.

Mark Clark, a spokesman for Scottsdale police said that the man’s erratic beahviour suggests that he may have taken drugs.

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Witnesses to the first serious crash at Hayden and Via De Ventura, where three people were injured, said that the man’s car crashed into a Porsche, which caused the sports car to crash into another vehicle.

Exiting his car, the man began singing and chanting while he removed his clothes, ran up to a Prius, pulled the woman from the car and sped off.

The Porche driver was seriously injured during the first crash while the woman was not hurt according to ABC

After the second collision, the Prius is reported to have rolled several times before the man was ejected through the windshield.

Witnesses then claimed that the man then stood up and ran over to two SUV’s and tried to car-jack them before police arrived.

Injured during the second collision were a pregnant lady who sustained two broken legs.

The suspect was taken to a nearby hospital were he is being evaluated for drug use and mental issues.

‘The violence and the damage that was caused indicates that it was pretty high speeds involved,’ said Clark.

‘We are trying to work out what was going on with this man.’

He could face carjacking and hit and run charges added Clark.

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