Myth of the Good Jew

Myth of the Good Jew: Why Gilad Atzmon is Irrelevant
By Khanverse

People new to the Truth Movement in 2016 have a lot less disinfo to sift through than the early adopters had in 2004 and 2005. Over the last 11-12 years as we’ve developed in our understanding and conception of the diabolical conspiracy against humanity, we’ve also observed tens of thousands of curious and brave new souls enter the fray and rapidly evolve in their knowledge. Long gone are most of the dead ends and pitfalls the early researchers faced trying to define and corral the nebulous entities that would be very difficult to bring to justice, namely, Reptilians, Jesuits, Germanic Death Cults, Illuminati and Globalists, to name a few.

Over time and with persistence, the naked Truth has shocked our senses over and over, unassailably revealing that this global intergenerational conspiracy is run by Luciferian Talmudic Ashkenazi Jews emanating from Rothschild’s European banking dynasties and extending their tentacles through Organized Jewry, engulfing the entire Planet.

Every single day, new people who’ve been studying the conspiracy arrive at the fearsome chasm they must brave between Zionism and Judaism. As Gentiles born without an “anti-Semitic” gene, we tend to attribute good intentions to most common Jews we come across, especially those humanistically exposing some element of Israeli barbarism. Additionally, everything from our upbringing in this Judaic Matrix reinforces the self-Chosen’s flattering mythology of a pristinely innocent and perpetually persecuted people. The Pharisaic Python reaches deep into inner city elementary schools to poison the minds of black descendants of slaves reminding them that, even you shvatzas haven’t suffered nearly as much as the Jews, while Jews were the primary slave traders in arguably the most insidiously inhumane practice of all time. This same serpent slithers into the brains of impressionable young adults at the most esteemed centers of higher learning, cloaked in innocuous Cultural Marxism, establishing hyper-aggressive, fragmented Leftist identity politics. Patriotic populism becomes Authoritarian Fascism as a labyrinthine and inconsistent, politically correct lexicon is ensconced to monitor and police discussion. Hollywood needs no introduction as a Judeo-supremacist mind control entity, though one can read Neal Gabler’s An Empire of their Own for more indisputable details.

Good Jews?

This brings us to the good Jew. The idealistic good Jew, in the popular conception, is one who doesn’t openly display bloodthirsty anti-Gentile hatred, publicly shows ‘solidarity’ with the Palestinian and / or other indigenous cause and doesn’t apparently harm living creatures by word or deed.

Thus, it is a great testament to our relentless collective evangelism of these uncomfortable truths that there seems to be a veritable explosion of good Jews sprouting up everywhere. You’re against right-wing fascism? They got Jews for that. Don’t like the soft and whiny left-wing SJWs? They got Jews for that. 9/11 Truth? They got lots of Jews for that like the Loose Change triumvirate, Dylan Avery, Korey Rowe, and Jason Bermas, along with Adam Kokesh and the accessory to the murder of Dan Wallace, Luke Rudkowski. Need an Islamophobic talking point? They got Jews for that. Need someone to save the towel heads from Islamophobia? They got Jews for that too. Hate black people? They got racist Jews for that. Hate white people? They got anti-racist Jews for that also, naturally. This is celebrated as the holy and wholly distinct Jewish tradition of diversity embrace, though arguably, it is more accurately recognized as tribal, Jewish chameleonic deception.

From Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn and Norman Finkelstein before, to Max Blumenthal and Philip Weiss now, Gentiles have been celebrating these ‘brave, honest, good Jews’ as they courageously exposed Israeli crimes already arduously elucidated by affected Gentiles, decades prior, in far more gruesome and explicit detail. In spineless acquiescence to Jewish Chosenness, Gentiles overlook the gatekeeping, limited hangout enclaves these duplicitous Jews have created to police discussion to highlight what they deem “anti-Semitic” and thus by extension, summarily inaccurate.

Immediately on arrival, anyone who claims even a fraction of Jewish heritage catapults to the summit of the discourse, invited to pontificate in demagoguery and allowed to bludgeon dissent, especially and most crucially, “anti-Semitic” dissent. The directly affected indigenous, whether BLM activists or Palestinian SJP members, learn the ‘trigger warnings’ of unacceptable talking points and serve as compliant deputies to these good Jews, subserviently policing the periphery to prevent open dialogue on the most heinous and monstrous Jew deceptions: 9/11, the Holocaust, Satanic Ritual Murder and genocidal Talmudic degeneracy. From Ali Abunimah to Rania Khalek, Remi Kenazi to Linda Sarsour, these House Browns play a mid-level managerial role in this Jewish gatekeeping extravaganza. If these Browns can’t handle it, they go to their superiors for a universally binding fatwa that all solidarity activist groups must swear an oath to uphold. This is how the cause of Palestine has been merged with the homosexual agenda as two parts of the same problem, cis-gender hetero-normative patriarchy, perhaps. Thus, staunch Muslim revolutionaries must hold their nose to stop the gag reflex as they tacitly endorse evangelical homosexuals in order to speak in equal support of Palestine and the ‘colonialist imperialist Nazi’ Jewish state, rather than the genocidal cancerous entity in the Middle East, which is an existential threat to humanity and all forms of life.

Gilad Atzmon is Useless

Wily crypto-Jew, anti-Jew, Jewish supremacist opportunist Gilad Atzmon, seized the moment for shekels and fame, jumping into this undefined space in the early 2000s using his universally accepted credentials, As a Jew, to gain attention and prominence. Changing the attack on Zionism to an attack on Jewish ‘exceptionalism’, he captured the attention of those forced to the fringes of mainstream Palestine solidarity discourse. From here, Gilad’s narrative as the sole good Jew willing to call out other Jews for their Chosenite behavior has helped him gain notoriety and devoted fans all around the world, which he wields in classic Jewish self-interest, indulging his boundless ego.

As a loose coalition of the willing and able, we are partially culpable for this paradigm. Even when Alan Sabrosky came out to expose the primary Israeli role in 9/11, we promoted him incessantly as much for his 1/4th Jewish heritage as for his Army War College credentials. Meanwhile, he simply spoke on research that came mostly from Christopher Bollyn, a strong WASP revolutionary voice who almost single-handedly exposed all Zionist Jewish and Israeli connections to 9/11. Bollyn escaped a Soviet style Judaic tribunal in grave danger and threat to his life in Hoffman Estates, a suburb of Chicago, in the fall of 2006.

Over the last several years, though his Gentile acquaintances have included brilliant visionaries and staunch Resistance voices like Nahida Izzat, Jonathan Azaziah and Mark Glenn, Atzmon, from bandmates to organizers and dear friends, has kept his closest circles distinctly Jewish. This is rather peculiar when his rhetoric seems so incendiary and spasm-inducing to the Jewish Left, which is arguably tamer than the Likudnik Right. At times, Atzmon seemingly abandons his Jewish identity and concomitant privilege while at other times, he reiterates it forcefully to remind us of his unquestionably superior Jew ability to say ‘Jew’ instead of ‘Zionist.’ His unabashed self-promotion is always on display in his writings and talks for everyone to view for themselves. He is the radical Tim Wise of the Palestine Solidarity discourse.

This underscores a key characteristic of Judaic tribal identity. Orthodox Chabadniks will more than tolerate flamboyant Jewish perverts and rabid Secular-Feminist Jewesses because they serve to erode Gentile society with inflammatory false flags, bewildering confusion and grotesquely profane provocation. This is a people that always actively hides rampant rabbinical and incestual child rape in their own communities, to their own detriment, to prevent wider exposure of the rotten Satanic core of Judaism to Gentile authorities. Desiring Jews to join us as equals or even subordinates in our Resistance to Organized Jewry is fanatically foolish and exceptionally irrational.

These ‘former Jews’ remain functionally Jewish in Jewish circles irrespective of their deceptively attempted redemptive narrative as ex-excessive self lovers. These part-time Jews will still be allowed citizenship in The Entity if they so choose. You will find their intellectual contributions overwhelmingly stale and their political commentary archaic and largely inaccurate, so there is no sensible reason to subsidize them with praise and promotion, simply for the accident of birth into a Jewish family. They will always be welcome and taken back into those private Jewish circles of insular intrigue like the profusely repentant degenerate David Cole and the profoundly apologetic son of a Rav, Ariel Toaff. Both of those men and their forays into Gentile-led discussions on Jewish deception and savagery were guided by self-interest and Jew on a Perch glory. When it came down to dropping their primary identity and having Jewish wrath unleashed on them, they slithered back into favor, disavowing and vociferously condemning their former views.

The Talmud states Jesus is boiling in feces in hell. Yes, the very hell which Jews don’t even believe in. That makes Moishe Rosen of Jews for Jesus fame yet another fascinating and revelatory example which shows how far Jews will go while maintaining Jewish identity. Even the uniquely perverse 15th Century fake Jewish Messiah Shabbetai Zevi ‘converted’ to Islam after promoting orgies and ritual human blood rites to his followers. These are not men like Myron Fagan, Benjamin Freedman, John Gunther Dean or Paul Wellstone. Certainly not Bobby Fischer or Israel Shahak.

This is why we challenge any of Gilad Atzmon’s closest Goy friends to come out and give a glowing review about his character as a person. I readily admit I never met this Jew but his Judeo-Supremacist aura overwhelms us with every single one of his long, drawn out, accented stutterances in his ‘talks.’ His unabashed and unjustifiable pomposity and self-righteousness seeps through unmistakably. This is not a good Jew, here to save us from the bad Jews. Gilad is a classic case of a Judaic NPD obliviously addicted to his own delusional sense of primal self-importance, As a Jew. There is little fresh substance here and I have a hunch that if we dig into anecdotal evidence, more creepy Talmudism may surface. He simply doesn’t have the intellectually robust, genuinely self-transcendent inquisitive feel of Stephen Lendman, Joel Kovel, or Tony Judt.

Since no Goy critique of the Jew would be complete without a disclaimer:

It must be said, Gilad Atzmon’s book, The Wandering Who, gives interesting insights and serves its purpose with some tempered perspective that navigates the psychosis of Jewish Identity. This is why I mention it on my upcoming album, This Is Resistance.

Also, no one functionally cerebral can suggest Jews have an exclusive monopoly over evil. However, if an evil exists, the Jew does it the Besht™ and gets away with it the most. And when it comes to gatekeeping in a haughty Chosenite manner, Gilad is right there with the best of them, imagining himself perched above us, delineating what is certifiably kosher and what is unmistakably haram, celebrating his cult of personality and choosing which heinous acts of the Monsters™ can and should be condemned and which ones we shall remain silent about or incur his Jewish wrath and dismissive disdain.

If an ostensibly recovering, former Jew is claiming to reject a Judaic conspiracy in totality, shouldn’t the primary pillars of that conspiracy be obliterated first? If we put an asterisk by Jewish Ritual Murder as historically unverifiable, Joachim and Boaz of the Kehilla’s Oligarchy are 9/11 and the Holocaust/Hitler/NSDAP. Where does Gilad stand on those subjects, one may ask? He’s still skirting 9/11 in totality, and has celebrated persecuted Holocaust Deniers, in the name of free speech, which he amusingly fashions himself a recovering-Chosen champion of. He has never endorsed the notion that the Holocaust™ is a monumental and catastrophic fraud, and perhaps the greatest terroristic psy-op ever devised.

Beyond The Wandering Who, which is worth purchasing, and the apparent dedicated trolling of Max Blumenthal, the rest of Atzmon’s entire contribution to our liberationist discourse is that Chosen Jews will act like Chosen Jews, and, as an on-again, off-again Chosen Jew, he stands up for his own right to say so, as a bulwark for the Goyim’s right to say so. I imagine, if he didn’t have an unhealthy and cartoonish sense of self-importance, over the last decade, he would have been promoting the work of many of the fiery luminaries that make up the real grassroots of Gentile Resistance to Global Judaic Supremacy, and not just words about him.

We are to believe that once Gilad detoxed from his childhood brainwashing and extricated himself from the supremacist jingoism of ‘Israel’ that he had wholly abandoned Jewish culture and purged his demons. No, not so. Not quite. In fact, Gilad remains an archetypal secular Jew, interfacing with Gentiles with a Judaic agenda, namely, to encourage fawning approbation from his acolytes for the righteous act of saying Jew just as often as Zionist yet also dismissing exposure of the most heinous Jewish lies. He’s a dilettante historian and clearly an elementary political analyst, at best. His squatting role in our narrative as an oppressive outsider with privilege, is making fun of Jews being Jews, As a Jew.

I would openly welcome and appreciate Mr. Atzmon doing the easy, yet highly useful work of translating revelatory Hebrew speeches of the Israeli political elite, to its intensely devoted, sanguinary populace, when the Goyim aren’t watching. The principle of whistleblowing is crucial. It takes courage to take risks with your life for humanity’s sake, driven by a belief in something greater than yourself. This is how we learned from Israel Shahak about the Oded Yinon plan concocted in the 80’s which has had Syria ablaze for more than 5 years. Ex-Jew Christian, Mordechai Vanunu is still paying the price for his exposure of Israel’s vast array of WMDs. How does Gilad want to be remembered?

Hello? Bollyn!

Christopher Bollyn, ever the inquisitive and fiercely unyielding researcher, happened to meet Gilad Atzmon in the fall of 2014. His investigative scrutiny led him to ask Gilad if he had any relation to Menachem Atzmon, convicted Israeli criminal and key 9/11 conspirator as the head of ICTS, a security company implicated in 9/11, the shoe-bomber fiasco of 2001, 7/7 in 2005, the Christmas day underwear bomber of 2009 and possibly others. Gilad unhesitatingly confirmed that indeed he was. Gilad then revealed that he was also a relative of Nathan Yellin-Mor, co-founder with Avraham Stern of the Jewish terrorist outfit LEHI, commonly known as The Stern Gang. Yellin-Mor was a primary conspirator in the assassination of Lord Moyne and Count Folke Bernadotte, the two primary, high ranking officials with key roles of preventing conflagration in Mandate Palestine. Gilad also revealed that he’s related to Tzipi Livni and to Janet Yellen, chairwoman of the Fed. Impressive isn’t it?

One has to wonder, why did it take Bollyn’s curiosity, keen eye to detail and a chance meeting between them for Gilad to reveal that he is family members with a very key suspect in the 9/11 attacks which killed 3000, hundreds more first responders and probably close to 4 million human beings, primarily Muslims in the 15 year aftermath of the “War on Terror?” It had already been more than 12 years; without Bollyn, would this revelation ever been forthcoming? What would it have taken for this unanimously anointed good Jew to reveal this important nugget of vital information?

Being related to Janet Yellen and Tzipi Livni, imagine some of the other family secrets Gilad could possibly investigate and divulge to the benefit of Goyim at large. Why remain quiet? Why not ever promote genuine 9/11 Truth even after meeting Bollyn? Interestingly, the only reference to Bollyn on Gilad’s website is a reproduction of Bollyn’s review of Gilad’s aforementioned The Wandering Who.

This indeed is the enigma of the Kehilla. So few are Jews in terms of the Globe’s population, yet they are ubiquitously found in positions of authority in all aspects of power, while small enough that the goodest Jew on Earth is the nephew of the one of the most evil terrorist Jews, intimately involved in the most cataclysmic event in several decades. More disturbingly, this was uncovered by a relentless Gentile researcher, not readily revealed by Gilad himself. Is this why Gilad doesn’t want to bring attention to the Israeli role in 9/11, to protect his uncle from being prosecuted for this heinous crime via ICTS? Also, if ex-Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky was chased all the way to Canada with death threats by Jewish lunatics for a relatively innocuous, partial expose of Mossad terrorism, why has Gilad not faced the wrath of the Mishpucka for his provocative anti-Semitism, especially from his own bloodthirsty terrorist kin like Menachem Atzmon and Tzipi Livni? Why is he still treated as family by the Jews he commiserates with?

Jews like Gilad prefer to believe the Globe’s Jewish problem is not really about genetics but primarily about ideology. But from our own experience we know that ideology doesn’t fully encapsulate the nuanced behavior of any individual, despite many self-righteous claims to the contrary. Show me an ardent puritanical cleric and I can show you a vile child rapist. Genetics, however, do yield a pretty consistent track record of behavior. Any of us can look at our lives objectively and see good and bad habits we’ve innately established that are found in our parents. We can overcome the negative personality traits but it requires consistent focused attention. I look at Ashkenazi Jews this way. Consequently, the Talmud is simply an ideological reinforcement and consolidation of this genetic inheritance.

Though Mr. Atzmon should be recognized as prescient in carving out this territory for himself, he still functions as a Jewish gatekeeper clearly outlining the parameters of our narrative. Noam Chomsky and Miko Peled have done the same with Zionism. This is why we suggest anyone claiming part-time ex-Jewishness is likely trying to deceive and this shapeshifting chameleonic self-identification is mostly irrelevant because Jews are hardwired for generations into selfish, anti-Gentile behavior. You can’t be mad at a snake for shedding its skin and slithering away. That’s what snakes will do.

Gilad gets a kick out of Israeli domination of Arabs and Jewish domination of Gentiles, as a natural outgrowth of clever rabbinic eugenics. His lazy and flatulent ‘support’ of the Palestinian cause is minuscule and driven by his ability to squat on this massive, previously un-Jew-tapped, prime real estate in the discourse where the Truth Movement was always headed marketing himself as a reformed good Jew. Again, we give him credit for his shrewd discernment.

I humbly suggest we stop looking for good Jews. It’s high time we stop getting distracted and wasting precious time consuming ancient, shoddily recycled information by those angling and promoting themselves as good Jews. Focus on the Goal: global, regional, national and local sovereignty and independence from the Organized Talmudic Octopus. I fail to see how pompous, self-righteous, and contemptuous Jews fit in. Where could they possibly add value to our burgeoning Resistance to their brethren’s evil schemes?

Now, As a Pashtun descendant of the original Lost Tribe of Joseph I can’t help my own pretentious cockiness; It’s innate, and admittedly, eerily reminiscent of Chosenness. Consequently, Gilad’s clumsy blog is unworthy of my careful scrutiny and attentive analysis to pluck specific examples of his glaringly translucent, arrogant, minimalist, deceptive Jewish incrementalism. Suffice it say, the following answer from a few weeks ago, on May 6th 2016, which he gave to Eric Gajewski on his radio show is instructive on where he stands and how he wields what he knows.

Observe this monumentally clever Jewish genius confuse Hezbollah and ISIS as but two, possibly Mossad created, manifestations of ‘Islamic Resistance’. Gilad Atzmon, ladies and gentlemen: Click to hear his analysis on “Islamic Resistance” groups

Yes, you heard that correct, Atzmon just conflated the most revolutionary, inspiring Resistance group on Earth that has multiple victories against The Entity, Hezbollah, with the vilest, most barbaric Judaic mercenary group of all time, the Takfiri Goy Golem of ISIS.

Do you trust this Jew to walk with you in humanity through the finish line of a liberated Al-Quds?

Wake me from my aloof slumber when he confesses the Jewish lie of the Holocaust and the Israeli Masterpiece of 9/11, and promotes our greatest contributor to this discourse, the indefatigable Gentile, Christopher Bollyn, who put his life on the line to bring us exclusive and explosive information about the real Judaic culprits of 9/11.

We aren’t calling for a boycott, sanction, divestment from, or disavowal of, Gilad Atzmon. If he’s tickling you in the right places, by all means, titillate away. But those of us who don’t need Jews to repackage our information and sell it back to us, dripping with Chosenite supremacy, will discover those who do the difficult and dangerous work of primary research, like Christopher Bollyn, and send our love and support in that Gentile’s direction.

Unless we have a repentant group of former Jews with some substantive secret information from the vile depths of the foul colon of the toxic Shul regarding an upcoming Judaic False Flag massacre, Jews should be ignored and shunned from all of our Gentile Resistance movements against their hegemony, or else Jewish Supremacy will remain supreme, donning different masks as it sadistically and ritualistically rapes us. This isn’t just about Gilad. This is about how we interface with Jews 2.0 who enter our discourse with a Save Sudan™ Tikkun Olam style smile and nothing but the shiny, holographic, embedded J-badge glued to their chest, telling us it’s time to liberate ’67 Palestine, embrace LGBTQQIAAP, stop neo-fascist imperialism, and annihilate anti-Semitism.

I’m good on the Good Jews, thanks.

The spiritual giant Malcolm X, may God rest his soul in eternal bliss, used to tell white people who wanted to join his cause to stay away from Black Liberationist movements and take on the more difficult and tangible task of fixing problems among white society, directly on their own. In that spirit, I encourage all Gentiles to form a cohesive block that prevents Jews from entering our ranks until the Kehilla has transparently given up on its multi-millennia old, genocidal dystopian dream. They must dismantle and liquidate ‘Israel’ and their usurious central banks, relinquish all their destructive weaponry and then rapidly dissolve all forms of Jewish power in media, academia and everywhere else and apologize to everyone.

… Exactly. I’m not holding my breath.

Beware, there will be a total Noahide flood of good Jews in the coming months and years that will seek to carve out a niche in our Resistance to Organized Jewry’s genocidal rampage, purely and selfishly out of a survival mechanism. Their Talmudic war path is untenable. The jig is up. They know. These good Jews will condemn Israel and the, ever so few, bad Jews, claim universalist secular piety, then intricately develop their complex adaptive system to once again dissolve and disintegrate our nascent revolution as an efficient, parasitic, tribalistic super-organism.

The entire Planet is waking up to the Pharisaic Python as it feverishly tries to suffocate the last breaths of our Gentile autonomy. We don’t need to hold the hands of good Jews and patiently and painstakingly help them navigate their own psychoses while their close relatives plot the details of WWIII. There are too many of us and too few of them. We must Save our Planet from their Samson option apocalypse.

Gentiles are well-acquainted with the corrosive Judaic hive mind. It has a long and sordid history. Codreanu tried to warn his people, Solzhenitsyn made a valiant effort in 200 Years Together. From Nesta Webster to Eustace Mullins and Elizabeth Dilling to Michael Hoffman II, we know their story and History. The good Jews will be loud and unmistakeable like Myron Fagan, Benjamin Freedman and Jack Bernstein. They will find us, out of breath from the urgency, warning us of secrets we could never know, compelled by a Divine conscience. They won’t be gatekeeping headmasters like Max Blumenthal who breaks Passover bread with his father Sydney, a Clinton handler and Judaic butcherer of Libya.

Certainly, this is nothing new or groundbreaking here. Even in this era, Jonathan Azaziah, for one, has dealt with this uniquely Jewish, shape-shifting paradigm cogently and in more depth, several years ago, with the articles linked below. This is only a reminder and an admonishment because our magnificent transcendent religion demands it of us.

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