A mysterious flying object was observed in the sky of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia on January 3, 2016.
But nobody knows what it is. Here maybe a clue…
Cameras of the Ukrainian observation network recorded a burning meteor-like object striking the sky of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia at around 9:40 pm local time.
The strange flashing object was travelling at an altitude of ~ 77 km and a speed of about 6 km/s, from the southwest to the northeast.
Its disintegration created a long, wide, slightly glowing orange-red trail resembling a slow-burning gases. Was it a comet? A meteor? Space junk?
Well it was most likely the Soviet satellite Cosmos-1763, launched on July 16, 1986 from Plesetsk, Russia and which re-entered Earth atmosphere on January 3, 2016.
Source Article from http://www.sott.net/article/310023-Mysterious-space-object-filmed-over-Ukraine-Belarus-and-Russia
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