American decay


It is hard going, being impoverished and poor in the American Nightmare… I read that the American Working Class for the most part is so foolish, that they idolize the rich; and resent it when people much poorer than themselves get welfare payments, so they are dead set against them. So the working classes are against social insurance and they idolize the rich. Forget about Marxism now. You cannot liberate people that are this stupid. No hope here. The reason lots of them went for Trump is because the working classes hate the upper middle class managerial snobs that they work for, serve in restaurants, and get abuse from. This includes “Limousine Liberal” Democrats. The working classes hate these people, which is why they rejected Hillary Clinton in droves. The white working class, this nebulous, dying phantom is a case in point. This is true of them more than anyone else.

I am a member of the White Underclass. Too poor to be considered as part of the white working class. Technically, I am a Jew, but only 25%, so mostly white. I understand the unique disease of the white underclass, really quite well. The white underclass is a class of nihilists. Deep down, we all love death and destruction, especially when it visits itself upon the affluent who live lives we will never have. We all love it when they suffer violence, when they are murdered in terrible ways, when their fancy houses burn down, or are destroyed in floods. We live to see the rich and affluent suffer. We stay glued to our TVs or cheap tablets or PCs and we suck it all up like heroin, the heroin that many of us die from, the ones that are lucky. We are ghouls for all of this. It is true. Buy are we aware of it? No, we are not. We could never own up to being this evil consciously, we would condemn ourselves. We experience all of this in a private state of hypnosis, where we feel like we’re something other than ourselves. Enjoy it as a kind of vicarious power, and then disown it and forget it. It is not us, oh no…

But what we are percolates upward. The sickness visits those at the top. We think we live in isolation, but we do not. Especially now with the internet, where even the poor manage to have a cheap $100 tablet, like the one I am typing on right now. The dark flood of death and hate surrounds us all now. After decades of suffering at the bottom, the poison is everywhere now, and we are always willing to share it with those above. America is very good at ill treating its own. American society is less than worthless. It is all becoming so obvious now. So many people are aware of it, even those that hide behind their flags and their patriotism. I stopped saying the Pledge Of Alliegance when I was 11 years old. I stood with everyone and said nothing. I knew that it was nonsense, lots of others are seeing it as well. People cling to Patriotism because it is giving them an illusory kind of certainty in the face of the fear, cruelty, hypocrisy, and meaninglessness that surrounds them. But like everything else, it’s comforts are eroding in the face of reality. Patriotism means that you can do what you want with your money, and that is all. American society in all else is as collectivist as any fascist or communist system. Go and preach against Capitalism in front of Walmart. The cops will give you a beating that would make Stalin or the East German Stasi proud.

There is no hope in or for America. Things will never get better and life will always be bad. The population is too complacent and stupid and will suffer anything without complaint. They will bless the manacles they are fastened with. They will kiss their chains like a newfound dawn in its pristine glory. Leftism is a phantom. Bernie Social Democracy like Sweden or Norway, forget it. Not even to save the economy. The rich people and the government will put people in concentration camps before they will even spend a dime more on social welfare programs. If you are a poor American, you are doomed… Things will never improve. That is true.

America is a a social experiment in how much collective misery a society can endure and not fall to pieces. We are lab rats in this. But those better off have small miseries from this. The bourgeoisie have their friends and family walk out of their lives, because their poorer associates cannot bear their success. They do not let themselves have real friends, for fear that friends may ask for too much. But compared to the poor this is laughable; these bourgeois do not know what real suffering is. But it seems among Americans of all classes now, there is a silent assent to death. That the American Ethos is bad faith of the worst kind. That there is alienation and hatred that defines all of our worthless, little American lives. And even this does not matter. We are all ghouls now. We all want to eat from the banquets of decay. Suck the rotting blood from the corpse. Nihilism is now our ruler, rich and poor, and we cannot get enough of it. The affluent may rebel against this and castigate the poor and working class for being so criminally hopeless, when America is “the world’s hope” and other laughable inanities. Even the rich deep down do not really believe this, they just want control. There are some of those with hope though. We hope for a nuclear holocaust. We hope for the sole salvation of the damned: Total Annihilation. At this point, what does right or left matter? Capitalist or Communist? Liberal or conservative? We can argue all of this until doomsday, (which cannot come soon enough!) but we all know that we are powerless to do anything about it. So let’s cheer Putin and Russia in their battles with the USA. Let’s welcome their nuclear missiles with joy and rejoice in our annihilation, and theirs which will come from our nukes as well. Let’s hope Israel, that cesspit of a nation, gets pushed to the wall and nukes the whole earth. Pakistan and India, US and Iran. The world transformed into a giant exploding inferno of universal death. This is my American Sickness, my obsession, and in this I know that I am not alone.