Canadian MP Chrystia Freeland is in a conflict of interest. While serving as a member of Parliament Chrystia Freeland became and continues to be an active member of the Board of Trustees for German founded and World Economic Forum.
An apparent conflict of interest exists when there is a reasonable apprehension, which reasonably well-informed persons could properly have, that a conflict of interest exists.
Conflict of Interest Act (S.C. 2006, c. 9, s. 2)
Prohibited activities
15 (1) No reporting public office holder (Chrystia Freeland) shall, except as required in the exercise of his or her official powers, duties and functions,
(c) continue as, or become, a director or officer in a corporation or an organization.
MP Chrystia Freeland has been blatantly violating Canada’s federal law, the Conflict of Interest Act, since January 2019.
“Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, 25 January 2019 – The World Economic Forum announces that Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada, … join its Board of Trustees.”
“The Board of Trustees serves as the guardian of the World Economic Forum’s mission and values” World Economic Forum
The World Economic Forum’s current and ongoing mission is to use COVID-19 to launch the Great Reset initiative, World Economic Forum (WEF) missions included obtaining funds for cash strapped Germany to sponsor the coordinated COVID-19 biological attack. Government of Canada report “Official International Reserves – February 5, 2020” provides material evidence the World Economic Forum obtained COVID-19 biological attack funding for Germany from World Economic Forum Board of Trustees member MP and Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland. Information supporting the reasonable suspicion that MP Chrystia Freeland is embezzling and money laundering for Germany and its World Economic Forum is provided in September 18, 2021 posted PRESS Core article. Excerpt,
“The Department of Finance Canada announced today that Canada’s official international reserves increased by an amount equivalent to US$1,175 million ($1.175 billion) during January to US$86,472 million. This was driven by reserves management funding operations (US$566 million). … Notes. During January (2020), Canada issued a 5-year US$3 billion global bond” Government of Canada’s “Official International Reserves – February 5, 2020”
As of January 7, 2022 , the German founded and lead World Economic Forum still lists Canadian MP Chrystia Freeland as an active member of its Board of Trustees.
Similar to a board of directors, board of trustees play a strong role in governance, tasked with strategic planning and providing oversight and accountability for the organization. … The board of trustees’ primary responsibility is to uphold their fiduciary duties.
MP Chrystia Freeland becoming and continuing to serve as an active member of the World Economic Forum’s Board of Trustees isn’t just a conflict of interest offence her actions is a criminal offence – Breach of trust by public officer.
Regardless of whether specific rules of government ethics have been adopted, public officials have a broad fiduciary duty to carry out their responsibilities in a manner that is faithful to the public trust that has been reposed in them.
Even if no ethics code has been adopted, or if no code provision is on point, public officials must act in a manner that comports with their common law fiduciary-duty obligations.
Breach of trust by public officer
122 Every official who, in connection with the duties of their office, commits fraud or a breach of trust, whether or not the fraud or breach of trust would be an offence if it were committed in relation to a private person, is guilty of
(a) an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years; or
(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.
Actus Reus
A “breach of trust” can include “any breach of the appropriate standard of responsibility and conduct demanded of the accused by the nature of his office as a senior civil servant of the Crown.”
Chrystia Freeland becoming and continuing to serve as an active member of the Board of Trustees for the World Economic Forum, is contrary to the duties imposed upon her as a member of Parliament (MP).
Any and all federal funds MP Chrystia Freeland transfered/gave to Germany or its World Economic Forum during her tenure as an active Board of Trustees member for Germany’s WEF is defined by Canada’s criminal code as a Criminal breach of trust:
336 Every one who, being a trustee of anything for the use or benefit, whether in whole or in part, of another person, or for a public or charitable purpose, converts, with intent to defraud and in contravention of his trust, that thing or any part of it to a use that is not authorized by the trust is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years.
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