An easing of the tough rules imposed on overseas-trained doctors, including a relaxation in time allowed to qualify for practice and to get fluency in English has been urged by a parliamentary committee.
The House of Representatives standing committee on health and ageing, after a lengthy inquiry into the obstacles which have dogged thousands of foreign medical graduates, has produced a report, Lost in the Labyrinth.
It says while Australia should be self-sufficient in doctors, it will depend on those from other countries for some time yet.
It has recommended they be given four years to meet English requirements, double the time now allowed for some medical registrations.
The committee also calls for a review of the 10-year moratorium requiring overseas doctors to work in districts of shortage before qualifying for full Medicare provider status.
The Australian Doctors Trained Overseas Association president, Viney Joshi, said the reports proposed a ”somewhat” better deal for what had been a ”disorganised and chaotic” regime confronting new arrivals.
A South Australia Labor MP, Steve Georganas, who chaired the inquiry, said the main focus was to cut unnecessary red tape in registering overseas doctors while ensuring high clinical standards were maintained.
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