Mother who neglected and attacked young daughter in squalid, filthy home, is spared jail

  • Girl lived in squalor in house stinking of urine
  • Officers found overflowing ashtrays, drug paraphernalia – and blood-stained duvet
  • ‘Disgusted’ judge allows mother to WALK FREE from court – on girl’s request

Eddie Wrenn

Last updated at 7:11 PM on 20th February 2012

These are the scenes of squalor which greeted police when they arrived to rescue a young girl from neglectful and abusive parents.

Teesside Crown Court heard how police were called after the girl tearfully told teachers her mother had kicked her leg three times, and showed them
bruises on her hip.

When police visited the house, in Middlesbrough, they found it stinking of urine, with cat
faeces on the floor and overflowing ashtrays, takeaway cartons, cans and
drug items lying about – and a blood-stained duvet in the child’s bedroom.

However, despite the cruelty meted out to the child, the mother has been allowed to walk free from court today – for the sake of the child.

Scene of squalor: The girl was brought up in this mess in Middlesbrough, Teesside. Her parents were sentenced at Teesside Crown Court

Scene of squalor: The girl was brought up in this mess in Middlesbrough, Teesside. Her parents were sentenced at Teesside Crown Court

The young girl’s mother and step-father were each given a one-year custodial sentence on Friday, but Judge Tony Briggs suspended the mother’s sentence for two years with 18 months’ supervision, as the girl still wanted contact with her mother.

The stepfather was sent to detention.

Prosecutor Aisha Wadoodi said the pair admitted keeping their home in a state which provided inadequate living conditions for the child.

The stepfather admitted smoking cannabis in front of the girl and smacking her bottom on one occasion.

He denied, but was convicted of, two cruelty counts relating to squeezing the girl over her clothing.

The mum denied kicking her daughter. A jury convicted her of assault causing actual bodily harm.

The court was told how the girl was in a ‘terrible state’ and psychologically troubled when first taken out of the couple’s care.

She had made good progress since and gained confidence and self esteem and was now much happier.

None of the family’s names or ages can be given out for legal reasons.

Filthy bedroom: The girl's room shows the squalor the girl lived in before care-workers got involved

Filthy bedroom: The girl’s room shows the squalor the girl lived in before care-workers got involved

Ian Mullarkey, defending the stepfather, said he was young, immature, had no previous experience of caring for a child and made serious misjudgments.

Now he wanted to gain skills for a productive future.

Kate Dodds, defending the mother, said: ‘She’s lost her child though her own fault. She has lost everything.’

She said the court’s punishment was nothing compared to her daughter never returning to her care.

She had a tragic history of having children removed from her care for neglect.

The victim stayed in her care despite the background because of significant improvements in the mother’s parenting skills.

Things went wrong with the arrival of the stepfather, who was once convicted of assaulting the mother – yet they are still together.

The mother still has contact with her daughter and was ‘horrified and scared’ of the idea of the girl visiting her in prison, added Miss Dodds.

Miss Dodds said: ‘Whatever punishment is handed down, nothing compares to the fact she can never have her daughter in her care.’

Judge Briggs told the two: ‘No one who heard this trial could fail to be disgusted by the treatment of [the girl]. There was considerable neglect.

‘Physically things occurred to her that were clearly totally unjustifiable.’

He said it appeared the girl had ‘completely changed’ since she left their care and what happened to her would not be tolerated again.

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I have two children and the thought of any harm coming to them makes me cry! I don’t understand these women that have no maternal instinct but insist on having chiildren then destroying that persons life through there own selfishness! I hope the little girl is happy and safe now

These people both M+F should be sterilised as part of the punishment to avoid other children in the future being subjected to the same abusive treatment. However it will never happen because it is their HR to have as many children as they want. We live in a sick world managed by navel gazing libertarians.

The fact that this girls mother, as well as her step father, assaulted her should be grounds enough to remove her from the home, never mind the squallor she was living in. This child is at an age where she is unable to make an informed decision on the matter because she is not aware of the risks to her health, her safety, her physical and her psychological development and should have been overruled. Responsible adults, whether family or not, should be making decisions that protect this young girl, not place her back in harms way. The mother is unfit to look after her and it wont be long before she has some other druggy partner and the girls life may be far worse. Supervision will likely involve a visit from a health worker or a probation officer for an hour a week, giving only a snapshot of what goes on, and the girl could be coerced to lie inabout her home life in future.
A sad case where the system that is supposed to protect children has again failed, and shame on the judge!

She “had a tragic history of having children removed from her care for neglect”. Yet still she walks. Welcome to the equality of the justice system, UK style.

Once again we have a judge who is totally out of touch with reality. Sentenced suspended for the sake of the child.Poor child deserves better surely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

she needs proper care

Dear “Dog” non religious” for any any normal thinking person the child should have been removed from this disfunctional family. Hopefuly then re acqainted when they – the family have realised they’re sad state of affairs

Of course, it had been the girl’s father, he’d have been locked up for life!

“She had a tragic history of having children removed from her care for neglect.”
The home stinks of urine and is a health hazard in every way imaginable. What’s wrong with these people, returning that child to a mother who has already physically abused her and who is, obviously, unfit to care for her?

Britain today as for the mother and father disgusting but am I surprised sadly no

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