Canada – A group of prominent researchers from the University of Montreal and Ottawa, conducted an investigation since the woman considered for a long time to be one of the most caring women in the world, is immersed today; in a simple and irrefutable fact:
Her whole life was a fraud.
According to Professor Serge Larivée, the life of Agnes Gonhxa, better known as Mother Teresa, is one of the biggest fallacies, ensuring that she founded an empire based on a false appearance of mercy, making exorbitant profits and failing to the so-called achievement that she actually wanted to present to the world as a source of hope: the Order of the Missionaries of Charity.
One of her most famous phrases was: “the world wins with the suffering of the poor”; however, her palliative care, were in a hospital of very good reference in the United States, where the attention she received was of first-class.
She opened 517 missions in more than 100 countries, where it was thought that people with few economic resources and multiple diseases were receiving the proper care because throughout this process, a million dollars entered this foundation. What happened next is what can be even more expect from religion, profit and greed, showing that in fact these places were called: “Houses of Death” The inspection of these houses by a group of physicians certified, that the conditions in these centers were appalling, there was lack of hygiene, very poor measures and lack of medicine to treat every person who is interned at these locations.
It also asserts that million dollars added to an account, were received during periods of dictatorship in Haiti by Duvalier, in where to this day, the fate of this money still remains a mystery.
In favour of abortion, in the year of 1969, she was interviewed by then, journalist of the BBC, Malcom Muggeridge. Where she also expressed her ideas and position in favour of this subject. Muggeridge took advantage of this to catapult her to win the Nobel Peace price and hence, place her as a saint and to be canonized in October 2003.
Dear reader, this woman, simply through the use of tricks and a disguise of false mercy, manipulated masses and powerful people all over the world, giving a message of false hope, hypocrisy and lies to everyone in the world. She never fulfilled her promises and primarily, she was an apostate from what in truth, for many today, is the most precious thing in the world. Stubborn, treacherous and fawning that for a few million cents, she deceived and took advantage of the good will of many.
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