November 16, 2015 @ 8:13 pm
Dear +BN,
Outstanding analysis of the Paris massacre. You always have the knack of keeping your finger on the pulse of the anti-Christ Jewish world.
And what a priceless find to come up with this Al Jazeera video clip of the interviewer really drilling into the question with former DIA director, Lt General Flynn, Ret about the rise of the “Salafist Principate” back in 2012, and the White House did nothing but covertly support the CIA/Mossad’s mercenary international “jihadist” army several generations later originally spawned by Brzezinski in Afghanistan.
I read the Judicial Watch FOIA document on their site, but it was pretty dry, compared to actually hearing the former DIA discussing this with words from his own mouth to make it more real.
To the Jew, goyish life is dirt cheap, particularly the lives of Israel’s “friends” and “allies” as well as the enemies Jews have made. But Jews aren’t opposed to to murdering their own as necessary sacrifices to advance Zionist Nationalist goals, either, and then go quietly make the dead Jewish heroes.
For anyone not familiar with the nastiness of historical Jewish terrorism, which proves the lie of Jewish “innocence” and seems to have a particular affinity for Paris, it would be worth reviewing IHR’s 1995 Jewish Militants: Fifteen Years, and More, of Terrorism in France” in the Jews’ criminal terrorism, particularly targeting Historical Revisionists in France.
The late, great Michael Collins Piper published in the American Free Press back in 2004 (almost ancient history that RJN 20 year old readers need to be familiar with…) an article titled:
U.S. Army Officers – ‘Mossad May Blame Arabs’
Sometimes “the most likely suspect” in an act of terrorism is actually a “false flag” working for-or otherwise “framed” by- those who are responsible.
Exclusive To American Free Press
By Michael Collins Piper
Top U.S. Army analysts believe Israel’s intelligence agency, the Mossad, is “ruthless and cunning,” “a wildcard” that “has [the] capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.”
This eye-opening assertion about America’s supposed closest ally was reported in a front page story in The Washington Times on September 10 – just one day before the terrorist attacks in America that are being blamed on “Arabs.”
The Times reported that this serious charge by U.S. Army officers against the Israelis appeared in a 68-page paper prepared by 60 officers at the U.S. Army’s School for Advanced Military Studies, a training ground for up-and-coming Army officers.
Then, just hours after the [Trade Towers] terrorist tragedies, a well-known pro-Israel analyst, George Friedman, proclaimed Israel as the primary beneficiary.
“The big winner today, intended or not, is the state of Israel,” wrote Fried man, who said on his Internet website at that “There is no question ? that the Israeli leadership is feeling relief” in the wake of the terrorist attack on America as a result of the benefits that Israel will glean.
Considering the U.S. Army’s questions about possible provocations by Israel, coupled with this noted intelligence analyst’s suggestion that Israel was indeed “the big winner” on Sept. 11, a previous report in the Aug. 3, 1993 issue of The Village Voice that Israel’s Mossad was perhaps involved in (or had foreknowledge of) the previous “Arab terrorist” attack on the World Trade Center, takes on new dimensions.
The events of Sept. 11 do require careful attention in light of the fact that Israel has had a long and proven record in planting “false flags”-orchestrated assassinations and acts of terrorism for its own purposes and pinning those atrocities on innocent parties.
Perhaps the best-known instance in which Israel used a “false flag” to cover its own trail was in the infamous Lavon Affair. It was in 1954 that several Israeli-orchestrated acts of terrorism against British targets in Egypt were carried out.
Blame for the attacks was placed on the Muslim Brotherhood, which opposed the regime of Egyptian President Gamul Abdul-Nasser.
However, the truth about the wave of terror is found in a once-secret cable from Col. Benjamin Givli, the head of Israel’s military intelligence, who outlined the intended purpose behind the wave of terror:
[Our goal] is to break the West’s confidence in the existing [Egyptian] regime. The actions should cause arrests, demonstrations, and expressions of revenge.
The Israeli origin should be totally covered while attention should be shifted to any other possible factor. The purpose is to prevent economic and military aid from the West to Egypt.
Ultimately the truth about Israel’s involvement became public and Israel was rocked internally in the wake of the scandal. Competing political elements within Israel used the scandal as a bludgeon against their opponents.
But the truth about Israel’s use of a “false flag” had come to international attention and demonstrated how Israel was willing to endanger innocent lives as part of its grand political strategy to expand its influence in the Middle East.
A shadowy “right wing” group known as “Direct Action” was accused of the attack on Goldenberg’s Deli in Paris on Aug. 9, 1982. Six people died and 22 were injured.
The leader of “Direct Action” was Jean-Marc Rouillan who had been operating in the Mediterranean under the cover name of “Sebas” and had been repeatedly linked to the Mossad. All references to Rouillan’s Mossad links were deleted from the official reports issued at the time.
However, the Algerian national news service, which has ties to French intelligence, blamed the Mossad for Rouillan’s activities. Angry French intelligence officers were believed to have leaked this information.
Several top French security officials quit in protest over the cover-up of Mossad complicity in Rouillan’s crimes. However, other Mossad false flag operations also took place on French soil.
On Oct. 3, 1980, a synagogue on Co pernicus Street was bombed in Paris. Four bystanders were killed. Nine were injured. The media frenzy which followed the incident was worldwide.
Reports held that “right wing extremists” were responsible. Yet, of all the “right wing extremists” held for questioning, none was arrested. In fact, all were released.
In the upper echelons of French intelligence, however, the finger of suspicion was pointed at the Mossad.
According to one report: “On April 6, 1979, the same Mossad terror unit now suspected of the Copernicus carnage blew up the heavily guarded plant of CNIM industries at La Seyne-sur-Mer, near Toulon, in southeast France, where a consortium of French firms was building a nuclear reactor for Iraq.
“The Mossad salted the site of the CNIM bomb blast with ‘clues’ followed up with anonymous phone calls to police-suggesting that the sabotage was the work of a ‘conservative’ environmentalist group-’the most pacific and harmless people on earth’ as one source put it.”
o On June 28, 1978, Israeli agents exploded a bomb under a small passenger car in the Rue Saint Anne in Paris, killing Mohammed Boudia, an organizer for the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).
Immediately afterward, Paris police received anonymous phone calls accusing Boudia of involvement in narcotics deals and attributing his murder to the Corsican Mafia.
A thorough investigation subsequently established that Mossad special-action agents were responsible for the terrorist killing.
So, it is not at all farfetched at all to find suspicious “Mossad Fingerprints” on the latest Paris tragedies this year orchestrated by the Synagogue of Satan, as deeply buried as French Jews are in French politics.
Please read Piper’s full article, dear RJN family.
God bless you dear +BN, and you are in my prayers.
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