‘Morality does not rule in Washington’

Press TV has interviewed with Sara Marusek, a political analyst from Beirut, about the reasons behind the historic turnout of the Bahrainis and the US role in the Bahraini regime’s brutal crackdown on the popular uprising in the country. What follows is an approximate transcript of the interview.

Press TV: In regards to the message, the international community, there was no UN action, there’s been no Ban Ki Moon. Purely, by numbers the population is roughly about one million, Bahrain is the biggest revolution percentage wise in what is the largest experience in unlawful detentions, torture and violations of human rights. Should at this point things be scrapped when it comes to the UN, to rule them out completely due to their non action?

Marusek: Well, I think the recent uprisings throughout the region actually illustrate that the UN is quite useless when it comes to upholding peace, security, justice and human rights around the world, because otherwise, people wouldn’t have to take to the streets in these beautiful expressions of non-violent civil resistance if there was a fair international community or regional structure that could help them realize their dignity, their freedoms and their rights.

Of course, the Unites Nations has been a failure for a long time; it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have a United Nations of course, but it’s quite shameful that the international community has let the people of Bahrain down – really that’s what it comes down to.

And it’s not surprising however that the US for example is not saying anything in support of the people and is continuing to arm the government with tear gas for example against the protesters against the protesters toady.

And also providing John Timoney, a super cop from New York City who was also head of police in Philadelphia as well as in Miami who used very harsh and controversial tactics against Americans who were out in the streets protesting against neo-Liberal policies for example during the Republican National Convention or during other movements against justice, these free trade conferences.

John Timoney actually sent in police officers to spy on people; he violated civil rights; he used many controversial tactics, violence and there were numerous complaints against him. He also was a great person who managed the media; who managed the propaganda so what we saw today coming out of Bahrain was Bloomberg News agency saying that hundreds of protesters were in Bahrain and they were attacking the police, which is such a gross, gross misrepresentation of the hundreds of thousands of people peacefully marching down the street and demanding their freedom.

So, I think what this is going to show is that although the US wants to manage the crisis like it manages its people back in the States, Bahrain is a dictatorial regime as your other guests have said and using private police tactics or using public police tactics, they’re still going to outrage the people and they’re still going to come out and demand their rights; they’re not going to let any of this stop them.

So I think really the regime has to rethink its policy when it comes to the Bahraini people. And as well the American administration is going to have to rethink how it handles this crisis.

Press TV: The US strategy of pumping military equipment and weaponry into the countries in the Middle East especially the Persian Gulf countries… Isn’t the US taking a huge gamble on some of these countries given that some of them are in danger of falling, such as Saudi Arabia?

Marusek: Absolutely and especially becasue we have this pumped up war machine getting ready to attack Iran. If the Bahraini revolution is successful next week the Americans are going to have a lot of problems in figuring out a new way to manage any potential attack on Iran and so they’re gambling here.

My critique of my government is that they never truly listen to what people are saying on the ground; they never really make an effort to find out what the truth is and they just meet with officials. And they listen to lies and maybe they don’t believe them, but they don’t challenge them.

So, I agree with your other guests that there are people in the State Department who are probably morally very upset at the actions that they’re being asked to take; however, in Washington it’s not morality that rules, it’s interest, it’s money, it’s the corporations that are going to be making billions of dollars from giving the weapons to the Bahraini dictators, which are used against peaceful demonstrators.

It makes me laugh because it is often said of America’s supposed enemies that they’re irrational, but really when you look down at American policy, when it comes down to it, I think unethical policies are quite irrational because they don’t weigh in the consequences of these actions.

So, for example, over the last several months there have been these police attacks, gross police attacks, even in people’s houses, they go in and spray teargas and children have died. And this has happened outside of the capital city so nobody’s seen it. The international media rarely gets a view of this, but it has enraged the population further so that – what happens today we see the biggest demonstration yet.

So it just shows their crass way of analyzing the situation throughout the Middle East and the narrow vision of looking at it through a very bizarre strategic analysis, it is just not working and is actually going to create for them more problems. We’re seeing this in Egypt and we’re going to see it in other countries, too.


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