When it comes to treating illness, disease in particular, on every level; academia, research and development, marketing, diagnoses, orthodox treatment, press and politics … there is a pattern that runs throughout. This pattern reflects how Big Pharma is able to stop its alternative health competitors from getting any significant share of the market from sales in treating illness and thus monopolizes the health industry.
This in effect suppresses alternative health treatment regardless of cost and efficacy.
How the suppression works
Let me spell it out. I’ll put it to you like this: Let’s use our imagination for a moment, be hypothetical and say that you’ve come up with a miracle cure for an incurable disease and it exists in the form of a few cheap, non-toxic herbal tablets with a dietary regime to accompany.
Your breakthrough treatment is unorthodox alternative medicine. It has many advantages:
- Treatment is natural; therefore, it is relatively cheap.
- It is non-toxic with no ill side effects.
- No need to treat possible side effects.
- Patients are cured! No more suffering or death!
- Because patients are cured, they no longer have to keep returning for treatment like they would if it were left to the medical / pharmaceutical approach who only treat the symptoms (most patients have to keep returning for the rest of their lives) and are only given temporary relief.
- Think of how the money saved from this cheap alternative cure could be put to good use. What about including this treatment for individuals with low income, those in developing countries, educational programs and publicity campaigns to spread the word?
Although your innovations are far more effective than anything currently on the market, you will be in for a hard time with the big boys of the medical / pharmaceutical establishment when the word gets out about your miracle cure. You may well be genuine, caring, brilliant and with much conviction, but it is highly unlikely that you’ll ever get your miracle cure with all the above advantages going with any impact at all. You have to remember, the medical / pharmaceutical establishment are only ultimately interested in oiling the wheels of commerce with big profits. Anyone seen to be a financial threat to them must be brought down, no matter what it takes. The public at large, for most part, have no idea of how low the corrupt establishment are prepared to go when it comes to getting what they want: to keep control of the markets and monopoly.
To avoid a competitor breaking into the market while keeping prescription drugs at ridiculously high prices, the government have agreed with Big Pharma to a list of mandatory protocols.
That is, new products have to go through a series of tests and approvals before they are finally accepted. This could take something like 10 years; and by this time the Big Pharma competitor may have spent around 250 million dollars.
Fortunately, this does not also have to include you. Your cure is natural medicine. It does not have to be patented.
It’s strange that men should take up crime when there are so many legal ways to be dishonest. – Al Capone
However, right from the beginning you could be shut down and have your equipment seized for illegal medical treatment, and then face the possibility of a prison sentence. All this could happen regardless of high efficacy! This is one of many examples where laws have been made not because of fairness but to write something in favor of the rich and powerful.
Here you have an array of crooks that have covered all the necessary allies to successfully bring off their unjust operations. They don’t give a damn about people. Profits rule OK!!
There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of law and in the name of justice. – Montesquieu 1669 – 1755
If attempts from the authorities fail to close your practice down, you could face an onslaught of criticism, even if any of it isn’t based on fact. You could be called a madman or a quack… or just plain wrong. In the end you will even find it difficult to give away your treatment for nothing.
Where in the so-called free world is the free market economy here? The only competition that exists in drug sales is amongst pharmaceutical companies, who, together with the government, slyly control the prices.
Learning to discern
In light of the above, discernment is absolutely essential. For your own health educate yourself on what’s best for you when needing treatment. Learn to discern when prescription-happy doctors or other medical staff try to push unnecessary, toxic and invasive treatment on you for Big Pharma’s profit machine, when you’d be better off choosing alternative medicine.
Source Article from https://www.sott.net/article/321759-Monopoly-medicine-How-big-pharma-stops-its-competitors-monopolizes-the-health-industry
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