Mixed reaction to marine park network


June 14, 2012 13:00:24

Government announces huge marine parks network
Video: Government announces huge marine parks network
(ABC News)

Chris Smyth from the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) says the network could go further.


Chris Smyth from the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) says the network could go further. (GBR National Park Authority: Reuters)

Queensland conservationists and fishermen are at odds over today’s announcement of a vast new network of marine parks.

The fishing industry says it will lead to more imported fish being consumed in Australia but conservationists say the network does not go far enough.

The network was unveiled today by Federal Environment Minister Tony Burke.

It is made up of five key zones in offshore waters surrounding every state and territory.

The Gulf Commercial Fisherman’s Association (GCFA) says it is eager to see the detail about how northern fisheries will be affected.

GCFA chairman Gary Ward says more protected zones will ultimately mean more imported fish.

“Our heart goes out to the people who work the Coral Sea because it is such an immense area,” Mr Ward said.

More imports

“People have got to realise if they don’t want to eat imported seafood these fisheries in Australia are the most sustainable fisheries in the world.

“Yet here we are with a group that want to close them.

“I can’t understand it at all and I can’t understand the general public wanting to eat imported fish over local fish.”

Mr Ward says the GCFA is already aware some operators will be hit hard.

“The line fisheries are going to be probably the most affected – they will be locked out of the areas where they fish,” he said.

“Some of the operators will be able to live with what they come up with but certainly the line fishermen will be out of work.”

Chris Smyth from the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) says the network could go further.

“We would have liked to have seen a greater level of marine national park protection in the Coral Sea and also in other parts of Australia’s oceans,” Mr Smyth said.

“But we understand the political and economic circumstances we find ourselves in at the moment.

“There’s certainly the need for the government to provide a bit of give and take to the various stakeholders.”

World first

He says no other country has been able to achieve such a network of marine parks.

“When Prime Minister Gillard and Environment Minister Tony Burke go to Rio next week they will be able to announce what is the world’s first, the world’s biggest and best network of marine reserves,” Mr Smyth said.

The Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS) says it is a landmark announcement.

AMCS Director Darren Kindleysides says the Coral Sea will be protected from bottom trawling, oil and gas exploration and seabed mining.

“It’s got a long chain of coral atolls which are very important for the corals themselves and also the fish and shark species that they support,” Mr Kinleyside said.

Mr Kinleysides says there has been ample consultation with stakeholders in the lead-up to the announcement.

“There’s a gigantic weight of scientific evidence that shows that marine reserves work in terms of protecting wildlife but also in terms of benefits to biodiversity,” he said.

“Yes, there’s concerns that have been voiced but I think we should recognise that this process has been going on since the end of the 1990s.

“I think to some extent really we’ve had a lot of those debates and this is really just the finishing point.”

The peak body for marine tourism in Queensland says it is pleased the Federal Government is stepping up protection.

Col McKenzie from the Association of Marine Park Tourism Operators says he is especially relieved Osprey Reef will be protected.

“Osprey Reef is one of the top dive sites in the world and the shark dive on the top end of Osprey is certainly one of the top five dive sites anywhere in the world,” Mr McKenzie said.

“We attract international visitors that pay a lot of money to go there.”

‘Not enough’

However, Steve Ryan from the Cairns and Far North Environment Centre says the plan does not provide adequate protection to the Coral Sea.

“Places like Osprey Reef have only got an absolute bare minimum of protection,” Mr Ryan said.

“We don’t believe it will ensure the long term survival of the sharks and other marine predators that really make that area such an iconic place.”


First posted

June 14, 2012 12:52:12

stories from Queensland

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