Picks are usually announced much closer to or during the party’s national
convention, which for Republicans this year is late August.
“However, the general election campaign has begun early with an unusually
large amount of money already being spent,” Allan Lichtman, an American
University professor and expert on presidential campaigns, told AFP.
“Romney also wants to divert the conversation from his role at Bain and his
tax returns.”
The candidate, a multimillionaire and former governor of Massachusetts, has
been pummeled in recent weeks over his time at Bain Capital, the private
equity firm he founded and led for 15 years.
The Obama camp argues Romney presided over the firm when it bought up US
companies that then shipped jobs to low-wage economies overseas.
Mr Romney also faces pressure to release more than his promised two years of
tax returns, as recent reports have drilled into his lucrative holdings in
offshore tax havens.
He travels abroad in late July, and some say Romney would be jumping the gun
if he makes the VP announcement before his trip.
“The longer he can tease the decision, the better,” said Matt
Dickinson, a political science professor at Middlebury College.
“The ideal rollout is to make the announcement during the convention…
for maximum suspense and exposure.”
The Times piece focused on Mr Pawlenty, a truckdriver’s son with down-to-earth
appeal who could help counter the image of Mr Romney as an elite
“T-Paw” is also an evangelical Christian, which could assuage
religious conservatives wary of Romney’s Mormon faith.
But Mr Dickinson said Mr Pawlenty lacks the “pizzazz factor,” and
brings little to the table other than his workingman roots and extensive
experience on the stump for Mr Romney.
He thinks Mr Portman is the top choice, a levelheaded senator who served in
two cabinet posts as George W Bush’s trade representative and budget
director, and who can deliver perhaps the most crucial state of the entire
“He can balance Mitt’s private sector background with his own
inside-the-beltway (Washington) experience and knowledge of the federal
budget,” Mr Dickinson said.
Mr Portman has played down the VP conjecture, and on Tuesday told Fox News
that “I have not” heard recently from Mr Romney about the job.
Also in the “veepstakes” is New Mexico’s Susana Martinez, who could
kill two birds with one stone as the nation’s first Hispanic female
But Mr Martinez may have too many similarities with Sarah Palin as a popular
new governor from a small state who has little national exposure.
Undoubtedly in the back of Romney’s mind is his predecessor John McCain’s
rebellious pick of political unknown Palin, the governor of Alaska who at
first fired up the conservative base but wound up as a liability.
The charismatic Rubio is routinely mentioned as a possible running mate.
Romney may hope the son of Cuban immigrants can help in key state Florida
and other battlegrounds that have large Hispanic populations.
But he has less experience than Mr Obama did when he ran in 2008, and some
observers worry there may be skeletons lurking in the cupboard.
Ultimately, Mr Dickinson believes, Mr Romney is not going to gamble.
“I think he would feel more comfortable with a safe pick,” the
professor said. “The idea here is not to take the focus away from the
central issue of this campaign, which is Obama and the economy.”
Source: agencies
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