Comment: All top brass of military belong to Secret Societies run by Satanic illuminati Empire Criminals. Top Brass of military answer to Illuminati criminals not the American people who pay their Pensions. An example is Jimmy Carter member of the Secret Society Trilateral Commission. Another Example is Herbert Bush member of Skull ‘n Bones. They Don’t Care About Us. They just pretend to keep the Satanic Scam going until they manage to bring down America Completely.
“‘According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions,’ Rumsfeld admitted. $2.3 trillion – that’s $8,000 for every man, woman and child in America.” ~~ CBS News, 1/29/02, U.S. Secretary of Defense raises evidence of government and military corruption
“The Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction says the US Department of Defence is unable to account properly for 96% of the money. Out of just over $9bn, $8.7bn is unaccounted for.” ~~ BBC News, 7/27/10
“All other federal agencies are audited annually … and with rare exceptions, they pass every year. The Pentagon alone has never been audited, leaving roughly $8.5 trillion in taxpayer dollars unaccounted for since 1996. The Pentagon has for years kept lousy books with impunity.” ~~ MSNBC/Reuters, 12/23/13 (Reuters link)
“A GAO report found Defense inventory systems so lax that the U.S. Army lost track of 56 airplanes, 32 tanks, and 36 Javelin missile command launch-units. When military leaders were scrambling to find enough chemical and biological warfare suits to protect U.S. troops, the department was caught selling these suits as surplus on the Internet ‘for pennies on the dollar.’” ~~ San Francisco Chronicle, 5/18/03
One of the most stunning underreported stories in the media is the well-established fact that at the very least hundreds of billions of dollars (if not trillions) are missing from the accounts of the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld himself admitted that $2.3 trillion may be missing. Why hasn’t this astounding evidence of major government and military corruption been broadcast in headline news around the world? Why isn’t anyone talking about it now? Read a highly revealing answer to these questions by a top U.S. general.
As the media is failing so badly at getting this news out, excerpts from the few media articles and government documents which have reported the corruption over the years have been compiled below. Click on the links provided for verification. To understand how the media is failing at its job on this and other critically important stories, read the two-page summary by top journalists at available here. You can help to change this vastly irresponsible behavior by informing your friends and colleagues and calling on all of our media and elected representatives to address this critical problem. Together, we can and will build a brighter future.
Has Our Government Spent $21 Trillion Of Our Money Without Telling Us?
December 8, 2017, Forbes…
On July 26, 2016, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) issued a report “Army General Fund Adjustments Not Adequately Documented or Supported”. The report indicates that for fiscal year 2015 the Army failed to provide adequate support for $6.5 trillion. Given that the entire Army budget in fiscal year 2015 was $120 billion, unsupported adjustments were 54 times the level of spending authorized by Congress. An appendix to the July 2016 report shows $2 trillion in changes to the Army General Fund balance sheet due to unsupported adjustments. On the asset side, there is $794 billion increase in the Army’s Fund Balance with the U.S. Treasury. There is also an increase of $929 billion in the Army’s Accounts Payable. What is the source of the additional $794 billion in the Army’s Fund Balance? The July 2016 report is not the only such report of unsubstantiated adjustments. Mark Skidmore and Catherine Austin Fitts, former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, conducted a search of government websites and found similar reports dating back to 1998. While the documents are incomplete, original government sources indicate $21 trillion in unsupported adjustments have been reported for the Department of Defense and the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the years 1998-2015. [And why] after Mark Skidmore began inquiring about OIG-reported unsubstantiated adjustments, [was] the OIG’s webpage, which documented, albeit in a highly incomplete manner, these unsupported “accounting adjustments,” … mysteriously taken down?
Note: Explore this webpage for a brief background to this astounding news. See also a detailed analysis of these missing trillions, which amount to $65,000 per man, woman, and child in the US. And don’t miss this highly revealing interview with Prof. Mark Skidmore of Michigan State with even more startling news.
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