Mike McConnell and Other Federal Moles Are Accessories to the Murder of LaVoy Finnicum
No one likes a paid mole, a mere snitch: a government informant. Yet, make no mistake about it the attempted freedom fight at the Malheur Refuge, an attempted redress against the excesses of an unconstitutional federal government, was infiltrated before it even began. It was mostly on a stage, fully contrived and controlled, with a few notable exceptions of actual freedom-loving people caught up in the mix.
The government and its secretive operatives had full control of this. In many respects there were just as many paid government moles there as there were sincere protesters.
One of the most corrupt and potentially murderous of such moles is that paid government operative, Mike McConnell.
How much more treacherous could he be? It was McConnell who spewed nothing but lies after the execution LaVoy Finicum:
Moreover, there it is, absolutely. McConnell, if this is his real name, was put in place to spread the FBI story lines: to perpetuate and accentuate the lie. No wonder he was set free from arrest.
Is this what you would call charging someone? Who is charging whom, here? McConnell spreads the opposite narrative, a defensive one: in defense of the murderers. He’s a filthy liar, and he is lying for significant pay.
Who is being charged upon, who is being assaulted exclusively? Moreover, who is attempting to save his own life and who is busy taking a man’s life, his spirit, his existence, away? Who, too, is running away, stealthily, after striking Mr. Finicum with a potentially lethal weapon? Who is in a military pose, gun in hand, aiming at the man, shooting to kill, attempting to slaughter him despite the protection of his bullet-proof vest? This merely demonstrate the degree of treachery committed by McConnell, self-serving, terminally corrupt, paid Zionist-controlled mole.
Once again, contrary to the FBI/McConnell position it was never Mr. Finicum that did any charging and, rather, it was he that was attacked, charged, accosted, brutalized, murdered, and more.
Then, Sandy Hoax style, McConnell attempted to silence all dissent, all varying views and opinions, saying:
Really, now the federal mole goes about telling the rest of the world what they can say or even think? Yet, he presumably is an upholder of the 1st and 2nd Amendments, a fighter for the Constitution? Just whose side is this hostile one really on?
Moreover, how could Mr. Bundy not be wounded if he was hit with a piece of shrapnel? How did he have this precise detail if he wasn’t even there? Furthermore, he had just been arrested and supposedly let go. How did he know about the flooding of the area with government and non-government goons?
It was the ideal circumstance. Right away before the corpse was even cool McConnell took to the Internet, publishing two videos, while supported by other agents, who published similar accounts. Clearly, then, he was under contract to do so. In fact, he was instructed in the narrative, paid to spew nothing but lies. This was in order to enhance the released footage showing Finicum shot to death. It was an elaborate psyops or a reactive one: reactive to the necessary extra-judicial killing of now martyred LaVoy Finicum, God rest his soul.
None of the other people in the car were informants. All the paid agents had long ago bailed, getting out of the line of fire. Ryan Bundy, along with Shawna Cox and Ms. Sharp, are sincere constitutionalists. Those who say this element was staged are incorrect. The only part that was staged was the trap aimed at slaughtering Mr. Finicum at a minimum and perhaps the entire group.
Said the powerful ones, such as arch-Zionist mole Ron Wyden, essentially, Finicum was a problem. He was spreading the “virus” more than had been expected. People were being infected with constitutional thinking. Finicum was held responsible. Thus, he was set up for the slaughter, as anyone can see from the roadblock and the actions of the hit-men.
They made sure he was dead. According to eyewitnesses, he was even shot after he was on the ground, one arm still raised up: a man who couldn’t possibly have been a threat to anyone.
He then runs cover for Ryan Payne, saying he was “pulled out of the car” and that, originally, he was in the vehicle with Mr. Finicum. He also said ‘agents first pulled him out of the vehicle, followed by Ammon Bundy and Cavalier.’
Who is Cavalier? He is the man also known as Booda Bear, also a paid informant:
Also known as “Fluffy Unicorn” the operative can be seen acting as purported body-guard for Bundy, with yet another psyops operative, arch-Zionist agent Santilli, seen to his left.
Is it not crucial to state, categorically? At the ambush of Mr. Finicum and his passengers none of these moles were present. Even Ryan Payne was nowhere to be found. The only protesters put at risk were Ryan Bundy and Shawna Cox, both of which were nearly killed.
Fortunately, the other occupants survived. One, Shawna Cox, has given incisive testimony about what happened on the ground, including information about informant, McConnell. She said after they had been handcuffed and removed from the scene she encountered him, and that he was mean, a “jack-a$%*. He started “yelling” at the other passenger, Victoria Sharp, a mere 18 year-old, who was clearly traumatized. Then, in what is a chilling testimony she reported:
“He (McConnell) was the one who pushed us to go together. He was the one who was in the hurry. We’re sure that he set us up.”
Too, according to Cox he showed no interest in the consequences to Mr. Finicum and instead was concerned about one issue: his jeep. “I hope my jeep will be OK,” he said. It’s “worth 60,000.”
Moreover, McConnell is running cover for the other moles, hoping that no one will look into them thoroughly. He mentions how Payne was removed from the car; he mentions Cavalier. He also speaks of Cooper aka Stanley Hicks:
Make no mistake about it Cooper is a fraud and is just as culpable for this assassination as the rest of this league of snitches. Like Santilli and the others, he gets around. Here he is seen with Ted Cruz? He is virtually everywhere:
Who is this man, Hicks? For certain, he is on the payroll. Yet, whose payroll, the FBI or the ADL?
This means that four key players in this psyops and set-up are known government agents, Santilli, Cavalier, Hicks, and McConnell, the lead snitch. Ritzheimer must be added, as well as Payne. That makes six snitches in all.
Surely, these men were under surveillance. Surely, the Bundys were fully under watch, while being obviously surrounded by federal snitches. Surely, part of the prize would be the arrest and potential prosecution, in revenge, of the Bundy brothers.
Too, there are major attempts on the Internet to protect the real nature of Cavalier and Cooper as well as Ritzheimer. Let it be said, categorically. All are paid moles working to undermine the people. That means they are all traitors, subject to the most severe consequences in the land.
This is a crucial issue. The scheme caused revelation of precisely the nature of government ops. No one should let this go. It must be absolutely and categorically exposed. It will all trace back to the Zionist mob, which is the motive force behind the psyop as well as the murder and martyring of Mr. Finicum.
Source Article from http://nodisinfo.com/53466-2/
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