The way to Mika Brzezinski’s heart is through her stomach. Or better put, through using the power of the state to limit what we can put into our stomachs.
On Morning Joe today, Brzezinski declared her love for NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg. Why? Because of the Nanny-in-Chief’s various food prohibitions, the latest being his limit on the size of soft drinks. Mika’s view of those who support a “don’t tread on me” libertarian view? “Idiots”, she declared them. View the video after the jump.
Watch Mika yet again express her eagerness to sacrifice our birthright of freedom on the altar of the nanny state.
MIKA BRZEZINSKI: New York Post–New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s large-soda ban heads to the Board of Health today, where the proposal will be debated in a public hearing. A new study by three NYU researchers found the ban on 16-ounce drinks would work, as long as consumers fight the urge to purchase a second drink. [Joe Scarborough can be heard snickering off-camera]. Just hold on, we’ll talk about this. Mayor Bloomberg is confident the proposal will pass–[laughs] because he hired everyone on the Board!–telling reporters “compared to somking, this is an easy battle to win and nothing’s going to stop this thing.” . . . It’s important what the mayor’s doing. It’s turning my opinion around on the third term. I think I love him . . . Oh look. Oh look! The Big Apple is a low-cancer zone. The American Cancer Society of New York and New Jersey found lower cancer rates in the city than in the rest of the state and the nation.
DAN SENOR: Mika is now pushing for a Bloomberg fourth term!
BRZEZINSKI: Don’t tread on me! Please! Who are these idiots?
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