blog Will Microsoft’s $1.2 billion purchase of corporate social networking firm Yammer be a positive event for the future of enterprise IT? Yes, according to Alan Perkins, one of Australia’s leading IT executives when it comes to understanding cloud computing. Perkins, who in his previous role at electronics design firm Altium pioneered software as a service and cloud computing technologies, has penned an extensive blog post about the Yammer acquisition. He writes:
“That Microsoft has decided to acquire Yammer shows great insight by Microsoft, and a willingness to think creatively about tackling the new world of social media. Microsoft will be able to leverage Yammer’s platform in many areas of the business … Yammer has potential to make a big impact throughout much of the Microsoft product line.”
Perkins believes the Yammer acquisition could have an impact on many Microsoft products, ranging from Office to Project, and from Outlook to Sharepoint. “Even SQL Server and Visual Studio could provide hooks that enable the database or an application to feed easily into a Yammer stream, or respond to a Yammer feed,” he adds. The executive does have his reservations about the acquisition, noting that any move to “productise” Yammer alongside other tools in the Microsoft Office suite may not be the best approach. But in general he seems pretty positive about the situation.
Personally, I agree with Perkins that the Yammer acquisition has great potential for Microsoft, and I think it’s also true that Yammer had struggled to turn its massive informal adoption into hard revenues. Microsoft will no doubt be able to help with this. However, I also don’t want to see Yammer built into absolutely everything Microsoft does in the enterprise. If Redmond applies the ‘Yammer hammer’ to all of its products and integrates the social networking tool everywhere, that could get quite annoying. The integration needs to be done tactfully, so as not to throw out all the work practices large organisations have already built up around Microsoft’s products.
Yammer and Microsoft — a match made in heaven or the potential for disaster? Post your thoughts below this article.
Image credit: Yammer
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