Hey Michael Oren~ check this TRUTH out:
“Musta’ribeen, Israel’s agents who pose as Palestinian
They are dressed like Palestinian protesters, speak with the same accents and expressions, and show the same mannerisms. Their faces covered with checkered keffiyehs or balaclavas, they chant against the Israeli army and sometimes throw stones in the direction of the soldiers, all while drawing in other protesters as they get closer and closer to the army.
Then, quick as a bang, the scene erupts, and this group suddenly turns on the rest of the Palestinian protesters, brandishing guns that were concealed under their shirts, firing in the air, grabbing those nearest to them and wrestling them to the ground.
The army advances and takes into custody the Palestinians that were caught, as the rest of the protesters disperse, screaming out one word as a warning to others: “Musta’ribeen!”
Disguised as Arabs
Musta’ribeen, or mista’arvim in Hebrew, is a word that is derived from the Arabic “musta’rib”, or one that is specialised in Arabic language and culture. In Israeli security terms, the word denotes security forces who disguise themselves as Arabs and carry out missions in the heart of Palestinian societies or other Arab countries.
The agents are given rigorous training, and in operations concerning the occupied territories, are taught to think and act like a Palestinian. Their main missions, according to Israeli affairs expert Antoine Shalhat, include gathering intelligence, arresting Palestinians, and – in their eyes – counterterrorist operations.
“The first musta’ribeen unit was established in 1942 before the state of Israel came into being until 1950,” Shalhat said. “This unit was part of the Palmach, an elite division of the Haganah militia, which went on to later become the core of the Israeli army.”
Not much is known about these agents because they operate in secret, he added. The Israeli army dissolves these units once their work is found out, and forms new ones to take their place. …
Presence in recent protests
Over the past two weeks, Palestinians have been protesting US President Donald Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Hundreds have been arrested by Israeli forces, and 10 people have been killed so far in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Last week, during one of the protests at Ramallah’s northern entrance near the illegal Bet Il settlement, a group of musta’ribeen infiltrated the protest and arrested three young Palestinian men, according to journalist Rasha Harzallah.
“They were only there for 10 minutes,” said Harzallah, who was standing the closest to the first Palestinian protester arrested on Wednesday, December 13. “They were dressed exactly like the other Palestinian protesters, and threw a sound grenade at them.”
“They were about five in total, and pulled out their guns and began firing in the air,” she continued. “The army then suddenly advanced in huge numbers, and they began firing live bullets at people and in the air, even at the journalists.”
Harzallah, who works for the official Wafa news agency, said that the agent nearest to her was wearing a dark red shirt and had his face covered with a keffiyeh.
“Before, he was standing on the front line with the other Palestinian protesters throwing rocks at the Israeli army,” she said.
“The army then suddenly advanced quickly. Then I noticed the red-shirted man on top of a Palestinian protester, and he was waving his gun towards me and the photographer next to me shouting ‘don’t get close!’”…”
much more @ http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/12/musta-israel-agents-pose-palestinians-171218061118857.html