Metaphysics: Opening The Flow

Metaphysics - Opening the Flow

14th December 2015

By Montalk

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Have you ever been under distressing financial circumstances, expecting to fall into an abyss of poverty with the next emergency expense? How many times have you suffered the worst of your expectations? How many times did help come from unexpected places to get you through despite the worst of odds?

Our expectations come from what we have been programmed to expect. What actually happens depends on the laws of reality deciding the nature of our experiences. Those who pay attention will see that what actually happens is most often at odds with what is expected. Why do our plans and anticipations about the future rarely happen the way we envision them? Why are our programmed expectations so different from our actual experiences?

The answer is that many of these expectations are control mechanisms grafted onto us by the Matrix Control System…

From birth we are indoctrinated through school, social programming, media and culture to believe in a backward system of limitations and motivations that have nothing to do with our true potential or reason for being here. We are taught what is taboo and what is respectable, what is possible and what is not, what goals to shoot for and what path to follow to achieve those goals. This indoctrination is so complete that most of us accept its precepts as common sense and tend to fight or disbelieve any suggestions that reality could be to the contrary, even if these suggestions come from our own life experiences.

The system of assumptions we are offered by the Matrix is only a simulacra of reality, a manipulated copy posing as the original. It seems perfectly legitimate until you explore territory not covered by the impostor version of reality, then true reality shines through. By daring to do the impossible, pushing the limits, you begin seeing glimpses of a higher realm of possibility.

Often we don’t have the guts to push the envelope but are nonetheless thrust into these forbidden territories through seemingly unfortunate circumstances: financial disasters, emergencies, ultimatums, and unavoidable risks. And just when failure seems certain, the unexpected happens: money comes from an unexpected source, a needed opportunity arrives just in the nick of time, everything amazingly falls into place.

Most people encountering these last minute miracles pass them off as freak exceptions to the rule, nothing that can be relied upon as a common occurrence. But what these people don’t realize is that as far as life experiences go, the anomalies of yesterday can become the norm of tomorrow. In other words, rather than being “freak” anomalies, they are manifestations of higher laws that are just as immutable as the laws of science. Still, these higher laws tend to go unnoticed by people who have bought into the control system and keep their noses to the ground.

The higher laws of reality are yours to employ if you can muster sufficient courage to live by them. There is no guarantee for the future other than what was guaranteed in the past. Reflect upon your unusual positive past experiences and know that the principles behind their manifestation shall continue to hold true in the future. They are failsafe and dependable principles that can be applied with some faith. This faith is not blind faith, but one based on real experience, of having previously glimpsed the next stage and confidently knowing it exists and can be reached.

Have you ever thought to yourself, “If only I had the money, I would…” do something positive, buy what you need, fulfill your dreams? Well, realize that if your motivation is pure and wise, then the money is already secured.

… money flows from unexpected sources. (Cassiopaean Transcripts)

By first taking a leap of faith toward your goal without worrying about the material means to get there, these material means automatically fall into place. That is a type of financial security guaranteed by higher laws. You know these laws are valid because they have always worked and will therefore always continue to work.

When one worries first about money, the trap is set. When one pursues one’s passion, all else falls into place. What you do not yet allow yourself to understand is that this principle never, ever fails. But you certainly are not alone. The 4th density STS programmers relish the thought. (Cassiopaean Transcripts)

Some will have doubts because this goes entirely opposite our programmed expectations and “common sense.” The Matrix tells us that to reach a goal, we must first secure the financial means. This security is offered through credit cards, financing, loans, or savings, all of which require no faith or understanding of higher laws to secure, only ambition and soul-bargaining. While this certainly works, it is inefficient because to attain the goal this way, you must give up either some energy or freedom in exchange for security. Evidently, ignorance of the higher creates slavery to the lower.

There are no limits, just controls… The knowledge gives one all the necessary tools to overcome the controls. (Cassiopaean Transcripts)

There are no limits other than those we assume through our ignorant beliefs or bring upon ourselves through unwise choices. Although opening the flow requires that we cast aside limiting assumptions and expand our beliefs to include higher truths, this does not allows us to also escape having to complete what was initiated by past choices. Financial debt, marriage, children, binding contracts and obligations – these are continuing consequences of choices once made. They cannot be immediately eliminated with a simple change of attitude, which may be discouraging for those who wish to avoid responsibility.

But there is cause for hope. Just as the past affects the present, so does the present affect the future. No matter how burdened your life is right now, tomorrow can be better if you choose to align your thoughts, feelings, and actions with higher principles and thereby initiate consequences that liberate instead of bind.

As Inside, So Outside

To open the flow, you must be free of fear, worry, and doubt. Unfounded negative thoughts clog the flow just as gunk clogs a sink.

… your mind must not only hold true and pure thoughts — God’s thoughts only — about the material life of yourself and others, and about your physical well-being, but you must know that God’s Mind is the Source of all true thoughts and by perfect faith and trust in Him you thus keep yourself open to the free circulation of His Thoughts in your consciousness about both your affairs and your body, thus creating perfect health and harmony in both. (The Way Out)

The question is, what constitutes an unfounded negative thought? Some people say their negative thinking is justified because such thoughts are natural responses to negative life experiences. This excuse is flawed for several reasons. First, just as experiences influence thought, so does thought influence experience. Secondly, we choose how to mentally and emotionally respond to any given experience in life, meaning there is more than one way to respond.

So we participate in a feedback cycle with reality, experiences shaping our mindset and our mindset influencing our experiences. Choice is what lets us break out of any cycle and initiate a new kind. By assuming there can only be negative responses to negative experiences, people lock themselves into a vicious cycle whereby negative thoughts create negative experiences which in turn seem to “objectively” justify further negative thoughts. By assuming the external world is independent of our internal world, the internal world capitulates to the external world. Because thought effects experience, the only way to break out of this cycle is to choose to think, feel, and act differently than before, in alignment with higher principles rather than old Matrix-programmed assumptions.

Therefore, one must replace fear, worry, and doubt with courage, faith, and confidence regardless of prior negative patterns of experience. This may seem like willfull ignorance or wishful thinking, but there is a difference. Wishful thinking is baseless and proves itself empty when its false assumptions contradict what actually happens. In contrast, unclogging the flow by having courage, faith, and confidence is far from baseless because it stands upon principles that have already been proven through past positive patterns of experiences. Furthermore, rather than contradicting what actually happens, these actually affect what happens.

The quickest way to rid your mind of that old fear of want, fear of your job, fear of the power of money, is to have an absolute trust in your heavenly Father’s loving care and for you to pay out gladly your last dollar for a needed thing. KNOWING that by so doing you make it possible for Him to supply you with plenty more. (The Way Out)

The validity of having courage, faith, and confidence in higher principles is evidenced by the consequent alteration of life experiences for the better.

Increasing the Flow

Because money is a type of flow, we can make a comparison to water flow in order to illustrate the difference between making money the Matrix way or the Divine way. To empty water from a bottle, common sense says to tip it upside down. Sure enough, the water goes “glug” several times and eventually empties. But if instead one first shakes the bottle in a circular motion, the flow forms into a vortex that more rapidly and efficiently drains from the bottle. Nature loves efficiency, and the vortex is nature’s most efficient form of flow. If one initiates an impulse in line with the laws of nature (shaking the bottle / leaping toward a wisely chosen goal on solid faith that the material means will synchronistically fall into place), the resulting flow will be many times more efficient than were these laws ignored. The Matrix method of progress is based on ignorance of higher laws and is inefficient. But if one initiates an impulse in line with those higher laws, progress speeds up as reality aligns via numerous synchronicities, just as flow speeds up as water aligns into the shape of a vortex.

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