Violence: Long held values and beliefs are in question as recent events highlight their need for an overhaul in order to build a better and more sustainable society. This was the lesson of Sandy Hook; and the ongoing lesson as you search for common ground on gun control.
Military suicides and the use of drones are only two of the issues leading many of you to question the consequences of the protracted violence in Afghanistan. North Korea, contrary to their goal will act as a catalyst for peace as the old paradigm is starkly outlined against a brighter future made possible by the infusions of Light since late 2012 in dark areas of the world.
All of this, dear hearts, is meant to cause you to revaluate the role of war and violence in your democracy going forward; for change does not arise out of comfort and complacency but rather when citizens question issues and take responsibility for outcomes. And so it is.
Looking for ‘answers’: Shifting into presence: Sadhana
We have said previously that the answers to your deepest questions lie
within you. We will reiterate that this is true; that your truth is within
you, most specifically within the Heart chakra which contains the
crystalline cells of Awakening.
Note from Sue B. There are times when the Buddhists simply have a better word
than we do for the process by which one becomes present and aware. They
use the term sadhana; because it reflects that there is indeed a process, a
falling into, and that it is a meditative process rather than one of struggle
or challenge.
And, when I say this, I do not mean there is no challenge
in letting go or falling into the heart space because there certainly is.
Rather, I wish to begin to use new language to identify this process
for we here in the Western world sorely need to appropriate new
visions and language to enhance our culture so desperately in need
of spiritual enrichment.
Gender: Earth was designed as a beautiful manifestation of the Divine Creator
who chose to be both male and female as He/She became expressed on the
Earth plane. This was a sacred difference made not for purposes of power
but rather for creativity and support of one for the other.
Also, it should not be assumed that gender, is a defining quality of every
existing world for many have evolved beyond it in their ascension.
We tell you these things as your world evolves on issues related to
gender equality and women’s rights.
Further, this is an issue steeped in misunderstanding and illusory thinking;
and represents a path of growth and learning for each of you. It
contains within the fabric of its various components old stories and illusions
which require unraveling one by one; i.e. the distinction between strength
and power, between strength and humility, between the head and the heart.
From the Archangel Metatron: Gender is a characteristic, not a definition.
Greetings, dear ones. I am the Archangel Metatron.
I wish to speak to you today about energy and vibration and how they play a
role in your Universe. Your Universe consists entirely of energy in movement.
What you think you see as solid mass is actually energy appearing as solid
form. Your scientists can confirm this for you. Further, your scientists
will confirm that each energy vibrates at a certain rate or resonance.
Thus, the Universe has a basic structure based on energetic resonance.
The reason, dear ones, I am telling you this is because this energetic
resonance is what either draws you to or repels you from another person.
Have you ever felt inexplicably drawn to or, conversely, repelled by another
person? Called it their vibes?
An individual’s energetic resonance is a complex concept determined
by many factors
including but not limited to DNA structure (including gender), your
current beliefs, your past lives as they frame this current one, and just
how much Light your body holds. (Light quotient)
Unconditional Love is the backbone of the Universe; and has its
own energetic resonance. It is not only healing and loving but it is
also powerful beyond many current perceptions. Accessing this
wonderful Love through the Heart will teach all of humanity about
the distinction between power and strength and how to remain at peace.
From Mary Magdalen: You are beginning to know me for who I really was,
Jesus’ friend, confidante and wife. As you grow in understanding, you
will learn that both Jesus and I were meant to bring great truths forward
in our time. Many of Jesus’ words were preserved; mine were suppressed.
The crystalline Light which grows consistently stronger in your world
is also inexorably destroying illusion while pushing truth to the surface
to be confronted. My long suppressed truth cannot and will not be held
down below the surface of your group consciousness much longer. I must
be acknowledged. Then, and only then, will I return!
Psychic Ability: The Light coming in has also begun to open many of you to
your innate abilities to know, sense and see the previously unseen world.
We here in the Higher Realms are overjoyed that this is coming to pass and
wish to assure you that all is as it should be. We understand that the beginning
can be disconcerting. We strongly suggest you find like-minded people or
someone with whom you can share who
understands. As abilities more common, meet-ups and social media groups becoming more available. Check your local areas.
From Sue B: It was only after getting sober that my psychic abilities surfaced.
I was going through a painful divorce and was about nine years sober
when I had a dramatic experience with the Ascended Masters complete
with visions, the experience of feeling levitated and having my heart chakra
worked upon. At first, I told anyone who would listen; and they were tolerant.
As I became more discerning, I realized I was being ‘tolerated;’ so I stopped
and compromised myself to please others. At the time, I really didn’t have
like minded friends.
Over the years, incredible experiences continued. While the Angels first
appeared in 2002, they would come and go with varying intensity depending
upon what was going on in my life at the time. I always remained
incredibly drawn to anything paranormal or psychic during this time; but ,
as I said, I no longer really shared freely with friends and family having
learned that my attempts were too often met with blank stares or
outright derision.
That feeling of being ‘different’ that I had always felt as an alcoholic
began to rear its ugly head. Add to this the difficulty that I could not seem
to find my niche in the psychic world. I was told by other psychics that
I could and should do readings but the very idea threw me into abject
fear. I did a few; but I knew that readings were not my calling.
I also studied Energy Healing and was rather good at it; but;
and I can’t tell you but what . . . when I tried to develop a practice,
it did not feel right. And, if you are doing energy work, of all things,
it needs to be right.
Then, miracles began to happen for me. When my business failed,
new avenues opened: I began to write; but, more importantly, I began
to truly heal from ancient dysfunctions which had held me back.
And, along with doing this, I began to work on bringing forth
my own unique gifts.
In terms of personal relationships, about two years ago, when I first
began to shift, I made a decision to sever ties with those who could not
accept me as I am, abilities and all. I became estranged with a brother
over a number of issues, this being one.
Recently, we had a wonderful and honest discussion about aspects
from our childhood which have haunted both of us. He is experiencing
clair-sentience or clear- knowing, premonition and; he is having psychic
awareness in dreams which is a quite common precursor to other psychic occurrence.
In fact, he apologized for making fun of me and my Angels. Interesting
that I really no longer needed his validation but it was nice to have it.
Your Missions: We know that many of you feel great concern over what you
call your missions or purpose in life. First of all, we wish to say that
your first purpose is to learn to love yourself for you are all reflections
of the Universe and its one truth: Unconditional Love. Your journey,no
matter how mundane you feel it to be, will provide you with the grist
for your mill of helpfulness to others. We encourage each of you to
pull from your experience some helpfulness which is valuable to the next person making their way along the path. This is the essence of life, dear
ones, the transmuting of your pain into something positive . . .
Note from Sue B: It has been a long, long road for me to learn to love myself.
For a long time, I thought I did; but I learned it was actually self
indulgence which is of the ego. Self love is quite different and
more difficult. First of all, it requires a deflation of the ego. I also
needed to forgive myself for all kinds of things for which I judged
myself either deficient, responsible or just plain wrong!
Oh, I know intellectually that there is no right or wrong but the
Inner Critic didn’t. After a long period I have called sadhana and
which I have written about here in this column, I found the source
of that voice . . . that negative, critical, nagging intonation that followed
me for years and with that, the healing came slowly and with that,
came a letting go of the self criticism, the blame and the shame.
Such a load we impose upon ourselves. Sometimes, it is there for
so long, we don’t know it is there until it is gone and we feel the
I could not have done any of it without the healing presence of
my primary Archangel Guides who were with me every step of the
way. I have already written about them here; how they pushed and
prodded me and continue to do so; and so it is.
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