Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 5/4/12

We know you
can get this job done as we see the tremendous amount of success you have so
far enjoyed throughout the many tasks that you have accepted here in this world,
as well as the missions you have accomplished before in other worlds throughout
this universe. There is no challenge we feel is too difficult for you, and
although at times it may appear as if you are running up into a solid brick
wall, from our vantage point we see you moving forward in great positive
strides each and every day towards the successful accomplishment of each and
every goal you set within your sites. None of what this planet and her people
are currently and will experience in the days ahead could be made possible
without your tremendous efforts, and we again wish to thank each and every one
of you that has chosen to, and has made the effort to, participate in our joint
mission to restore love, light, balance and harmony to this planet who has
asked for our assistance.

We, the
Galactic Federation of Light, do not journey to worlds in offers of assistance
without first being invited and asked for our help. This is certainly the case
here as your planet, who is a living, breathing, conscious being of light, has
asked our alliance for assistance to help her cleanse herself of all that acts to
way her down within the lower dimensions. We are here in response to her calls,
and our mission is to make possible what it is she has asked for, which is
ascension and a return to her majestic place within the higher realms of
existence in this universe.

We are not
going to leave here without first accomplishing our goal to help her with this
task. We do not turn our backs on those who request our assistance, and we
never leave a job unfinished or unsuccessful. We have many eons of experience
to rely on and scores of dedicated, well trained and committed crewmembers, as
well as technologies so greatly advanced they would appear to many beings of a 3rd
dimensional world more of magic than a technological achievement. We say to you
that our tools are technological in nature, and they have been forged and they
have been honed not by magic, but by the innovation and sheer determination of
those who are members of our great alliance that you know as the Galactic
Federation of Light.

Nothing that
we will bring here and nothing that we will share with you will be of a nature
that you cannot safely and effectually utilize, operate and maintain yourselves.
In other words, we are not bringing here to your world powers that we possess
within ourselves that you cannot, do not or will not possess and be able to
utilize for the betterment of yourselves and for all the beings around you,
just as we possess and utilize in this way. There are many things that you are or
will soon be capable of on a personal as well as societal level, and we will
fully tutor you in all of these technological as well as natural gifts that you
possess and only need to develop and bring to the surface of your consciousness.

Many of you
will be entirely surprised to learn of the inherent powers and qualities of
your vessels and what you are personally as well as collectively capable of. We
will demonstrate for you these capabilities firsthand, and we have highly
trained crewmembers that will work personally with you to teach you and train
you in the proper use of these abilities and allow each of you to become
masters of your human vessels. Each of you is so much more capable to do things
you may not have ever even thought of doing, and you have wonderful surprises
in store for you as you learn the inner workings and the incredible design of
your physical vessels that are gifts from your true Creator.

You will
marvel at what you can accomplish upon learning of the existence of these
powerful tools and learn how to effectively and safely utilize them to tame the
physical world around you and make it a more hospitable and safer place for you
to better enjoy your journey. This is what these tools that you possess will do
for you and we are honored and eager to show you these tools and help you
better understand them and use them to improve your lives and make your world a
better place for all of you.

We have
journeyed to many worlds before and have allowed many other beings to learn of
these tools that they already possess within themselves. Each location has been
a wonderful and beautiful experience for them as well as for us, who see the
joy in the faces of these beings as they learn of these precious gifts that
they have possessed within themselves all along throughout their journey
without so very many of them ever becoming aware of their existence.

We look so
forward to this experience with you, our brothers and sisters of the human
family. We can hardly wait to see the joyous expressions of wonder and
amazement upon your faces as you learn or remember what each of you is truly
capable of through the immense powers that you possess within an incredible vessel
whose makeup consists of powers and abilities far beyond what is currently understood
within the collective consciousness of your people. This will soon change, as
you will experience a spectacular metamorphosis from a grounded caterpillar to
a majestic butterfly taking flight.

We are the Galactic
Federation of Light.

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