Memo to Ed Miliband: Listen to your brother on benefits

Nick Wood

Last updated at 4:15 PM on 2nd February 2012

Miliband is right. The only trouble for Labour is that it is David not Ed who is charting the path to a revival for his troubled party.

David Miliband, the Blairite brother who was widely expected to win the leadership until the unions sneaked Ed into the top spot via the cat flap in Labour’s back door, has written a 3,000-word tome for the New Statesman magazine. In it, he urges his party to get out of its comfort zone and rethink the attitudes and policies that cost it the last election.

Specifically, he says that the weaknesses of David Cameron’s Big Society project ‘should not blind us to the dead end of the ‘Big State’.

Brotherly advice: Ed Miliband should listen to his older brother when it comes to benefits

Brotherly advice: Ed Miliband should listen to his older brother when it comes to benefits

Hear, hear to that. But what also happened yesterday? Despite proclaiming its support for the principle of a cap on benefits, Labour MPs yesterday trooped through the division lobbies to oppose the Government’s plans for a limit of £26,000 on welfare handouts to stay-a-bed families – equivalent to an income of £35,000 for those who actually go out to work for a living.

When it comes to the Big State, you can’t get any bigger than the welfare state. Total spending by Iain Duncan Smith’s Department of Work and Pensions is running at over £200 billion a year – nearly one third of total public expenditure.

IDS recognises this – and so do David Cameron and George Osborne. Hence their decision to stand up to the Left and their fellow-travelling, hand-wringing bishops in the House of Lords and insist that the cap become law.

It is also worth pointing out that about three quarters of the public at large and two thirds of Labour voters support the cap for the simple reason that no one should be better off on benefits than the average working family slogging their guts out for 35 grand a year.

Leftish commentators have suggested in the past few days that adenoidal Ed has had something of a rebirth after leading the witch-hunt against RBS boss Stephen Hester (he of the foregone £1 million bonus) and his Flop of the Universe predecessor Fred the Shred, now reduced to the ranks after being stripped of his knighthood.

It is certainly true that Ed’s threat of a Commons debate and vote on the merits of Hester’s bonus spooked the RBS chief and led him to hand back the money.

Cameron (Eton and the Bullingdon Club) is an unlikely class war warrior, but even he was forced to approve of the Hester surrender and then, through one of his shadowy mandarin committees, exact retribution on friendless Fred.

We can put to one side the merits of this scapegoat politics. Suffice it to say that it is hardly an advertisement for Dave’s notion that Britain is open for business and craves a private sector-led resurgence to repair its ravaged economy. Perhaps Cameron and Miliband minor agree about one thing – misery all round will keep everyone equally happy (or unhappy).

No, Labour’s benefits muddle is clinching evidence of David Miliband’s critique.

Mistaken: Ed is leading Labour in the wrong direction, towards a 'Guardian' economy

Mistaken: Ed is leading Labour in the wrong direction, towards a ‘Guardian’ economy

Under young Ed, Labour has learned nothing from its election defeat.

First, and most important, it has never acknowledge that its reckless pursuit of Big State politics (which mean more taxes, more spending and more handouts to the point at which half the nation’s wealth is gobbled up by the government) played a critical part in the worst financial crash for 100 years. No wonder its poll ratings for economic credibility remain on the floor.

Second, Ed is leading his party further into a leftish thicket from which it might never emerge. Bashing bankers and “predatory” capitalism play well to what Private Eye once called the “Dave Spart” gallery. But does anyone seriously think that this kind of polytechnic politics is going to put the country on a footing to compete with the Indias, Chinas and Americas of the 21st Century?

One anonymous Tory put it well today. Ed is leading the charge from a capitalist to a Guardian economy. Vote Labour for your very own hovel, doesn’t sound like much of a slogan to me.

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Politicians who ignore smokers votes do so unwisely.

Two MARXIST brothers who are hell bent on ruining the country even more than the two treacherous leaders before.

Two MARXIST brothers who are hell bent on ruining the country even more than the two treacherous leaders before.

The Milibands are a pair of Tory stooges.

Jedward? More like Deadwood. Time the Labour Party dumped Red Ed and elected Dave the Fave.

At least david has the look of a politician Ed looks more like a supermarket manager

Dave and Edd, the ‘Jedwood’s of Politics’

There are three things wrong with the Labour Party – Balls, Cooper and E. Milliband, the brothers and sister in crime with that destroyer of the UK, G. Brown

Why Oh Why would anyone want to vote for either of these brothers
Along with Ed balls and his wife they are the downfall of the Labour party.
Last one leaving the Labour party switch the light out please

if david became leader of the Labour party dave and the tories would loose the next election its as simple as that.dave has to keep ed where he is. one example is that david is much better than camo at the dispatch box, david has more experience than camo. the list goes on.
yes he was part blairs admin but if we believe what he says than he might be do a better job than cameron because it couldnt get worse could it.

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