Obama is wasting no time in his pursuit to take a way our guns. He is reportedly putting together a series of ‘executive orders’ that will consist of communist style gun control actions. These EO’s will no doubt be totally unconstitutional, but that has never stopped him yet. So when liberals tell you they don’t want to take your guns, they are lying. Obama and Killary have both referenced countries that have banned all guns as a prototype for their so called gun reform-otherwise as known as the COMPLETE DISARMAMENT OF AMERICA’S CITIZENS!
“We know other countries in response to one mass shooting have been able to craft laws that almost eliminate mass shootings. Friends of ours, allies of ours, Great Britain, Australia, countries like ours. So we know there are ways to prevent it.” Barack Hussein Obama
From Breitbart:
The White House confirmed that President Obama was preparing a series of executive actions on gun control to match his recent passion on the issue after the latest mass shooting in Oregon.
“It’s a high priority and will continue to be until we start to see more progress on this issue in this town,” White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters today at the press briefing.
Earnest said he would “quibble” with anyone who criticized the president for not voicing any specific gun control proposals during his press conference, asserting that the White House was working behind the scenes for more executive actions on guns.
“I can tell you that they’re not stumped, they’re continuing to review the law that’s on the books and continuing to consult with legal authorities but also others who may have ideas about what steps that can be taken to keep guns out of the hands of criminals,” Earnest said.
He admitted, however that he had no details for what the White House was working on, but asserted that the process was a “scrub” that was “ongoing.”
We’ve been told that Obama is a constitutional ‘scholar’ yet he CONSTANTLY violates our Constitution by by-passing Congress, creating his own legislation and basically doing anything he wants. The president DOES NOT MAKE LAWS!
From Young Conservatives:
If he’s so in love with the idea of creating legislation, he should’ve stayed in Congress, because, you know, the Constitution says this is the only branch of government with the power to make law.
He’s not only seeking to violate our Second Amendment right to own firearms, he’s also removing our voice from the legislative process by going around Congress.
What’s the point of having elected officials to make laws, if the president’s just going to do it anyway?
That’s not a representative republic. It’s a dictatorship.
Obama surely knows this isn’t going to go over well with most Americans, but it’s clear he doesn’t care.
Let’s hope Congress develops a backbone and stands up to the president’s egregious violation of the Constitution and puts this petulant child back in the corner.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
(H/T Federalist Papers)
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