Melchizedek’s Weekly Message ~ June 09 – 16, 2013 ~ If God is Described as Being Infinite…Then so are You ~ via Julie Miller

Your journey of life surrounds experiences of joy and difficulties. What you are able to gain from all your experiences helps to develop and create the person you are now. The choices you have made that helped to bring certain experiences into actuality came to you as goals to achieve and to overcome previous ideas of limitations of yourself. Learning to face your limitations can feel like a daunting task but it is through each obstacle that you discover your Inner Courage, break hindering cycles and become more unlimited which is your true nature. 

As you progress forward, moving yourself away from previously perceived limitations you understand the need to break certain cycles and overcome the negative workings of the busy mind. When you learn to change your thoughts, your perception also changes dear ones. Controlling your feelings and emotions is crucial to your success in all things you are part of. 

Understand what limitation means for you. To be limited is not being able to complete or do something fully in basic and simple terms. When facing certain stormy situations many dear souls that consider themselves limited also have barriers set in place which can often increase the level of difficulty in any difficult situation. The journey of life dear ones is full of pleasantries and un-pleasantries. You cannot have one without the other, but neither means you are limited to succeed when you are actually unlimited. Remember dear ones you are created in God’s image and if God is infinite and unlimited, so then are you. The difference is dear ones, is you need to learn to re-teach yourself to believe this as part of your Truth. 

Throughout your journey dear ones you will face certain difficulties. And many of them are there to test your resiliency, faith and Inner Strength. Depending on how you set your mind, will determine the outcome of your whole being when the challenge is over. Each challenge you face provides with what the outcome will be when all is done. They have the ability to discourage you and to take you off your focus of the expected outcome. It is up to you dear ones to allow the challenge to control you and undermine you or you can take a stand in your journey, become progressive and move forward in control because you do have absolute faith in yourself and you know in your heart and soul that you truly are an infinite being, a child of God. 

Understand dear ones as you enter any challenge or life difficulty, they are not meant to be there for the rest of your current life – they are temporary. They come bearing many messages and sometimes more than one lesson. Through each challenge you move through you gain valuable experience and through your experiences you gain incredible knowledge that pertains to you and your development and a deeper understanding of those around you and who are also part of your global backyard. The knowledge you gain, in time becomes wisdom which prepares you for future difficulties. No difficulty that you have faced has been a waste of time. There are some dear souls that feel this way, but in truth nothing is a waste of time. Everything happens for a reason and a purpose. 

If you allow your challenges to control you, you will remain being limited and unable to complete the current stage in of your journey and move on to what is waiting for you. You cannot move forward if you have uncompleted items left to be fulfilled dear ones. Appreciate the challenges that you face with thankfulness and with love knowing you will rise above them stronger than before you began. When you greet your challenges with appreciation and gratitude you are removing the fear they often bring. When you move away from fear of the challenge you have already liberated yourself and created ease into the challenge. You have connected to your unlimited knowing of your own strength and courage and this dear ones will nourish your faith and trust in yourself that you will progress and succeed each and every challenge that crosses your path. 

What can cause you to feel and be limited is your own lack of faith in yourself and in God. A lack of faith in one’s Self is often expressed through self-criticism and other negative thought forms and negative self-talk. Understand dear ones regardless of what you have created as limitations through the labels you have designed, it is still up to you to change and improve yourself and to rise from the perception of being limited and become infinite and unlimited. The process you choose that will bring you out of your limited perception of your Self requires focused spiritual practice. You will gain deeper self-respect and see your Self as being worthy to being included as essential and infinite. When you choose to change your perception dear ones, a greater world unfolds before you that will help deliver you into the Wholeness of yourself. 

End the self-judgments and criticizing of others. This kind of negative action does not propel you positively along your journey because these actions hold heavy negative emotions and are harmful to your Inner and Outer Self. Emotional residue from past experiences must be learned to let go. Don’t carry the past with you. Learn from the past, but let it go. You are here in the now, the present and this is where you create the choices that will bring in your tomorrow. Don’t allow the past to create an unnecessary handicap dear ones. Remember you are a mirror image of God, God is infinite, this means you are as well. Realize dear ones you are productive, infinite and whole. 

Taking the necessary steps to change your ways, your thoughts and feelings cannot ever be rushed. Take the time to nourish each change, letting go of any residual emotional and mental effects and allow yourself to embrace the new and uplifting energy you will begin to receive from God. Re-balancing and re-creating yourself is a process of self-love and self-care. Honour yourself through the gentle nature of your own purification that will bring you out of your old limiting perception of your Self. Through your own self-care and self-love you will heal past emotional wounds and eradicate destructive patterns by creating new ways to overcome difficult situations that are effective, efficient and Light bringing. 

The success of your journey depends on you dear ones. Learn the difference of failure and indifference and through your discoveries understand the importance of clearly thinking before you make any choices that could create unnecessary discomfort. For those who see their journey with an air of indifference, clearly expresses their intentions that they do not care if they successfully reach any goal they have set out to reach. Basically their heart and soul is not into it and what they are striving to attain has little importance. Living in indifference for some dear souls provides a comfortable crutch. When the going gets a little challenging, they instantly retreat into an attitude of uncaring which is a limiting mind-set and reduces the opportunity to reaching beyond comfort zones that would have produced with patience what was wanted by the body, mind, heart and soul working together as one. We encourage each of you to break away from your limited ways and step forward with faith knowing each positive step you take creates greater spiritual growth and development. 

We often see many dear souls judging and assuming their progress by what has yet to be achieved. Understand dear ones; even if you are given insight to a certain outcome, you are given only one possibility of endless possible outcomes. Comprehend dear ones the experiences you gained from the challenges that crossed your path have helped to mature your soul and to guide you further along your path with confidence into new challenges. 

Regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey, there is always someone somewhere trying to overcome a situation and to develop further understanding of their current circumstance in order to move forward with deeper knowledge of their own truth, of what is light and right. Your journey, including your spiritual path is incredible. Your growth and development is not given to you, you grow these through your experiences and understanding of the messages and lessons each experience brought you. 

There will always be a transition period when you make the conscious choice to become infinite as God. How long this takes has no time period…it cannot be rushed. Any success you create, illustrates the outcome as being true to you; the freedom of choosing to create exactly the steps needed to reach any goal that demonstrates your truest and deepest self that is truly infinite. The success of each goal you have attained has nothing to do with the need of being popular, as that would speak of the Ego at work. The successes you have attained is because you changed your thought process, attitude and added love into your efforts. 

Becoming infinite instead of being limited is a choice dear ones. Don’t fear; embrace the unknown knowing each brave step you take is delivering you into a deeper understanding of yourself and of your connection with God. 

And so it is…

I AM Melchizedek through Julie Miller 

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