For you folks who are not Texicans from the Occupied Republic of Texas, the above photos are left:
The Scalawag member of the Occupying sub corporation of the War Criminal USA Corporation, ‘THE STATE OF TEXAS’, a “senator” of the USA Corporation flying out to sunny Cancun last year while children, women and old folks froze to death in the Occupied republic of Texas because of corruption/bribery/incompetence of the USA Corporation and the minions running the sub corporation ‘THE STATE OF TEXAS’.
The honorless Scalawag ME FIRST!!!! Cruz flying back to Texas when he got busted on public social media platforms for being a self centered no honor cowardly son of a bitch who wants the money and “glory” of public office without having to share the hardships forced on the public by he and his fellow criminals actions and corruption.
The no honor Scalawag immediately started lying his ass off trying to cover his ass for his self serving “elitist” attitude and crimes against Texicans.
First he blamed it on being a “good” father to his children.
Said his daughter had to attend a birthday party which was already scheduled and he went along because obviously his daughter could not attend the party without him in sunny Cancun also.
I might inject when I shipped off to war I left a pregnant wife and three year old to fend for themselves.
My wife’s father died while I was in country, it took three days for the Red Cross to find me in the middle of the war, by the time I got to call her she had buried my father in law without me there to support her.
She told me at this point just stay there and get the job done, then come home when it was over.
She is the daughter of a warrior who fought the Japanese in the Pacific islands during WW 2 and understands honor, commitment and responsibility.
Unlike ME FIRST!!!! Cruz.
But soon his wife’s bragging texts to friends of how they grew tired of their cold house in Houston and decided to as privalidged persons fly to sunny Cancun where it was warm were leaked and proved ME FIRST!!!! Crus to be not only a monumental liar, but a coward using his children in lies to try to cover his cowardly political ass for abandoning Texicans who were freezing to death because of his inaptness and corruption.
If he likes Mexico that damn much, why don’t he immigrate to Mexico?
ME FIRST!!! Cruz reminds me of something my cousin George said.
Anyone with a soul and honor who volunteers to take on responsibility, whether it is a military officer, public office or a ship’s officer understands a man with integrity and honor does not abandon the ship while women and children are left on board in danger!
Any ass hole who would abandon women and children to freeze to death from his bribery and corruption while flying off to sunny Cancun to keep his own ass warm is not even a man.
He reminds me of something else cousin Georgie said!
If cousin Georgie had not been murdered by the USA/DC for standing up for America against red Russian Khazarian Communism in 1945 and was still around, he would bitch slap ME FIRST!! Cruz!
Me and Cousin Georgie think ME FIRST!!! Cruz would be a fine USA “president”.
Fit right in with the rest of the low life in Sodom and Gomorrah on the Potomac!
The Last president who tried to stand up for America was JFK, and the same evil sons of bitches who murdered my cousin Georgie, blew JFK’s brains out in broad daylight publicly in 1963 in Dallas, Occupied Republic of Texas.
The Ole Dog!
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