Maysam Mayani: Jilted boyfriend set himself alight after she dumped him by text

Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 8:29 PM on 15th February 2012

Maysam Mayani

Tragic: Maysam Mayani set himself on fire after being told his relationship with girlfriend Sona Khamseh was over

A jilted boyfriend set himself alight outside his former lover’s house after she dumped him by text, an inquest has heard.

‘Volatile’ Maysam Mayani, 26, drove to Sona Khamseh’s flat in Chelsea, west London, and texted her to say she should ‘come and get his dead body’.

A witness described hearing him ‘screaming’ and seeing him ‘completely ablaze’, and was unable to tell if it was a man or a woman.

Miss Khamseh had sent him a text earlier that day ending their relationship as her father did not approve and warning him about an on-going harassment court case relating to the couple’s tempestuous relationship, the inquest was told.

She told him: ‘You have to go because I can’t, Maysam, sorry.’

Westminster Coroner’s Court heard how Mr Mayani had a history of depression and several attempted suicides during his relationship with Miss Khamseh.

Last October, he called Miss Khamseh
to tell her he was on Westminster Bridge and he was going to jump off,
but she went to the scene and managed to talked him down.

Before that, he told her he was going
to take an overdose because she did not love him any more, and hostel
workers then found him in his room with pills.

He was ‘very up and down’ in his
moods and would suddenly become ‘verbally aggressive’, she told a police
officer after the incident.

The inquest heard there had been some difficulties between the pair and there was an on-going harassment case in Newcastle.

On the day of his death, 25 November
last year, there were ‘various texts culminating in a text saying she should ‘come and get his dead

He had texted: ‘The end, but very sad. You may see me one more time which is my dead body.’

A statement read out from eyewitness
Daisy Alexander said she had left her house and seen Mr Mayani
‘completely ablaze and screaming.’

She covered him with her coat but ‘didn’t know whether it was male or female because they were covered in flames’.

He suffered severe burns to 90 per cent of his body, and died later in hospital.

Westminster Bridge

Troubled past: The inquest heard how Mr Mayani had been talked out of jumping off Westminster Bridge by his former girlfriend Miss Khamseh

PC Alanna Harris, who spoke to his
ex-girlfriend after the incident, said: ‘I think she found it very hard
because she did very much love him but the fact that her father was
really against her seeing him – she was very much torn.

‘She spoke to him about this and it made him very upset when she said she would not be able to see him.’

Coroner Dr William Dolman said: ‘He
had a troubled life… He was suffering because of his physical
disabilities present since birth.

‘He clearly was a volatile character
prone to depression and had a difficult relationship with a girlfriend
which involved the courts.

‘He had previous episodes of threatening to take his own life with an overdose of drugs, or threats to jump off Westmister Bridge.’

Recording a verdict of death by severe
burns, he added that he had killed himself and that he was ‘sure that
he intended the result of his actions’.

The inquest heard Mr Mayani worked for an oil company in Iran, but fled in 2006 due to political unrest and was granted indefinite leave to stay in the UK.

He lived in Newcastle, where he met Miss Khamseh, before moving to London.

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I have to say that her dad was quite right. Relationships with emotionally unstable people like this are completely toxic, as I have learnt to my cost.

– Keiko in T.O., Toronto, 16/2/2012 4:27
– julie, Essex, 16/2/2012 6:22
So what we’re saying is in this day and age if people we supposedly care about seem mentally unstable we just cut all ties with them and leave them to it, mental illness is not a choice and had she seeked help for the poor man he may in time have been able to carry on with a somewhat normal life.
Nobody seems to care for anyone else any more.

ABSOLUTELY CRACKERS……. There are no winners from such a tragic story like this.

There have been numerous cases of late of the nut-cases taking the innocent parties with them in their death wish, murdering them before killing themselves. The girl was lucky to get rid of him without harm to herself and family.

What a sad, tragic situation. Everyone has lost out here. RIP Maysam. I sincerely hope you have now found the peace that you couldn’t in life. Condolences to everyone else involved. May you find comfort in one another.

Her father was absolutely right. Imagine what it would have been like being married to such an unstable, self-dramatising egotist – her life would have been hell.

That was a silly thing to do! Better to be dumped and alive than not here at all!

He obviously thought she’d come down and put him out. He sounds very manipulative. Backfired though. She probably feels terrible, but it seems she did not really want to be with him, because she had tried to break it off several times. An incredibly selfish act on his part. She’s better off without him.

Another dangerous political nutter allow to stay. She showed a trace of sense in dumping him by text, any closer could have been very risky.

Nobody should EVER allow other members of their family to dictate what relationships they should have. That choice is yours and yours alone.

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