The Jewish-instigated mass invasion of Europe by the 3rd world which began in the 1950s has always been a nightmare suffered quietly by a silent indigenous white European majority fearful of being labelled ‘racist’ by the government-funded antifa street thugs of the regimes and the white-hating Jewish media if they say anything. That stream of immigration has now turned into a deluge and people all over Europe are feeling sick in their stomach with tension, stress and fear for the future.
“It is simply childish to say that a British government rules Britain.”
-Sir Oswald Mosley.
“It was always easier to just go with the flow and accept the narrative of the post-war media simply because of what we had been told about the Holocaust, even though more and more people now know that story was and is a lie, than to stand up against the flow of actions and ideas harmful to ourselves.” So said Arthur Grimes, a retiring yacht broker from Cornwall.
“Who want’s to be labelled a fascist or Nazi or bigot” he continued “in a world where the media portray these stereotypes as the most evil possible people you could imagine? How many people over the years have even committed suicide, lost their jobs and careers, lost their friends and family after being labelled racist?”
“We are subtly told by the Jewish-controlled media that paedophiles are far more acceptable than racists. And indeed we observe that while no ‘racist’ could survive in any political party or government department for even one minute that paedophiles can continue to be protected at the highest level in the political parties, councils and so on.”
“The middle-class in Britain is the guilty class. We are the ones who bury our heads in the sand and say “It’s not me gov, I’m a good white boy who knows there is no such thing as race” and enjoy all the short-term benefits of a destructive, resources consuming, nation and racial diversity destroying, globalist economy which is re-writing our entire culture, heritage and history and eroding the future prospects for our children. We as a class are happy to live on a diet of state propaganda, game shows, soaps, football, cricket and tennis, serving a traitor queen who gave away our sovereignty, pretending that democracy represents the people, pretending that post-war Marxist Judaeo-Christianity has some relation to morality and God, and all the while having zero concern for the future fate of our children, our race and our nation.”
“We are content to see anyone who stands up for truth, morality, race, nation, culture or history pilloried and labelled, defamed and terrorised by the media and their Marxist puppets among the liberals, the left and the faux conservative cultural Marxist right. Prepared to travel Europe to follow an ever-losing, multiracial supposed ‘England’ team which is about as English as tacos or bagels, and to put up with millions of 3rd world colonists and settlers who support other nations against us in world cup or Olympic events.”
“We have stood by and allowed our daughters and sons to be brainwashed through a Jewish-controlled education and media to believe in some phony idealistic nonsense about a wonderful future multicultural mixed-race society which will be a heaven on earth, ignoring what has happened in every other country like Brazil or Mexico where such an outcome has occurred, nations which have become living hells in which crime, rape, gangsterism, poverty, low IQ and failure have been the result of race-mixing between Europeans and non-whites and in which the leadership and the wealthy are disproportionately made up of the few remaining racially-pure whites simply because they have risen to the top due to their intellect and creativity as cream rises in milk.”
“We the British people have sacrificed everything for others since the second world war. We have allowed a situation to come about where probably 90% of the faces on the BBC and other media are Jews. where probably 90% of our entertainers and comedians are Jews whose interests are not our interests and who are quite frankly destroying us on every level from morality to identity. And how do we manage to do this?”
“We do it simply by never asking who is a Jew? Because if we did we would find that all those people who we trust to affirm our place in Britain and Britain’s place in the world, all these political commentators like Andrew Marr of the BBC or Cathy Newman of Channel 4, all these people who throw around the term ‘racist’ are openly or hidden Jews.”
“We accept the mainstream Jewish narrative and cultural view as gospel, a narrative destructive to our own interests from celebrities like the Dimblebys, or Stephen fry, or Jimmy Savile, or Russell Brand, or Jo Brand or Ricky Gervase by simply closing our eyes to the fact that these people are transnational Jews posing as being English or British or Christian and all working to destroy our nation, our families and to maintain the Big Jew Lies about the second world war that have us on our knees committing ethnic suicide to assist their Jewish agenda.”
“We love George Cole’s portrayal of Arthur Daley in ‘Minder’ never asking, or else shoving to the back of our minds the question as to why so many Jewish actors, their series, plays and movies absolve and glorify criminals or sexual degenerates and always hide their victims.”
“We fail to ask why almost all the major donors to the political parties are millionaire or in the case of the Rothschilds trillionaire Jews? Why so many supposedly British or European leaders like Winston Churchill or David Cameron or Jeremy Corbyn or Angela Merkel have Jewish heritage or are Jews like Hollande of France or else Judaeo-Marxists or Judaeo-freemasons? Marxism is a Jewish creation and all masons have to declare an oath first and foremost “to the Jewish people.”
“Jews for whom their political program is inseparable from their financial programme; what we used to call ‘The Prophet Motive” the unconscious or conscious motivation of a tribe to bring about the globalist Jew World Order one world government called for by the prophets and rabbis of Torah and Talmud in which the ‘Goyim’ non-Jews or cattle live only to serve the Jews and all their wealth and property and lands and personal freedom has been accorded to the Jews by their god Yahweh.”
“Given the current flood of invasion into Europe the white European race, who created the greatest civilisation in history, are going to be a minority in their own lands in just a few years. And we know from Jewish writings and the Jewish promotion of memes like ‘black history month’ or ‘white privilege’ that when that happens the Jews will incite those non-whites to murder the remaining whites and enslave their women. It is essential to the Jewish project that the white race, the only race who can take them down from their plans for world domination is exterminated once and for all.”
“Why am I telling you this? Because I have a bad conscience, I’m retiring now to a villa with it’s own beachfront in Spain, that’s what we rich guys do. Something like 30 million indigenous Britains have simply escaped the multicultural hell-hole our land has turned into in the last few decades, and sadly if Donald Trump wins the USA presidential election millions more, and it will be the qualified professional class, will escape to the USA.”
“I don’t know what is going to wake the European people up sufficiently that they rise up to defend their lands and drive out the Jews and all the invaders, colonists and settlers these parasites have brought in to genocide the people by sheer higher birth rates and promoted race-mixing. I’m too old now to fight but I hope if groups do rise up they will go around the ex-pat Britains who have retired to warmer climes to raise funding, because I can tell you for sure that people like me will be willing to pay for the arms needed to fight a war across Europe.”
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