Now that many children are back in school and forced to be wearing muzzles, parents are reporting that their children are developing terrible rashes around their mouths and noses, as well as other parts of the body. The rash is known as Impetigo and it is caused by a bacterial infection, which would have never developed if the children were not forced into wearing these disgusting face diapers.
Fox 54 in Georgia recently reported:
The Pediatric Emergency Department at Doctor’s Hospital has been diagnosing and treating an increased number of children with rash on the face, extremities, neck ,and other areas of the body. This rash is called Impetigo, which is a highly contagious rash from a bacterial infection that can be worsened by wearing contaminated masks. The rash looks similar to a cigarette burn which contains a highly contagious honey colored fluid. This skin infection is usually acquired from other children since it can be easily transmitted by touching.”
According to the official statistics, children have almost zero risk of getting sick with COVID-19 and it is near impossible that they would die from it, so making children wear face diapers is cruel and unusual punishment that is causing serious problems.
It is obviously not just children who are having their health compromised by wearing masks all day.
Besides just the direct physical effects of muzzle wearing, we must also take into account the psychological effects, which have led to an increase in suicides, alcoholism, drug use, and depression.
In conclusion, ZOG is the disease.
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