9/11 is to the American government as the Reichstag fire was to the
Nazi government, i.e. an opportunity to strip people from their basic
rights and instill an authoritarian regime , This is only the tip of
the iceberg…
They want to implement Agenda 21. I thought this was a
Conspiracy Theory until it showed up on the front page of my local
newspaper. It is tyranny.
This is no longer a government of the people
and by the people. Agenda 21 calls for an 80% world wide population
reduction for population stabilization.
The first people to go will be
the patriots. There will be no warning. Middle of the night
abductions. FEMA Camps all over the US.
And unfortunately we will never fight back because we are weak! We are
DIVIDED just like the government wanted to do. Until we put our
differences aside, we will NEVER win.
Remember, the people united will
NEVER be defeated. But the Majority of American see Mexicans, Blacks,
Muslims as enemies. We are NOT enemies!
Our government are the enemies
and until we put our differences aside, the government will win. Divide
and Conquer was made to have full control over the population and weaken
us by separating us from each other.
Americans bending over to take
their “protection” from non-existent terrorist boogeymen….
“Those who would give up their freedom for a little security deserve neither” –Ben Franklin
July 23, 2012 – posted at BeforeIt’sNews
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