Marriage will ONLY remain the bedrock of a society if it is between a man and a woman

Lord Carey, Former Archbishop Of Canterbury

Last updated at 11:45 PM on 19th February 2012

When David Cameron told his party’s conference last autumn about his plans to bring in gay marriage, he said that this was because he was a ‘Conservative’ and believed in ‘commitment’.

Like many others, I was baffled by this statement. Not because I begrudge rights and benefits to homosexual couples.

And certainly not because I have any great interest in the internal debates of the Conservative Party over what constitutes a true Conservative direction in policy – though ‘conserving’ things is definitely not what this policy is about.

Wedding: The union of one man and one woman has been the bedrock of societies across cultures for thousands of years

Wedding: The union of one man and one woman has been the bedrock of societies across cultures for thousands of years

For it threatens to fatally weaken what is still one of our country’s greatest strengths – the institution of marriage.

I was also baffled because this Government’s proposal constitutes one of the greatest political power grabs in history.

The state does not ‘own’ the institution of marriage. Nor does the church.

The honourable estate of matrimony precedes both the state and the church, and neither of these institutions have the right to redefine it in such a fundamental way.

For thousands of years, the union of one man and one woman has been the bedrock of societies across cultures, all around the world. Marriage is now an integral part of the modern world not because of a government diktat, or a church decree, but because it has stood the test of time – and proved to be the fundamental building block for every stable society.

Marriage is one of the most important aspects of our culture, and one that the public hold in great esteem. Most people still get married, and many young people aspire to be married. Even if couples choose not to, when children come along many of them instinctively tie the knot.

Threat: Homosexuals in bridal veils kiss in the street. Such communions would jeopardise the stability of our country

Threat: Homosexuals in bridal veils kiss in the street. Such communions would jeopardise the stability of our country

By their actions they affirm their belief in what many of us know to be true – that the ideal is for children to be raised by a mother and father who are married.

Academic study after academic study has shown that adults, children and the wider community all prosper because of marriage.

A report recently published by researchers at the University of British Columbia found that cultures where monogamy is the norm are safer, while countries in which other arrangements are more common have higher levels of serious crime.

For many centuries, Britain has known much more stability than most other nations on Earth, and marriage has been essential to our national welfare. It keeps families together. It is clear that family breakdown has a personal and societal cost – from children damaged by the experience of growing up in a broken home to the older people who are left lonely and isolated because of the break-up of their families in middle age.

Proposals: Men would be allowed to wed in churches, too

Proposals: Men would be allowed to wed in churches, too

On a personal level, my own experience has taught me how wonderful marriage can be. I could not have managed without the support of my loving wife Eileen, who has been by my side for over five decades, assisting me with my ministry and also doing a brilliant job of raising our four children.

Marriage is the glue that binds our country together. When a couple marries, they are not just joining with one individual, but connecting two families – and in doing so creating a support network far better than anything the state can supply.

Of course – like most things worth having – marriage is not easy. There is increasing social pressure to split up, with TV programmes and celebrities often projecting the fantasy that we can hop in and out of relationships without any fuss, or emotional or financial fallout.

And perhaps, as a nation, we can fool ourselves into thinking that we don’t need marriage. But we’d be terribly wrong. Marriage is a cornerstone of our society.

Because of this, I believe the general public will oppose the present attempt to fundamentally alter – and undermine – the institution.

This is not because we oppose gay couples, but because we simply don’t accept the mantra of the equalities industry – that being equal means being the same.

Marriage and civil partnerships have been defined for two different types of relationship and should be kept distinct – it is not and should not be ‘one size fits all’.

Civil partnerships were brought in to give same-sex couples  the rights that they said they  badly needed. These rights are  virtually identical to those of married couples.

At the time the Government reassured us in the House of Lords that civil partnerships would have no effect on marriage. Marriage, we were told, would remain distinct because it is a relationship between a man and a woman.

Traditional? Conserving things is not what this Cameron policy is about

Traditional? Conserving things is not what this Cameron policy is about

Now the Government, egged on by pressure groups and image advisers – not the general public, it is important to note – is pressing ahead with plans to rewrite the legal definition of marriage.

The Government, I believe, has not fully thought through the implications. I understand that the word ‘marriage’ appears about 3,000 times in UK legislation. It is woven into the fabric of our laws and I am not so sure that it can be so easily altered beyond all recognition.

If same-sex marriage is legalised, schools will be forced to teach children the new definition of marriage – which will run counter to the wishes of many parents.

We know what will happen, for we have already had a taste of it – it will encourage religious discrimination. A marriage registrar from Islington believed in traditional marriage, and was disciplined by her employers for it. The elderly owners of a BB believed in traditional marriage, and were successfully sued for it. Numerous Roman Catholic adoption agencies believed in traditional marriage, and were closed down for it.

These examples will be the thin end of the wedge if same-sex marriage is legalised.

I do not believe the British public wants any of this. The move to legalise same-sex marriage is undemocratic. That is why I am so pleased that a new organisation, the Coalition For Marriage, has been formed with the aim of forcing the Government to hold a proper debate on this issue.

I have added my name to their petition for marriage – in the hope of safeguarding an institution which is a vital part of British life – and I would encourage you to do likewise.

The petition can be found online at


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