(Thomas Dishaw) I hate reporting gossip but I couldn’t resist this one. Today Mark Dice publicly attacks Alex Jones on Facebook over a “misunderstanding”. First off, let me say I was a fan of Mark Dice until I saw his Facebook feed today. The attacks on Alex Jones are surprising to say the least.
With the geo-political spectrum spinning out of control Dice decides to attack Alex over payment for his latest book and various other claims. With the truth movement bigger than ever, the last thing we need is childish fighting over a few dollars”. I can understand Mark’s frustration, but the way he handled the situation was elementary at best. Read the posts below and decide for yourself.
Post 1
IMPORANT: An imposter account was posting death threats to Alex Jones here in the comments section and making it look like it was me. I would never do that. Damn Trolls. I’m reporting your posts to the FBI and Facebook’s security team. If you click on the username of such comments it takes you to an imposter page, and you can see the comments were not from me. Facebook is also threatening to shut down my page now because they say my last status update violates community guidelines for some reason. Is the Alex Jones crew or trolls trying to shut down my Facebook page now for exercising my first Amendment?
Post 2
Alex Jones and I’s falling out explained. In April of 2011 I was expecting a payment from Big Brother and it was almost two weeks late and when I called and asked for the check, he flipped out and told me to fuck off and said he’d pay me the following month instead because of a misunderstanding about the terms of my payments. I owed that money to the IRS within days because April 15th was right
That was April of 2011, and after six years of being a regular on the show every few months, all of a sudden I stopped getting asked to come on, and he stopped stocking my books after our misunderstanding, which we supposedly got through, but apparently he still decided he was done with me. That’s the gist of it.
Not wanting to bite the hand that feeds me, I kept this to myself hoping not to piss him off any more than he already was at me. Then over the next six months or so, I see his business model change from selling DVDs to Multi-Level Marketing vitamins and infomercial weight loss claims and so I started giving my analysis on this along with the lead, mercury and arsenic in the Kool Aid he was pushing.
No longer putting him on a pedestal as I had for years I clearly started seeing him hype things up I knew weren’t accurate and sensationalize half-truths and misunderstandings (i.e. getting a phone call from the NSA, when in reality it was a prank using a caller ID spoofer). In my opinion he has to do everything he can to increase his web hits and increase ad revenue because he has so much overhead since the infowars studios grew so big with such a large facility.
He’s a conspiracy shock jock entertainer basically, that’s why “everything” is a conspiracy and he doesn’t debunk anything because that’s not fun and exciting radio like talking about how a Swat Team is going to come to your house at any moment to confiscate your guns.
Then I just found out he blocks me from his YouTube channel so his videos don’t show up on my homepage anymore. I only commented two times on any of his videos over the years, so I wasn’t even debunking him in the comments section there or even really commenting at all. I believe they just wanted to take preemptive action to make sure I wouldn’t do that when they heard I was making fun of his Kool-Aid, Beyond Tangy Tangerine and that I wasn’t going to be intimidated into keeping my mouth shut anymore.
So, I believe it all comes back to money again. I think he was pissed that my talking about the Kool-Aid would hurt sales and so they blocked me on YouTube. There’s a little more to it than this, but this is pretty much the gist of what happened.
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