Margherita Sarfatti: "The Jewish Mother of Fascism"

Christopher Jon Bjerknes

I recently published an article “Fascist” Benito Mussolini Was a Natural Born Communist in which I discussed the fact that the father of fascism was a prominent communist. I received a kind and informative letter which led me to the true founder of fascism, the zionist Jewess Margherita Sarfatti, see:

Saviona Mane, “The Jewish Mother of Fascism”, Haaretz, (6 July 2006).

In a later article published in Haaretz on 23 November 2014, “Mussolini’s Jewish Lover Who Crafted Italian Fascism”, Saviona Mane writes, inter alia,

“Indeed, Sarfatti wasn’t just one of Mussolini’s hundreds of lovers. The aristocratic, intellectual and ambitious wife of wealthy Zionist lawyer Cesare Sarfatti, and mother of their three children, did not only share her bed with Il Duce. She also helped him forge and implement the fascist idea; she contributed advice — and Sullivan says, money — to help organize the 1922 March on Rome in which Mussolini seized power.”

Adolf Hitler was another Jewish funded bolshevik. Thomas Weber wrote in his book Hitler’s First War,

“Yet we know with certainty of at least one veteran serving the revolutionary regime. He was a former member of the support staff of regimental HQ. This man was none other than Private Hitler.

Perhaps surprisingly, once back in Munich, Hitler did not act in any way consistent with his later beliefs. In fact, his actions during the five months after his return to Bavaria did not show any consistency at all. They were full of contradictions and reveal a deeply disoriented man without a clear mental compass to steer him through the post-war world. Hitler, who in painstaking detail described all other periods of his life in Mein Kampf, skated at great speed over the first five months after his arrival back in Bavaria, including the time of the Bavarian Soviet Republic, as though he were hiding something—and he had a lot to hide.

In the spring of 1919, as a soldier based in Munich, Hitler served a government that he was later to deride as treacherous, criminal, and Jewish in Mein Kampf. And he did not keep his head down. Soon, he had been elected to the Soldiers’ Council of his military unit, the Ersatz Battalion of the 2nd Infantry Regiment, and was based in military barracks in Oberwiesenfeld, close to where Munich’s Olympic Stadium stands today. More precariously, on surviving film footage of Eisner’s funeral we see Hitler with a few men from his unit walking behind Eisner’s coffin in the funeral procession of the Bavarian leader. We clearly see Hitler wearing two armbands: one black band to mourn the death of Eisner and the other a red one in the colour of the Socialist revolution.86 Similarly, Hitler appears on one of Heinrich Hoffmann’s photographs of the funeral procession for Eisner,87 taken shortly before Eisner was eulogized: ‘Kurt Eisner, the Jew, was a prophet who fought relentlessly against the fainthearted and wretched, because he not only loved mankind, but believed in it and wanted it.’88 While Hitler could easily have joined, for instance, the Thule Society, which had inspired Eisner’s assassination and which was full of future National Socialist leaders, such as Alfred Rosenberg, Rudolf Hess, or Hans Frank, Hitler chose to publicly show his support for Eisner.

Even two days after the Soviet Republic had been proclaimed, Hitler stood for election again, when the new regime conducted an election among Munich’s soldier councils to ensure support for the Soviet Republic by Munich’s military units. Hitler was now elected Deputy Battalion Representative and remained in the post for the entire lifespan of the Soviet Republic. His task included liaising with the Department of Propaganda of the new Socialist government.89


Otto Strasser, the Nazi leader, indeed later asked after he had broken with Hitler, why Hitler had not like him joined the forces that put an end to the Soviet Republic: ‘Where was Hitler on that day? In which corner of Munich did the soldier hide himself, he who should have been fighting in our ranks?”92“–T. Weber, Hitler’s First War, Oxford University Press, Oxford, (2010), pp. 250-252.

Here is archival footage of Hitler marching in bolshevik jew Kurt Eisner’s funeral procession, wearing both a mourning band and a communist red arm band:

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