August 28, 2015
(left. Spartacus played by Kirk Douglas & Slave Girl, Varinia, played by Jean Simmons)
When I wrote this article in 2004,
I didn’t realize I was describing
and they haven’t looked back.
“Many men have turned to pornography which has made live women redundant to them. The difference between having sex with a slut and masturbating to porn is negligible. Certainly the latter is much safer.”
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
At age 12, in 1961 I saw the movie Spartacus, directed by Stanley Kubrick.
In one scene, the camera focuses on Kirk Douglas’ face as Jean Simmons sheds her gown. His face is full of wonderment and awe, lighted by the mystical glow seeming to emanate from her naked body but actually from the fire.
The scene made a profound impression on me, a boy just entering puberty.
The Illuminati is a sex cult. It programs us to worship the fertile young female, bestow her with wisdom and virtue she does not have, and regard intercourse as the highest experience life offers.
Romantic love is our ersatz religion. Sexual intercourse is the holy sacrament.
I subscribed to Playboy and devoured nudes with Spartacus adoration. Henceforth, I judged females primarily on sex appeal; all others were invisible. I also equated sexual desire with love, and love with religion. In essence, I became dysfunctional, unable to relate to women as they really are.
This subversive verse from Paul Simon’s “Kathy’s Song” (1965) became the anthem of my dysfunctional generation:
“So you see I have come to doubt/ All that I once held as true/ I stand alone without beliefs/ The only truth I know is you.”
We were taught to be “alienated” from society and to seek fulfillment in romance. Uprooted from our true historical and spiritual context, we were told life is meaningless: find meaning in sex. Thus sex assumed a hugely disproportionate place in our lives. This is a satanic possession.
We were brainwashed to think sexual intercourse was a mystical experience that united us with God. This is based on Cabala, the dogma of the Illuminati sex cult that controls the world.
“An erotomania is abroad through our civilization,” Francis Parker Yockey wrote in 1948. It is “the identification of ‘happiness’ with sexual love, holding it up as the great value, before which all honor, duty, patriotism, consecration of Life to a higher aim, must give way.” ( Imperium, 297)
This pervasive message has not changed. Sex is the way to God. Human relations are reduced to “hot or not.”
In Plato’s Republic, Socrates says that when he finally lost his sex drive in old age, he felt as if he had been ” released from the jaws of a wild beast.”
Nature did not intend for sex to become a lifelong obsession. It is part of the courtship and procreation phase. We are meant to marry young, have children and focus our energy on more important things.
For men, the goal is to control our sex drive rather than to be controlled by it (or by women.) How do men do this if they cannot find a compatible mate ?
Obviously, most use pornography to masturbate. Most men would think of nothing else if they didn’t relieve the pressure.
But, as a sensible teenager said to me recently: “If I need to look at pictures, well then I don’t really need to do it.” His focus is on managing his sex drive, not on dissipation. By masturbating every few days, he can be “cool” with girls.
One acquaintance doesn’t masturbate very often. “Why stoke the fires?” he says. He keeps his mind off sex and focuses on more exciting pursuits.
This is called sublimation. The prodigious American writer Upton Sinclair (1878-1968) left, wrote in his Autobiography (1962):
My chastity was preserved at the cost of much emotional effort…What did I get in return for this? I got intensity and power of concentration; these elements in my make-up were the product of my effort to resist the tempter.
I learned to work fourteen hours a day at study and creative effort because it was only by being thus occupied that the craving for woman could be kept out of my soul. I recited the Wisdom of Solomon: “he that ruleth his spirit is greater than he that taketh a city. (p. 46)
According to Sinclair, and many religions, the energy goes right to the spiritual bottom line:
Imagine anyone wanting a lot of money or houses and servants or fine raiment if he knew how to be happy as I did! Imagine anyone becoming drunk on whiskey if he might become drunk on poetry and music, sunsets and valleys full of clover! (56)
Visit Julian Lee’s wonderful site for information and inspiration on how abstinence can make men strong.
The masculine sex drive is a powerful creative force but it needs to be controlled and steered. We can do this by applying the brake (sublimation) and then releasing it (masturbation.) Every man is different and must find his own formula.
The world is run by a satanic (Cabalist i.e. Masonic Jewish) sex cult based in London which controls brainwashing (media and education.) They use sex to distract, degrade and control both men and women. The New World Order plan is to restore the feudal model in which we are serfs at best. They undermine resistance to their plot by destroying our sources of cohesion and identity: nation, race, religion and family.
Slavery begins with the mind. We can resist by not being controlled by sex.
First Comment from Dan:
For me it was the orgy scene in Cecil B. DeMille’s “biblical’ skin flick, THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. I was probably SIX. (I got a woodie)
I bet the studio after-party was x-rated.
Comments for “Managing the Male Sex Drive (Revised)”
AS said (August 29, 2015):
I think you have many insights to offer harried men (and women) of our perverse culture, the result of an unrelenting culture war instigated back in the 19th century by secret societies.
Writings of the Alta Vendita stated that, since they had been unable to defeat the Church and the moral law by direct confrontation, they would resort to subversion, and in particular the corruption of morals. (Think of the young man who knifed to death Maria Goretti, an eleven-year-old Italian girl who would not yield to his porn-induced advances.) When the hearts of women would be corrupted, there would be no more resistance; society would fall under their domination.
I must write to you today because you are unwittingly, perhaps, entangling men in mortal sin, sin that will send them to hell for all eternity unless they have the grace to repent beforehand.
All deliberate acts against purity are gravely sinful. Masturbation is a sin against the sixth commandment, a mortal sin. There are means for boys and men to overcome this real challenge to self-mastery, but without the help of God’s grace, it must be nearly impossible.
So, I repeat, you are telling men to commit a mortal sin to relieve sexual pressure. They should talk to a traditional Catholic priest about the means that Catholic men for centuries have used to tame the promptings of the flesh.
Marco A said (August 28, 2015):
Abstinence isn’t a option, its totally necessary for young men in this day and age. If you listen to the satanic media and follow what they deem as normal you will risk ending up as a sex fiend, and/ or totally lethargic, lazy, sinful and worthless.
Abstinence even from masturbation is what is necessary to defy the sex cult that rules the world, with this young men will find that they will recover lots of vigour that they squandered on their lusts. Masturbation should not be encouraged, being abstinent is a more moral and path that is more free.
Anything that violently blinds a man, or turns his will towards a deadly sin (lust) should be deemed evil and conquered.
It may seem impossible remain abstinent, but its not. Its a moral path and does not have to be difficult. For it to not be difficult you must always be alert to all the hidden triggers that are placed everywhere; traps to make you a slave to lust, weak and a worthless casualty in the Illuminati’s war against mankind – think magazines, commercials, clothing etc.
There is a war going on, and men must take steps to conquer themselves first totally, so as to be able to resist against the Anti-Christ system.
This is my opinion, I’m no saint, I don’t follow it flawlessly. But, its a battle plan to defy and resist the evil subversion going on.
Tony B said (August 28, 2015):
The once common “no” has been pretty easily replaced by “yes” using simple propaganda which should have been just as simply recognized as such. Probably because it so often comes from “authorities” which women are naturally programmed to trust but they don’t know those authorities who had their best interests at heart have been replaced by satanists or near satanists who wish to corrupt by the easy misuse of sex.
Bruce said (August 28, 2015):
There is a line the movie about Howard Hughes. When he was talking with Kate Hepburn’s family they mentioned that (paraphrase) it’s not right to talk about money all the time…. And the actor portraying Hughes said “that’s because you have money.”.
Women now a days are decided into so many distinctions that one can not through a stick now and hit a lady. They are all forms of green haired, tattooed, rotund, demanding, slutty, washed up, women that men have to be anything but themselves to find where they for in. If they powerful women demands that the man jumps and he doesn’t, he’s nexted.
Or if he does not find fat beautiful, he’s shamed. If coloured haired and tattooed is not his thing, this is a large portion of women who hell never be comfortable with. And if she was to sleep with the man that night, and he refuses, she’s not going to offer herself as marriage material to him let along offer to sleep with him after his rejection of her lust. Courtship is long gone. What use to be called courtship , is now called stalking. What is to be love is now lust.
What used to be called responsibility is now called, being a sucker or chump. And what use to be called the head of the household is now just a ” yes are a-man” divorce laws make men fearful of saying no. The system has truly been deliberately broken to profit the few. It will never be fixed.
Andrew M said (August 28, 2015):
Vintage Makow,
In answer to a prayer your article on managing the male sex drive arrived. Very interesting indeed!
Charles said (February 21, 2014):
This is some deep stuff Henry. We are a world in turmoil. I can tell you I was abstinent for 8 years, and can verify I was never closer to God. I had doubted my faith for a while, but God wasn’t going to let me go (Thank you Lord!).
Men CAN do this. I did this between the ages of 18-26. That was tough, but I was dedicated! I later met my wife, and have been married for 20 years since. After my re-awakening, I couldn’t believe everything I was seeing on T.V. and movies.
EVERY SINGLE commercial, show, and movie is either something to do with the Supernatural, or sex! I do feel we are in the last days. Only God knows the exact time, but it’s clear we are wrapping things up. They have all but made Homosexuality normal now.
Thanks for your website. Lots of great info, and I certainly appreciate the perspective you bring! Thank you!
JG said (February 20, 2014):
Lust is a deceiver, it is in direct opposition to love. There IS such a thing as loving someone without having sex. And, how very often a relationship becomes disposable after sex.
The pornography attraction is a lusting of the eye. And what very often follows is the lusting to satisfy the flesh.
Female attire can also be a deceiver. So very many women today look better with their clothes on than off. Just walk along the beach on a bright sunny day and gaze at the women wearing bikinis. That’s when you see all the flaws of the flesh. Photography hides these imperfections as well as makeup and clothes. Sorry, you’ve been duped!
As stated in The Book of Genesis, it’s the “imagination of the heart” that’s evil.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
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JC said (August 29, 2015):
You amaze me with your insights.
This time it’s on girls.
No matter how old they are, they’re just girls.
You are so right in your observations.
Once upon a time women stood in the shadow of men.
She was to be his “helper” to create and nurture his family.
The satanists in Hollywood have turned that plan upside down.
Sure when females are young, some are very beautiful, so what.
They all get old, they wrinkle, their tits sag and most get fat.
Physically, not so good look-en. So what.
Real women become great spouses, mothers, and grandmothers.
Bulwarks of families.
The rest just become old whores.