We are living in worldwide Weimar, with jews ruling the roost and promoting every subversive agenda you could imagine. In this current climate “feminism” can mean letting grown male trannies abuse little girls in the name of diversity, acceptance, and bunch of other “progressive” buzzwords. Apparently it is hateful and bigoted for “feminists” to want to protect little girls from such predators.
However, some feminists are actually not okay with their whole movement being taken over by men dressing up as women and are speaking out about it. These feminists, such as Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, are decried as bigots, even though they are usually supporters of the rainbow of degeneracy. Such women are known as TERFs (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists).
The Twitter account of Genevieve Gluck, an author at Feminist Current, recently tweeted out a quote by a “trans activists”, wherein he says that little girls being victimized by male trannies are actually not “pure,” but actually “kinky.”
“The narrative is that transgender people will come into bathrooms and abuse little girls.
The supposed ‘purity’ of the victims has remained stagnant.
There are no princesses. Little girls are
also kinky. Your kids aren’t as straight and narrow as you think.”— Alok Vaid-Menon pic.twitter.com/AowZeuktHi
— Women’s Voices (@WomenReadWomen) March 7, 2021
Originally when I saw the tweet I thought that the feminist was promoting the bog-worthy man. This is because our world is really so upside down that I would not be surprised that a person who purportedly supports women would take the side of a grown man who dresses like a woman, instead of the little girls being victimized by such perverts.
After looking into it more, I saw that the account profile has the hashtags #SexNotGender and #IStandWithJKRowling, and there are tweets about keeping men out of women’s sports, which runs contrary to the new progressive agenda under Biden.
Of course there are also a bunch of tweets about how terrible men are and quotes by jewish feminist (and land whale) Andrea Dworkin.
Unfortunately for White women, none of the “feminists” out there are actually interested in advocating for them, TERFs included. If these “feminists” actually cared about White women, or even women in general, they would speak out against the rapefugee invasion that was unleashed on Europe, the massive amount of Black on White rape, and the insane treatment of women that has been promoted by Abrahamic religions for thousands of years (they might criticize Christianity, but rarely Islam or judaism).
There are real issues that women have wanted to see addressed over the years, which is why they got sucked in by jewish feminists, just like how men have real issues that caused them to seek out the jewish meninists of MGTOW. These charlatans all play the sexes off against each other, getting us to war with each other, instead of actually focusing our attention on the real oppressor. The sexes do not need to see their relations as a zero-sum game, where rights and power can only be given to one group by taking from the other.
Only together can men and women truly thrive. Together we must protect our children from the absolute sickness spreading through our world. Together we must stop White genocide.
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