Male Model’s Memoirs of Mixing With "Elite" (I)


July 12, 2012

aber.jpegThe real goal of the homosexual movement is depopulation and trans-humanism. This is bio engineering the human race to serve the elite. Nathaniel looks at this emerging reality from street-level NYC.

by Nathaniel

I spent the last five years in the NYC modeling, fashion, and entertainment world and have seen the cultural depravity practiced there. I have worked for and met many of the elite behind the New World Order agenda.

This is a personal story of the spiritual battle being waged by the elite against each individual soul. It is the story of how one can lose the soul to total ego-conciousness manipulated by promises and dreams of fame.

I grew up in rural America living and working on the family farm, and I was probably as natural a boy as you could find.  As a youth, I really didn’t care much about personal appearance, being popular, or what was fashionable.

I was very individualistic, and cared more about exploring life than trying to impress others.  I was pretty average to look at through my teens; just a normal husky country boy.  I never thought I could end up in New York City due to my looks.

All of that changed when I found weight training at the age of nineteen.  I was pretty strong from all the farm work so when I changed my eating habits and dedicated my self to the gym, I was able to really change my body quickly.

Within a few months I was getting quite a lot of attention from girls and everyone would tell me I should get into modeling and movies.

This was all strange to me, as I had never thought of myself in that way, but I can tell you flattery can start to work on someone very quickly.

I focused hard on natural (drug free) bodybuilding for the next few years.  In the spring of 2005, I entered a bodybuilding competition in my home state and did very well. 

I was contacted by a few people from New York and Los Angeles.  This is when my ego-consciousness began to really dominate over my inner-self, and it kept me confused for about three years.


When you get to NYC and throw yourself into the modeling world, you
quickly realize that you must learn how to deal with homosexually afflicted men.  Nearly 100 percent of photographers in NYC that shoot any sort of fashion or muscle magazines (even mainstream fitness instruction varieties) are homosexual.  I was quite astounded to find out that even if a guy simply wanted to do layouts for exercises magazines, nutritional supplement ads and the like, he MUST be willing to do photo-shoots in his underwear at least.

This is to get the attention of influential photographers and magazine editors.  This was very strange to me at the beginning, but the photographers and agents know how to stroke the ego so that soon you will
do revealing photos that only a few months earlier you would not have.

Most photographers(even successful ones) would shoot me for free for my book as long as I would do some underwear photos semi-aroused.  Some would even pay me $150 dollars an hour to shoot in this fashion.  The saddest part about it is that it seems the more famous the photographer, the most perverse he is. 

I was told by many thinner guys who were cast for the Abercrombie and Fitch catalogs, that the photographer told them that the ones who made the catalog (and got the 5-figure check) were the ones who would let themselves be fondled. 

Most homosexuals desire a masculine straight man much more than
they desire another homosexual.  I had this confessed to me many
times, sometimes in a joking way, other times more sincerely by those who know it is a problem.

Some of the men and women who have really dropped into the darker depths of this psychosis call straight people “breeders” in a derogatory way. These individuals I believe know that the real goal of the homosexual movement is depopulation and trans-humanism for the elite.  I have been told several times by these types that is was “such a waste” that I was
straight.  I was even told once to “grow up” when I rejected homo-sexuality for myself. They see a good looking man who is straight as “less evolved.”


This is in line with Free-Masonic male elitism.  Many of them see that a having a woman (and children) in your life requires compassion and patience, two things which are not efficient when your mind is fixated on material accumulation, social status accolades, and random sexual encounters. 

This makes some think that straight men are hampered by caring for women.  I also noticed when I bar tended for rich banking and law families’ parties that  the successful men (many were homo-sexual) in those worlds basically had a homosexual-like relationships with their wives, as they seemed free to do as they pleased sexually on the side.

It seems obvious to me that the elite have rigged this economic system so that anything natural is hindered in it’s very existence.  In NYC a natural, healthy man and woman relationship seems simply impossible.  There is every pressure on a woman to be anything but a natural woman: the feminist call to be a businesswoman, the magazines and homosexual male friends telling them to hop in bed with every hot guy, even the pushing and shoving in the subway in at rush hour forces everyone to become androgynous. 

All this has added up to staggering rates of females committing suicide there in their 30s, 40s, and 50s, and also a bizarre world were you simply don’t know who is homosexual and who is not anymore when it comes
to young guys in the “scene.”  It seems that they have so normalized homosexuality  that more guys are just falling over the edge.

 In the modeling and entertainment world in the city, they have actually made it seem “cool” or very cosmopolitan to be a male homosexual, or at least be open to it.

People who still have maintained some goodness in this scientifically degraded society have to   the spiritual battle taking place. Many have become deviant.  We must have compassion because I do know some (although they are in a very small minority) homosexuals who don’t do the immoral acts I described above, but never, ever give up your logical sense on compassion’s behalf.  Decency and depravity really cannot co-exist in close quarters.

Comments for “Male Model’s Memoirs of Mixing With “Elite” (I)”

Al Thompson said (July 12, 2012):

I would call this psycho engineering. The spirit of evil resides in homosexuality and sexual depravity. These homos are worthless to God, their families, and their friends. When you think about what a man has to put himself through in order to be a homo is simply outrageous. The homosexual looses all the good things of life. There is absolutely no profit for a man who engages in such things.

Having been on the receiving end of unwanted advances by homosexuals when I was a young man, I never met one that I liked nor one that I had any respect. Homos are very aggressive and quite frankly were just extremely annoying. They act like whiny little bitches. It is very stupid to get involved with this kind of activity. The compassion should be for those who were homosexuals and then repented to normal. I will reserve my compassion and respect for those who do that successfully. It can be done; and it should be done.

Henry Makow is the author of A Long Way to go for a Date. He received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto. He welcomes your feedback and ideas at

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