Making Sense of Ottawa Shooting


October 22, 2014


Everything was calculated to exaggerate

the threat. Here’s why.

If Bibeau was working for ISIS, 

then this indeed was a false flag. 

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Because I am a Canadian, some readers have asked for my take on the attack Wednesday on two of Canada’s national institutions.

First, an honor guard at the National War Monument, Cpl. Nathan Cirrilo, was shot and killed. Afterward the shooter, Michael Abdul Zehaf Bibeau, whose father is from Libya, was able to enter the Parliament Building where he fired off some rounds before being killed.

police-bystanders-and-soldiers-aid-a-fallen-soldier-at-the.jpg(Bystanders tend to Cirrilo at War Memorial)

The fact that Bibeau was able to enter the Parliament Buildings with a rifle is highly suspicious. The press entrance he used is protected by airport-like security and guards. 

Didn’t they know a shooting had just taken place a few blocks away? 

I see this incident in the context of what Albert Pike predicted in his famous letter to Mazzini. The Third World War would be between Zionists and Islam.

There is a need for all Westerners to feel like Israelis, under the constant threat of terror. This goes a long way toward meeting that demand.

In order to have a confrontation between Zionists and Islam, you need to build up an Islamic enemy. ISIS fills that role.

It was created by “Zionist” intelligence services: CIA, CSIS, Mossad, etc. (They can’t demonize all Muslims because they would have to explain why they are importing so many.)

Then you have the Zionist-controlled nations — the US, Canada, UK, France etc.– declare war on ISIS. Thus, even though Canada had just extricated itself from Afghanistan, and never participated in Iraq, Stephen Harper is sending six jets to Iraq and 600 support staff to make sure they run.

In response, ISIS has warned of terror attacks, and right on schedule there have been two now. Two soldiers were hit by a car in Quebec on Monday. One died. 


ISIS apparently posted this image of Bibeau. If he was indeed working for ISIS, and ISIS is Western-backed, then this indeed was a false flag.

As we all know by now, the mass media is a collaborator in present and future wars, including all false flag terror. 

What gets me is the exaggerated sense of danger and media hysteria Wednesday, as if the purpose was to just plain frighten Canadians.

Although the incident took place at 10 a.m., the whole downtown was in “lock down” until evening. They acted like there were another shooter on the loose when there was zero evidence of one. How hard is it to count the shooters? 

Why pretend there are more than one unless you want to exaggerate the event?

Members of Parliament, office workers etc were stuck inside all day for no reason. Children in the Parliamentary Daycare were stuck there until early evening. 

The hockey game between the Ottawa Senators and Toronto Maple Leafs place 25 miles away was cancelled. How better make Canadians feel threatened than to take away their hockey?

vivkers.jpg(left, Vickers)
 Bibeau was killed by the Sargeant at Arms, Kevin Vickers, age 58. The old guy felled the shooter using his antiquated handgun. Where were the Tactical Squads and Swat Teams with their automatic weapons? 

Meanwhile the Members of Parliament cowered in their locked caucus rooms, while the nation’s figurehead leaders were whisked away to safety. Stores were closed. Downtown office workers waited anxiously waited for news while other buildings were “evacuated.” Everything was calculated to exaggerate the threat. 

Comments for “Making Sense of Ottawa Shooting “

Leonard said (October 23, 2014):

Considering I do not watch establishment news either this is the first I have heard about the incident, and I am so very sorry to hear it. Here in the occupied US as you know these events go on almost all the time. It appears the false flag strategy has changed from the “lone shooter” narrative to the ” Epidemic” narrative. I approach everything that comes from WDC / US media
with skepticism.

The US media( as you and other worthy news sources well know) are pure propaganda whose function is to out right lie to the US people, or when that is impossible to perform damage control. The more Sandy Hooks, Auroras, Sikh temple shootings… Ebola scares… that I hear about…the more I disbelieve the establishment script. I refuse to participate in their really bad theater productions.

Jeff said (October 23, 2014):

I kept checking back to your site all day waiting for your comment on today’s events and you did not disappoint.

First on CPAC today they said the police are still searching for a motive, then on comes Harper and basically gives a motive, including the group he was ‘inspired’ by and a complete psychiatric evaluation of this guy. Usually he would say it would be inappropriate for him to comment because the investigation is still ongoing.

His speech was totally scripted and teleprompted. He mentioned how this will strengthen Canada’s ties with our ‘allies’. Of course this means US/Israel. Harper knows Canadians are cool about an extended mission in Iraq, so this will be used to boost support for such a mission.

I am currently arguing with a shill on the CNN channel who claims to be a Canadian and how this was a Muslim job 100% and that I’m a ‘paranoid conspiracy theorist’. I directed him toward your piece. Funny how anyone is a terrorist now even if you don’t actually belong to a group, you can be an ‘inspired terrorist’. Thanks again Henry. I check out your site on a daily basis and will continue to do so.

MA said (October 23, 2014):

Henry, I was driving into Ottawa today to go for a swim. I was listening to the radio while driving. I couldn’t help but laugh at times with what was being said. The imbeciles on the radio were comparing the event to a ‘Canadian 911’, they were drooling over how America essentially would be more prepared for such an event — they were totally engaged in this incident as if it was such an exciting thing for them. It was as if they were happy the government now had an excuse to implement draconian laws, implement a police-like state in Canada, and get on board the war on terror bandwagon or a combination of these. Or maybe it was simply because they had such a big story to cover, but I doubt it because these seemed like men brainwashed by the now old war on terror propaganda. One man even mentioned preemtive arrests… totally nauseating, tyrannical, and cowardly.

While at the lobby of the pool the radio was also on, and I was eavesdropping in the lobby. One lady was talking about how so many people were upset and how this incident was basically wake-up call for Canada (to become more ‘secure’ I assume). I wanted to put in my two cents, but I didn’t bother, someone would of probably been offended anyways. People trust the government I guess.

I am with you in finding it odd that after a shooting at the war memorial, a man would of been able to get into parliment with a gun. It makes no sense. Also I am ‘fishy’ about the Kevin Vickers ordeal aswell, especially since the media immediately jumped for him and made him a hero character – immediately. I heard a man who claimed to be his brother talk also on the radio, and he seemed like he was laughing, praising his brother. He didn’t seem to register the fact that his brother supposedly just shot and killed a man – a very serious thing.

I was listening to a Youtube channel Freeradiorevolution after I got home today, and he mentioned as well how he found it very peculiar that an armed man would be able to shoot someone across the street and then get into the Parliament building with a gun. He also mentioned on how a Globe and Mail cameraman was also on the scene to capture the event – despite the fact that one would think the building would go into an immediate ‘lock-down’ after the first shooting across the street.

Anyways, whether a real or false-flag event, it’s guaranteed to be used by the media and government to further the hidden agenda.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

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