Trump is so much more popular “President Biden” that it’s sad. Trump supporters once filled concert halls . Many are old and would latter die of CV-19.
But By way of Deception it was easy to take them down. Just add a little bio weapon flu and Trumps older supporters get killed if they gather in person.
Many in fear perhaps did not even vote. Brilliant plan by the 1% they win again.
But a lot of the Trump supporters are tough guys. Gun owners and bikers even US military, Some a force for goodness some very very stupid.
Agent provocateurs there in DC on 01/06/2021? Oh yes I think so. It is the one thing the American feds are very good at. Not to mention Mossad. They are the best. (That does not mean Mossad would rick a shoot out with Newtown Sandy Hook cops and that that tragic shooting was fake. STFU please.)
I don’t know anything about the Proud Boys. They might be fine chaps. But it looks like they got owned on 01/06/2021.
Their leader has been turning them in to the feds all along. 1% wins yet again.
All the “1%” had to do after that was simply let the MAGA enter the Capital building and film it a bit. OMG all that Trump suport in DC and the 1% owned them all.
It is not over yet Trump is a media man he will still respond somehow. But sorry he and his followers were owned on 01/06/2021. Put your OT Bible stories and Trump Prophecy DVD away everyone got beat badly.
.Don’t feel to proud pro Palestinian peace activist. Although you hate him think more deeply your nothing with out Trump.
BDS and other resistance movements mean noting. Have some meeting try to help and any pro Palestine movement gets totally overshadowed by Judaic super liberals like Amy Goodman from Democracy now. Have you had a Zoom meeting under CV 19 lockdown rules. Has an Amy Goodman type dominated you and your friends on this subject. Asking for a friend. 1% wins again.
No no sorry wimpy liberals the Palestinians will not get real help AOC or Sanders. Hey he is not going to pay for college STFU.
What matters is the American uper class divorced woman with good jobs and a lot of cash are happy. The ME and Russia and oh ya nuke armed North Korea can just go to hell.
Now people who don’t want to pay super high taxes will be called MAGA extremists. The feds will get everyone and make overtime pay. Don’t let them get you resist with your mind and common sense.
1% wins again.
Yes gentiles. Start to get smart about politics. Stop thinking about religious prophacy and strange magical things. Yes religion is religion and politics is politics don’t get it wrong. Turn off you Alex Jones. Get real.
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