Ok, I am through rolling around on the floor laughing so hard I damn near pooped my pants!
First of all Macaroni is a politician.
This particular Ratschild’s
bitch 30 shekel political prostitute, is as queer as a three dollar bill, “married” to and older butt ugly tranny.
The French people love him so much they Bitch Slap him
and spray liquefied bull s#it on the Fresh presidential palace.
Had an “Honest” conversation with Musk
Who likes to play dress up as a demonically possessed soul-less minion of evil and the dark side.
A Ratschild’s bitch who is a front man hand puppet for the Ratschild’s anti-human One Worlder Communist Dictatorship and Human Herd with Killer Jabs Khazarian Mafia crime Cabal
The ONLY “honest” conversation they may have had was with Macaroni asking Musk to pass along the tips in how to hold his mouth when he was giving their Ratschild MASTER a blow job Trump taught Musk.
The Ole Dog!
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