Lyme Disease Proved to be Cause for Tourette-like Symptoms in Le Roy Girl

Le Roy Mystery Disease Update Video 2/8/2012: Lori Brownell, one of two girls passing through Le Roy New York last summer who started exhibiting the same Tourette-like symptoms as the 12 girls at Le Roy High School, is reported by News Channel 13 WNYT to have contracted Lyme Disease. Lori, the “scholar/athlete” who lives in Corinth New York, was forced due to the illness to “take a leave of absence from school and sidelined from the sports she loves playing – softball and field hockey:”

“I lost out on my junior year. I’m missing out on my life because of this,” explained Lori.

But next Tuesday Lori will begin treatment for Lyme disease. It’s a tick-borne bacterial illness, which left untreated can lead to neurological problems.

“I was very relieved to hear I have Lyme disease. Not happy to have it, but relief because I can get treatment and start to get better over the next few months,” said Lori.

Lori first shared her story with NewsChannel 13 in January and since then has been seen by specialists all over the northeast. The physicians told her the problems could be caused by a strep infection, Tourette’s, past concussions and that they were possibly psychiatric in nature.

Lori claims she was even tested for Lyme two years ago, but that she was told bacterial levels weren’t high enough to warrant treatment.

Lori’s mom, Tosha, wasn’t convinced by the previous assessments.

“This is validation. I know what it was about, I’m not giving up for her and I’m not giving up for anybody,” Tosha said.

Lori may not be in school, but believes the lessons she’s learned these past few months are even more valuable – to never give up and to fight for what you believe in, especially when it comes to your health. read more

Just a few days ago, The New York Times all but had this case solved with the diagnosis of Conversion Disorder, despite the work and diagnosis of Dr. Triffiletti, whom in the NY Times article, is made to look like he was not sure of his own working diagnosis:

When the subject of the girls’ personal backgrounds came up – the biopsychosocial factors that might be affecting their health – Trifiletti said he had not had the time to ask them about those kinds of things. The abuse, the troubling family circumstances – much of it came as news to him. “Jeez, I didn’t realize the extent,” Trifiletti said. “These aren’t things people want to talk about. I don’t know, maybe I’m wrong. It’s hard to distinguish between the drug and the placebo effect.”

Trifiletti’s Pandas-like disease was so vaguely formulated that it was impossible to rule out. There was no way to know whether the antibiotics were really doing the work or serving as placebos. Then again, even the benefits of therapy could be considered a placebo effect: to believe in mass hysteria is to believe in the power of the mind to convince itself of almost anything. read more

Even though Triffiletti mentions Lyme Disease in his press release, author Susan Dominus either failed to mention it in her long but entertaining NY Times article or left it out on purpose. Here’s what Dr. Triffiletti’s press release said a couple of weeks ago:

“I continue to work with a PANDAS-like diagnosis. The lab work is now complete on all nine of the patients I examined on January 29, 2012 and has shown evidence of infection by either Streptococcus Pyogenes (the common strep throat bacterium, found in five of nine patients) or Mycoplasma Pneumonia (a bacteria-like agent that is a common cause of a mild pneumonia-like illness, found in eight of nine patients).

Two patients also meet CDC diagnostic criteria for Lyme disease. They are being treated appropriately according to the infectious agents found and are responding to treatment. read more

Please look at the part I highlighted in red above… it should read in my opinion: “Mechtler’s Conversion Disorder disease was so vaguely formulated that it was impossible to rule out.”

Dr. Mechtler (for those of you that don’t know) is the doctor that went on nationwide TV saying that the mystery disease/illness “is” and “can only be” Conversion Disorder (aka mass hysteria which can neither be proven or disproven).

Why no mention in the NY Times article of the pharmaceutical company that has paid Dr. Mechtler?

What are the “Conversion Disorderists” going to say now in lieu of the report by News Channel 13 stating that Lori Brownwell has Lyme Disease and not Conversion Disorder?

Our applause and congratulations goes out to Lori and her mother Tosha for having the courage, insight and wisdom to find the root cause.

If you want to see all the Le Roy Mystery Disease articles as they happened, go here and scroll down. Also, don’t forget to sign up for the latest news on this case below-I will e mail it to you.

Please also feel free to post your comments! I want to know what you think!!!

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