Lying Rat Claims Jews Leaving for Israel Would be a “Disaster for Europe”

Daily Stormer
June 21, 2016


Jews are our greatest allies.

Have you ever gone swimming into a lake, and then upon emerging from the water noticed that your body was covered in blood sucking leeches? Your reflex then was probably to tear off the parasites and throw them back into the lake.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. That was your first mistake. When you’re beset by parasites draining your blood, removing them would be sad for the leeches, sure. But it would be a disaster for you.

Why, you ask?

Erm, let me get back to you on that.

World Jewish Congress:

Ronald S. Lauder told an event of the Board of Deputies of British Jews in London: “There is a deep and well-founded concern over statements by leaders of the Labour Party. The anti-Zionism and BDS movement on various campuses is more active here than in most other countries. Earlier this year, the School of Oriental and African Studies at London University voted to boycott Israel, and this was sanctioned by the university. Would London University,  or any other school, tolerate the same sanctions against blacks, Muslims, or gay people?

“If it’s not ok to sanction these groups, why is it ok to sanction Israel? Why is it ok to sanction Jews? Because make no mistake, these people are not just sanctioning a country, they are sanctioning a people. And that is not alright.” Lauder commended the Board of Deputies for challenging anti-Semitism in what he called “pockets of mainstream politics.”

Referring to growing concerns about the future of European Jewry, the WJC president said: “Some have suggested that all the Jews should leave Europe for Israel. Let me make one thing clear. If all the Jews left Europe tomorrow, this would be sad for the Jews, but it would be a disaster for Europe.”


A world without Jews would be a disaster.

The thing that people have to understand is that this Jew is not trying to trick us. He really believes this to be true. He’s addressing only the Jewish community here. Jews truly believe their victims actually benefit from their parasitism in some twisted way.

This is why it’s so important to understand that the Jewish problem isn’t so much one of “conspiracy,” but of biology. Jews are just doing what they’re driven to do by their blood, and aren’t completely aware that this is going to destroy their host society.

This is why it’s folly to think that some Jews are OK, for example if they convert to Christianity or join the “Alt-Right.” Jews just can’t stop Jewing, no matter the circumstances, even it would obviously lead to their destruction.


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