Louisiana Poised to Legalize Marijuana… There’s Just One Catch

Susanne.Posel-Headline.News.Official- marijuana.legal.louisiana_occupycorporatismSusanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals
June 7, 2015


The state government of Louisiana has voted to approve the legal use of medical marijuana by a vote of the House of Representatives.

This would make Louisiana the 25th state of the Union to have legal marijuana for patients as well as the 1st southern state to have legal marijuana dispensaries.

Governor Bobby Jindal is expected to sign the measure. If he does, the bill will go to the state Senate for an approval of riders attached to the bill by the House.

SB 143 is the culmination of efforts to legalize marijuana in Louisiana since 1979.

In Louisiana the Department of Health and Hospitals has regulated through their own rules how medical marijuana would be dispensed, prescribed and whether patients can use it.

This new bill would give several state boards authority to set new rules.

Although this is good news for marijuana activists, the bill has a catch built into it. All patients of medical marijuana would have to obtain a prescription by a licensed physician in order to receive the pot.

Robert Capecchi, deputy director of state policies at the Marijuana Policy project (MPP), explained “physicians are banned under federal law from prescribing marijuana, which is logged as a Schedule I drug with no medicinal value under the Controlled Substances Act of 1970.”

Capecchi said: “Under current federal law, no physician, even in medical marijuana states, can write a ‘prescription’ for marijuana without the risk of losing her or his right to prescribe drugs, or worse. That’s why the workable medical marijuana programs require a physician to ‘recommend’ that their patient use medical marijuana.”

marijuana.legal.states_occupycorporatismThe National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) shows that polls display the citizens of the US are becoming ready for the legalization of marijuana.

In 2014, 50& supported marijuana legalization while 47% opposed it. However, 78% were keen on allowing “individuals to use marijuana for medical purposes if a doctor recommends it” with only 18% in opposition.

In an op-ed piece , former high school student Karina Baffa pointed to her generation as “vital when it comes to the decision to legalize marijuana.”

Baffa wrote: “As a member of society, I believe the legalization of marijuana would implement a plethora of health and economic benefits. Studies portray a decrease in violence and aggressive behavior after someone smokes marijuana, as opposed to people intoxicated with alcohol, who can sometimes get violent and make poor decisions, causing thousands of deaths per year. The fact that marijuana is currently prescribed in 23 states for medical purposes validates that the medical world has approved and accepted the drug. In addition to health benefits, the recent legalization of marijuana in Colorado is already bringing in more than $30 million of taxable revenue a month.”

Source Article from http://www.occupycorporatism.com/home/louisiana-poised-to-legalize-marijuana-theres-just-one-catch/

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