Lord Carey tells David Cameron: Letting gays marry would be wrong

Andrew Pierce

Last updated at 10:24 AM on 20th February 2012

A powerful denunciation of David Cameron’s plans to legalise gay marriage is made today by former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey.

In an article for the Daily Mail, Lord Carey says the proposal to change the status of marriage ‘constitutes one of the greatest political power grabs in history’.

He is backing a new grassroots organisation, the Coalition For Marriage (C4M), which opposes the redefinition of marriage to include same sex couples.

Former Archbishop of Canterbury Dr George Carey

Prime Minister David Cameron

Warning: Former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey has issued a powerful denunciation of Prime Minister David Cameron’s plans to legalise gay marriage

The group is being launched today in response to next month’s publication of a consultation document by the equalities minister, Lib Dem Lynne Featherstone, on how to introduce same-sex marriage before 2015.

If the law is changed, Britain will become the sixth European country, after the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Spain and Norway, to recognise same-sex marriage.

Yet Downing Street, in a bid to avert a damaging rebellion by the bishops who sit in the House of Lords, has insisted that the gay marriage ceremonies will not be allowed to take place in church.

Mr Cameron is still facing a major revolt by up to 100 Conservative MPs who have threatened to vote against or abstain when the measure, which is backed by Labour and the Lib Dems, comes to the Commons.

Dr Carey backing a new organisation, the Coalition For Marriage, which opposes the redefinition of marriage to include same sex couples

Dr Carey is backing a new organisation, the Coalition For Marriage, which
opposes the redefinition of marriage to include same sex couples

The coalition led by Lord Carey, which is backed by Tory MPs, peers and family groups, will warn the Government to leave traditional marriage alone, and says the changes are not wanted by the majority of the population and will require the rewriting of 800 years of legislation.

The word ‘marriage’ appears 3,258 times in UK legislation, which underlines the central role the institution plays in national law.

If the change goes ahead the Government could face legal challenges from the heterosexual community. Ministers have ruled out extending civil partnerships, which became law in December 2005, beyond the gay community.

Even though none of the three main political parties included the proposal in their manifestos at the 2010 election, the legislation could be in the next Queen’s Speech in May.

The Lib Dems backed the idea at their party conference in 2010 and Mr Cameron told last year’s Tory conference: ‘Conservatives believe in the ties that bind us; that society is stronger when we make vows to each other and support each other.

So I don’t support gay marriage in spite of being a Conservative. I support gay marriage because I am a Conservative.’

In his article, Lord Carey says: ‘Like many others, I was baffled by this statement.

Not because I begrudge rights and benefits to homosexual couples. I was baffled because this Government’s proposal constitutes one of the greatest political power grabs in history.

‘The state does not own marriage… The honourable estate of matrimony precedes both the state and the church, and neither of these institutions have the right to redefine it in such a fundamental way.’

When civil partnerships were debated in Parliament in 2004 the then Labour government insisted they would  have no impact on marriage, which would remain distinct as a relationship between a man and a woman.

Colin Hart, campaign director of C4M, said the proposed upheaval was being driven by the forces of political correctness and a handful of single-issue pressure groups.

He said: ‘The word marriage is woven into the fabric of our national laws. That can’t be just unpicked in a single stroke.’

Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts,
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Marriage is a religous solemn ceremony, joining together man and woman in the presence of God, as a sign of their love and as a prequisite to having a family. Man and woman fit together perfectly physically, man and man do not fit together in a natural way. Civil partnerships were brought about to symbolise joining of two people, to protect both partners by law. Sorry, but the majority of people dont accept that it is normal and natural for two men to be married. Gays are trying to make a mockery of God and the sanctity of marriage. This country was founded on sound Christian values, bit by bit these values are being erroded by Europe’s influence and look what is happening to our society…it is falling apart at the seams. What happens next when Ministers refuse to marry gays in Church, will they be persecuted? Where are our rights? Gays want respect , where’ s their respect for the vast majority of society who believe strongly in the sanctity of Holy Matrimony

How could two gays start a family?? it is against the law of nature..! they cannot have kids so they adopt.. but did anybody think about how this will affect the children? Exposure to both sexes is vitally important to the developmental needs of children because it helps them to form their sexual identity..it is scientifically proven!! “Allowing children to be adopted by persons living in such unions would actually mean doing violence to these children in the sense that their condition of dependency would be used to place them in an environment that is not conducive to their full human development”..
– Tina, Beirut, Lebanon, 20/2/2012 5:07======== Really? That’s why studies show that children raised in same sex couples are more articulate, do better in school and treat other human beings with dignity and respect. The so called necessary female in my sons life abused them to the point where they are still scared of having a woman near them.. Their dads love and nurture them.

You guys do realise that gay marriage won’t actually be compulsory, right?

No the Church does not own marriage. This is about Civil Marriage not Religious Marriage. There is a difference. The Church has no right to stop state-sanctioned marriage. Marriage is about 2 people coming together to make a commitment to each other because they love each other. It is not about kids because we do not stop infertile couples or people past the age of 50 from marrying. It will not lead to incestous marriage – incest is not a sexual orientation, these people can still marry other people, gays cannot. It will not lead to polygamy either because its a totally different concept to 2 people marrying.

Marriage is the coming together of man and woman, which is sanctifide under the eyes of god. Same sex marriages is an abomination of gods law.
– Mr D Maltby, tunbridge wells kent . england (Great Britain), 20/2/2012 07:04=========== So is Adultery and divorce, but that doesn’t stop you “christian” hypocrites though.

find it shocking that the comments supporting to keep the ban are actually the comments with the most green arrows, i thought we were a better nation than that! thats shocking. imagine being told you could never marry the one person you love the most in the world wile everyone else can simply because youre black.. or under 5ft.. its stupid! gay people are just as human as everyone else and just the fact i actually have to make that point its ridiculous. they were born that way and cant help it, not like its a bad thing anyway! jeeze people grow up.

The traditional family has been so devalued by succesive governments, pc social workers etc, making it more financially beneficial to not make the commitment , I can’t see it wil make any difference.

Marriage today should reflect society, society is diverse, tolerant and accepting. There should not be a ban on marriage on the basis of sex, that is primitive and discriminatory. This is the era of equality and equality means giving everyone the chance to marry someone they love, regardless what sex that person is.
Marriage may once have been reserved for couples of the opposite sex, but one thing David Cameron is doing right is extending the definition of marriage. If you don’t agree with gay marriage, no problem, don’t get married to someone of the same sex, but don’t stop other people from experiencing how amazing marriage can be just because of their gender.

“Letting gays marry would be wrong”!
Too damn right it would be! Its about time someone had the sense to come out of the gloom and say what a lot of ordinary people want to hear! This Political Correctness nonsense has gone too far, its destroying the very fabric of life in this country, people are afraid to say anything for fear of being branded racist or homophobic; two wars were fought to allow free speech, what the hell happened? If anyone has doubts read the story last week about the young lad who was accused of being a racist by his school for asking a question, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH THIS COUNTRY!

Why don’t the church leave it to the public to decide how they want to live without getting involved.

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