Lo there do I see the multitudes of sheeple-
In their ego and ignorance they consider themselves to be human, real people-
They bleat in fear and ignorance with every single breath they take-
Sheep of this otherwise beautiful planet a trashed out dung heap do make-
In their low IQed egotistical delusions of grandeur they insist everything must be done as a herd-
A bunch of in lock step false god worshiping pedophile politican loving sheeply ball-less nerds-
The individual thought to the sheeple is like unto the sharpened wooden stake through a vampire’s heart-
A non sheep individual with free thought and a set of balls causes the herd in unison to angrily bleat and fart-
Any not conforming to the control freak mentality of the herd causes the whole herd to poop their wool-
A very large group of non thinking ball-less gullible primitive souls made the fool-
For one who is not a sheep a sojourn on this rock is pure de hell-
A test of will to stay the course until God in mercy shall ring the advancement bell-
For the few, the ones with balls and a brain who have stayed on the path to the Light of the Source-
Wading through sheep shit with fearful bleating at everything ringing in their ears of course-
On that glorious day when to the few advancement to higher learning and classes by God are passed out-
The sheeple herd numbering in the billions will be aimlessly milling noisily and fearful about-
Oh for the day when my soul shall take wings-
Fly to a better world so as to escape these disgusting mindless balless things!
The Ole Dog!
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