LNP defector launches stinging attack on Newman


November 30, 2012 21:28:15

A former Queensland Government MP has launched a stinging attack on Premier Campbell Newman in an interview with 7.30 Queensland.

Alex Douglas, the Member for Gaven, resigned from the LNP this week after a public disagreement over his removal from the Parliamentary Ethics Committee.

He was one of three LNP backbenchers to leave the party in a tumultuous week for the Government.

In an interview on 7.30 Queensland, Dr Douglas predicts the downfall of the current leadership team and raises the prospect of the formation of another conservative political party in Queensland.

“I think this current leadership team will be expunged and will go and that ultimately there will be some sort of structural realignment and we will resume normality of democracy here in Queensland,” he said.

“The Premier does not believe in teamwork. The Premier talks about teamwork, he does not practice it.

“He also talks about loyalty. He thinks you need to write it down and be pledged and to be terrified into it. You earn loyalty, you earn respect, and you set good examples.”

The Premier talks about teamwork, he does not practice it. He also talks about loyalty. He thinks you need to write it down and be pledged and to be terrified into it. You earn loyalty, you earn respect, and you set good examples.

“He is the first amongst equals. This is not a one-person team directing and saying everything and saying you will agree or else. It doesn’t work that way.”

Earlier this week billionaire businessman Clive Palmer claimed there was “a 50 per cent chance” he would set up a new party.

Dr Douglas says it is possible he would join it.

“It’s possible, I could, but equally I would like to think I could create something that’s based on what is really LNP values,” he said.

“I was on the LNP standing policy committee for a long time. I’m a strong believer in having policy developed internally by resolutions of members and then working them through.

“I can’t see anything wrong with that process.”

Acting Premier Jeff Seeney has rejected Dr Douglas’s criticisms as “absurd”.

“We’ve got some disaffected people who are saying some rather bizarre things this week, and that’s as you would from people who are dissatisfied and disaffected to that extent,” Mr Seeney told 7.30 Queensland.

The full interviews will go to air at 7.30pm (AEST) on ABC1 in Queensland.


First posted

November 30, 2012 18:01:19

Source Article from http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-11-30/lnp-defector-launches-stinging-attack-on-newman/4401738

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