‘Lied, leaked and abused power’: explosive OPI report claims scalps

'Abuse of authority' ... Tristan Weston.

‘Abuse of authority’ … Tristan Weston. Photo: Scott McNaughton

Two political careers are in ruins and a one-time candidate to lead Victoria Police is fighting for his reputation today after a damning report into a high-level campaign against former chief commissioner Simon Overland.

The Office of Police Integrity report flags possible criminal charges against detective-turned-political ‘‘Walter Mitty’’ Tristan Weston, an adviser to Deputy Premier and Police Minister Peter Ryan.

Today’s report also questions the professionalism and ethics of deputy police commissioner Sir Ken Jones, accusing him of a part in a conspiracy ‘‘that could have left him in the debt of the Police Association’’.

Sir Ken Jones with Chief Commissioner Simon Overland

Sir Ken Jones, left, with ousted Chief Commissioner Simon Overland. Photo: Craig Abraham

The alleged plot involved Mr Weston telling Sir Ken that Police Association boss Greg Davies had brokered a deal whereby the government would agree to accept the withdrawal of Sir Ken’s resignation in return for a softer industrial line by the union.

It also claimed a high-level scalp in junior police minister, Bill Tilley who today quit as parliamentary secretary to Mr Ryan.

The Age revealed in September that the OPI was investigating Mr Tilley for leaking an email to the media, in which Sir Ken raised concerns with his wife about a secret meeting he’d had with Premier Ted Baillieu’s chief of staff, Michael Kapel.

Mr Ryan today said he regretted ‘‘terribly’’ Mr Weston’s actions, but he had ‘‘no idea’’ what he was up to.

The report, Crossing the Line, by OPI director Michael Strong, says Mr Weston, a former detective, pursued his own political agenda to overthrow Mr Overland, whether or not his views accorded with Mr Ryan’s.

But Sir Ken today said he was ‘‘very disappointed’’ with the report and that his contact with Mr Weston had been ‘‘seriously misconstrued’’.

He said Mr Weston had led him to believe that Mr Ryan was passing on messages through him and wanted him to withdraw his resignation after his controversial and abrupt departure from the force in May.

‘‘Throughout, I had no reason to doubt the representations purportedly being given to me by government and I believed that I was dealing with a government reaching out in what appeared to be a genuine attempt to stabilise a difficult and volatile situation,’’ Sir Ken said in a statement.

The report found Mr Weston had lied to Mr Ryan, leaked information to the media and had a completely inappropriate relationship with then deputy commissioner Sir Ken, who was highly critical of his then boss, Mr Overland.

‘‘Consideration will now be given to whether the evidence admissible against Mr Weston is sufficient to support criminal charges,’’ Mr Strong said.

Mr Weston, then a detective leading senior constable, was granted permission to work in Mr Ryan’s office as an adviser and started in March 2011.

Mr Weston told OPI investigators Mr Overland’s office had offered to place a member other than him in the minister’s office but Mr Ryan preferred Mr Weston.

‘‘According to Mr Weston, Mr Ryan wanted someone with a strong bulls— detector to keep ’em honest,’’ Mr Strong said.

Permission for him to work in Mr Ryan’s office was withdrawn on June 6 and he quit the force two days later.

‘‘The Minister … emphatically denies that he was aware of, condoned or approved (implicitly or otherwise) any conduct of Mr Weston that could be characterised as improper,’’ Mr Strong said.

Mr Weston was an unsuccessful candidate for the seat of Macedon at the 2010 state election.

Mr Strong said Mr Weston hated Mr Overland and pursued his own political agenda, whether or not it accorded with the views of Mr Ryan.

‘‘Having failed to gain parliamentary office, he found himself in a position of power and influence no new member of parliament could have dreamt of and he simply did not know where to draw the line, or much care,’’ Mr Strong said.

Mr Weston told OPI investigators he had little direct contact with Mr Ryan but spoke to the parliamentary secretary for police, Bill Tilley, as often as several times a day.

Mr Strong said: ‘‘From Mr Weston’s perspective, it is important that a minister’s ability to comment publicly is not compromised by what he is told by an adviser – what is explicitly denied can at the same time be implicitly permitted.’’

Mr Tilley said he considered Mr Weston a friend and shared his view that Mr Overland was bad for Victoria Police.

Mr Strong said Mr Weston and Sir Ken had a completely inappropriate relationship.

At one point Mr Weston rang Sir Ken the day the government’s inquiry into senior police command was announced, saying he did not think the government would hang on to Mr Overland and the situation would hinge on which way ‘‘that sycophantic toad Ken Lay falls’’.

Mr Lay is acting chief commissioner after Mr Overland’s resignation on June 19.

Mr Ryan said today he had ‘‘a lot of mixed emotions’’ in relation to the revelations surrounding Mr Weston.

‘‘But at the end of the day, as the report confirmed, he went out on a folly of his own to do what he did.

“This has all the hallmarks of Walter Mitty. I regret terribly that it happened,” he said.
Mr Ryan said he accepted responsibility for employing Mr Weston but had no knowledge of his actions, which were a breach of his trust.

“He knew exactly what was required of him,” Mr Ryan said.

“I have done nothing wrong in this.

“What he did was in complete contradiction of the role he was there to fulfill.”

Premier Ted Baillieu said the report condemned a “small group of people” working for the government.

Mr Weston’s actions “were not taken on behalf of the government and his conduct … does not reflect the views or the policy of the government.

“The government did not authorise or condone Mr Weston’s conduct,” he said.

Mr Baillieu said Mr Tilley had resigned as parliamentary secretary only, but intended to stay in parliament as an MP.

His position as a parliamentary secretary was “untenable”, Mr Baillieu said.

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