The bullets were fired from a window on the first floor of the embassy at
anti-Gaddafi demonstrators in the square outside.
One bullet struck Fletcher in the back. She died shortly afterwards.
All the 30 Libyans inside were eventually allowed to return to Libya, after an
11 day siege. The gun was never found and no one was ever charged.
A Scotland Yard spokesman said: “We haven’t been over since the end of
the war. We wouldn’t discuss what might happen in future but there are no
imminent moves.”
John Murray, the retired Metropolitan Police officer who cradled Fletcher as
she lay dying, urged ministers to help police go to Libya.
“Now the Libyans are set to go we seem to be causing the delays,” he
said. “It has been delayed now for so long – vital evidence is there.
These people are ready to be spoken to, so why not?”
The Daily Telegraph disclosed last year that a Gaddafi-era diplomat Abdulmagid
Salah Ameri had been identified by witnesses as the possible murder suspect
in a report for the Crown Prosecution Service.
Matouk Mohammed Matouk and Abdelgader Al-Baghdadi were also named in the CPS
report as people who could face conspiracy charges over the killing. Of the
three men, only Matouk is believed to be still alive.
Officers from the Metropolitan Police have been waiting for months to visit
Libya to continue their investigation into WPc Fletcher’s murder.
They were last in Libya in July 2010 after lobbying by David Cameron shortly
after he became the Prime Minister.
That visit was the first time detectives had been able to quiz witnesses in
Libya since December 2006. Before that there were visits in 2000 and 2001.
Detectives have a list of 66 Libyans, together with mugshots of some of them,
who were in or around the Libyan embassy who are “of particular
relevance to their enquiries”. At least four are thought to have died.
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