Libya Update – Jan 30 2012 – Morris Video

on Jan 30, 2012


The following is my latest updates from Tripoli, Libya.

The situation in Bani Walid remains good (stable). BW is in the hands of the Warfalla Tribe, this is the largest tribe in Libya their home base is Bani Walid. Yesterday, they sent a number of police to BW, not rebel militia but police. My source seemed to think that this was a good thing.

All the tribes have home areas that they are from but Libyan move around Libya and live anywhere in the country.

I am told that the rebels, those who [intended to] control Libya by force, now have a huge fear of the Bani Walid (Warfalla) people. When the incident occurred where the rebels inside Bani Walid were so unreasonable that the tribal leaders took them out of control, the rest of the country was put under alert. Hundreds of check points were set up and all people who were or were suspected to be Warfalla were stopped, searched and basically harassed. Misurata was one of the most lit up areas, for a reason, these rebels in Misurata have done so much wrong that they live in fear.
You know of course that Doctors without Borders, and Amnesty International are leaving Libya because of the continued torture and death of innocent Libyans.

Next, electricity is on and off every day in Tripoli. Food in Tripoli is VERY expensive, this is a shock for the people of Libya who are used to living in an environment of subsidized food, fuel, energy, etc. The NTC has done nothing to bring about stability for the people of Libya. The people are angry and there have been signs seen on the streets carried by Libyans (even some past rebels) saying “We want to go back to the way it was before the war”. Please take us back to our time before the war. People are suffering and there is no help.

The University is open and operating but it is not operating successfully. What I was told exactly was, some days they are open and classes are ok and then the next day nothing. So, there is no stability, this country is experiencing anarchy because the entire system of government has been completely routed. We know for a fact that one of the reasons they are and have been torturing the old leaders in Government is because they refuse to come and work with the NTC.

Dr. Abuzaid Dorda is missing … He is in grave danger, his health is not good but the biggest reason they are so angry with him is because he will not join them. Dr. Dorda is one of the most highly respected leaders in Libya, across the board. If they could get him to join them, this could pull the country together under the NTC. Also, he has knowledge and proof of all the crimes that were committed during the war, this information is outside Libya. We know his family very well and we are praying for his safe return. Really Libya needs people like him desperately.

The last remark that was made to me about Libya was “Some days are good and then the next day goes back to bad”. He said: “There are now guns on the streets again in Tripoli.” Again, we get back to the instability in this country. No viable government, the people want their lives back, but at this time there does not seem to be any NTC person/leader/group that is capable of creating any type of government or stability for this country.


Related posts:

  1. Gaddafi loyalists ‘seize control’ of Libyan city
  2. African Union leaders to visit Libya to demand ceasefire
  3. Libyan Rebel Commander Killed by Bani Walid Defenders
  4. Libya: V Day + 3 Weeks
  5. Libyan Liberation Front News 07.01.2012

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