For nine months, the battle raged in Libya, a battle, which was accompanied by the international media and also German press was not far away from the battle on Libyan ground. They all sold the so-called rebels as liberators of the country Libya and knew how to “mobilize” against the murdered former leader Muammar Gaddafi and his followers.
That this war in Libya also was based on fakes and useful lies – just as the war against Iraq – and that the majority of the Libyan population was not entirely against the former leader Muammar Gaddafi were facts they never really cared about.
They also did not care about the fact, that about 60,000 people were killed in this “humanitarian war” in Libya, many of them by NATO fighters and so-called “democratic rebels”.
After they had tracked down Muammar Gaddafi and also killed him at the end, it was suddenly very quiet in the Western TV stations about the following events in Libya. Many newspapers and TV stations suddenly forgot to inform the people about the following situation in Libya. Especially the German TV stations are to name and seem to have a sudden attack of Alzheimer.
Nobody wanted to highlight the failings and errors and the true motives behind the war in Libya and to critically question the NATO mission. They preferred to stay silent about the real events and following situation in Libya, maybe to not admit mistakes within their coverage of the previous war and situation. But nowadays journalism seems to work that way.
First stay in line with war propaganda, afterwards publish some critical articles here and there and everything is OK again. An embedded journalist does not mean that you get the truth about events and wars. It even could be in contrast to true reports.
The German State TV preferred to stay silent about the fact, that the al-Qaeda flags are blowing in many places within Libya – Tripoli – now and that the beautiful country was completely destroyed (North-Libya) and stands ready for exploitation (by the West) at the moment.
The questionable German Foreign Minister, Guido Westerwelle, visits Libya. Westerwelle has dared to enter the not quite hazardous terrain of Libya. So the German media started to report again about Libya. However, again without publishing the truth.
They also prevent with attitude that they made and make mistakes in their coverage about these events. Some would also say that they used willfully propaganda lies and manipulation to deliver a wrong image about Libya to their viewers and readers. So that the Western people, especially the Germans, have finally nothing against a so-called “No-Fly Zone” in Libya and do not start to raise questions about such “rebels” and the UN / NATO support for criminals and al-Qaeda.
On the contrary: In most cases, the focus is only on the visit of the German Foreign Minister Westerwelle to Libya and they praise the so-called Libyan Transitional Council and the German help for reconstruction and the call of Foreign Minister Westerwelle to disarmament the Libyan militias.
In this context, we have to give a brief overview about the situation in Libya, even if this overview about the real situation within Libya is something they do not want to deliver to Western people. That`s finally not real freedom of press and no real journalism.
These Libyan militias, which were founded from the so-called rebels, are heavily armed and most of them are still in the capital of Libya. They fought against the murdered former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and his groups have destroyed the country (or freed the country Libya, depending on the angle of the observer) and now want their share of fame, and above all, money – of course.
You cannot simply deport this bunch of armed criminals back to their villages and cities; they remain in the capital and want to have their demands met. They became a “small problem” for NATO and UN.
Because they see themselves as liberators of Libya, they now demand not only a share of the State or Muammar Gaddafi`s assets, but they also want that some of their men become members the new leadership of the Libyan armed forces – they also want to have a voice in the new Libya.
But that is something that the so-called Libyan Transitional Council does not want. The questionable members of the Libyan Transitional Council try with all forces to disarm these militias and rebels and to push the back into their “normal life” – but without success, of course.
The fact is that there is already a struggle between various militia groups who all want to have the biggest piece of cake as winner. So there is not only a fight between the remaining armed Gaddafi-supporters, but also a fight between various militia groups which previously fought “against Gaddafi” together – because of several and also partly different reasons.
Thanks to the NATO-warrior states and the infiltration of modern weapons, these Libyan militias are now ready and armed to the gums. They will especially use these weapons to enforce their interests.
The country is on the verge of civil war. But that’s a fact the international press does not really like much. They do not want to report about this because the “No-Fly Zone” in Libya has to be sold as success to Western people. Libya is far away from Europe, isn`t it? 🙂
Libya faces a disaster of war between various interest groups and it seems that this war of interests by different groups is hardly avoidable. The so-called Libyan Transitional Council is not able to incorporate these armed militias into a regular Libyan army and also to say yes about some of their other demands. The armed criminals and militias are no people where one is able to discuss a lot with.
The country of Libya lies in ruins, the old political order is destroyed and cannot be used in order to transform it simply into a new political order, it must be rebuilt. How to be successful with that is the question. In Libya, there is also a lack of proper administration and economy. There is not even an expandable system of law available in Libya.
A further complication is that each side who is said to help to rebuild Libya also tries to achieve as much influence and power as it is possible. Not only because of money and economic interests; but of course, money plays a important role in rebuilding Libya.
In all the turmoil in Libya, the Islamist movements and radical Islamic groups have a easy game to establish and strengthen their power within this country. One thing is certain: A strong, prosperous Libya, as it was under Gaddafi, is far away from the table.
The visit of the German Foreign Minister (a lot of people are surprised he still is..) Guido Westerwelle is a hypocritically visit to strengthen economic interests in the rebuild of Libya.
Image: digitalart /
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