Lib Dem minister Sarah Teather ‘must quit over welfare reform revolt’

James Chapman

Last updated at 10:47 AM on 8th February 2012

Opposition: Sarah Teather MP claims a benefits cap could force families out of their homes

Opposition: Sarah Teather MP claims a benefits cap could force families out of their homes

A senior Liberal Democrat minister is facing calls to resign after failing to back the Government’s flagship welfare reforms.

Children’s Minister Sarah Teather, who claims a proposed benefits cap could force families out of their homes, missed a string of key votes in the Commons.

To the fury of senior Conservatives, she was absent despite a three-line whip – the strongest possible instruction to Government MPs – being imposed to vote in favour of the proposals.

David Cameron and Nick Clegg took part in a vote to throw out a Lords amendment that would have wrecked plans to cap the maximum benefits any family can receive at £26,000 a year.

The Government also reintroduced other measures rejected by the Lords, including charges for anyone using the Child  Support Agency and legislation to reduce the cost of  disability benefits.

The votes, which took place over five hours, were considered so important that Gordon Brown, who rarely attends the Commons, turned up to try to vote down the legislation.

But Miss Teather missed the votes, having been given special dispensation to be absent.

David Cameron

 Nick Clegg

United: David Cameron and Nick Clegg voted to throw out a Lords amendment that would have wrecked plans
to cap benefits at £26,000 a year

Aides said she was on ‘departmental
business’ in Sheffield. The Children’s Minister has previously said
there are ‘serious issues’ with plans to cap benefits.

The MP for Brent Central added: ‘It is vital we understand how many children with a disability will have their care interrupted, how many children will have to move school, and how many children may lose their homes.’

However, Tory MPs said she should resign as a minister if  she was not prepared to back the Government’s reforms.

MP Peter Bone said: ‘Why is she still in her job if she can’t support Government policy?

'Your job is to turn up and vote for the government':MP Priti Patel

‘When you are a minister, your job is to turn up and vote for the government’: MP Priti Patel

‘Conservative ministers have had to vote for things they personally don’t approve of in line with collective responsibility and the coalition agreement.

‘Any Conservative minister who had behaved in the same way would be sacked.

‘We cannot have one rule for the Conservatives and another for the Liberal Democrats.’

MP Priti Patel said: ‘When you are a minister, your job is to turn up and vote for the Government. You can’t pick and choose which policies you vote for if you want to remain a minister.’

A Government insider said it was ‘ridiculous’ to suggest Miss Teather was unable to attend, adding: ‘You clear your diary  for these big votes – everyone knows that.

‘If she had wanted to be there she would have been.’

A senior Lib Dem source added: ‘Nick Clegg spoke to Sarah Teather about the Welfare Bill in the run-up to the vote. I’m not going to pretend she didn’t have concerns about it.

‘Sometimes events outside London are given priority even over a three-line whip – not very often, but it does happen.’

Miss Teather did not respond to requests for comment.

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How on Earth did she become a Member of Parliament? Is it a lottery or the system is based on the IQ?

hang on a minute mps are voted in by the people and its there constituents they should ask and vote for not the goverment or anyone else we the people put them there they should listen to us and vote how we want

It seems that people have a problem when someone stands up for what they believe in and is prepared say so. Now not wishing to spoil the fun people have when adopting positions in a media/politcs driven agenda, you all know its what ALL the politicians want and that any thing you do or say won’t make a difference. Play the game by all means but dont expect fairness any time soon.

@ Parent,Durham…………..Your comments may be popular with those who cast aspersions universally on all claimants whatever their circumstances..BUT they disgust me and I pray you never fall victim to hard times through illness etc because one day like many who believed halcyon days were forever, you may find out the hard way.

Sarah Teather represents everything that is wrong with the Lib Dems, outspoken, brash, Left, completely out-of-touch with reality, impractical, WRONG on almost everything, and simply doesn’t know when to shut up.

All I see is one MP trying to further her career ( Priti Patel ) and another one trying to save hers ( Sarah Teather ), as things stand she’ll not be re-elected at the next General Election. It’s a shame MP’s need to serve their own interests before the good of their constituents.

The haircut is very unfortunate.

“Liberals feel a great sense of debt to their fellow men, but unfortunately they plan on using my money to pay that debt. ” Parent, Durham
‘Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for THEE’
Sneer though you may about those in real need and how everybody should just suffer if their families are larger than the norm, just remember that with every turn of the wheel, it could be YOU and YOUR family that is in need. No job is for ever. Everybody gets sick at one time or another. Everyone becomes old and needs a pension. That is why we need and should have a well funded and generous welfare state, along the lines Beveridge envisaged in the 1940s.
You sound rather like Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’ who claimed poverty was useful as it ‘reduced the excess population’!
Dickens must be turning in his grave to know there are people like you around in 2012!

At long last – an MP with principles. Well done, Sarah. They’ve given you the job of Children’s Minister, and you’re voting from the point of view of the children, who would be the first to suffer under these reforms.
– Dr John, Manchester, 08/2/2012 08:26
And yet her principles do not force her to forgo the position and rewards (benefits?) of a minister of the crown? Yet another gesture politician with paper principles!

@Parent, Durham, As a hard working tax and national insurance payer I take great exception to your comments. I now claim DLA and Incapacity benefit because sickness forced me out of work and also into a wheelchair. But you it seems want to beggar me. I paid tax and NI for 30 years before illness struck. NI which I thought was meant to be just that, an insurance that would pay out should misfortune strike. Why do you want the government to renege on its insurance obligations.

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